歌名:Lost in a virtual fantasy world 01
作詞:Gemini AI 
作曲:Suno AI
演唱:Suno AI
演奏::Suno AI


In a realm of pixels and dreams, I wander far and wide
Where reality fades and imagination takes the ride
A symphony of colors, a tapestry of sound
A virtual paradise where I'm never truly bound
Lost in a virtual fantasy world, where dreams come alive
No boundaries to hold me back, no fears to survive
I'm soaring through the skies, I'm diving through the seas
Exploring every corner, where my heart finds its ease
In this digital haven, I'm free to be who I want
A warrior, a wizard, a queen, or a dauntless taunt
I can conquer dragons, I can solve ancient riddles
Unleashing my potential, breaking through all the middles
Lost in a virtual fantasy world, where dreams come alive
No boundaries to hold me back, no fears to survive
I'm soaring through the skies, I'm diving through the seas
Exploring every corner, where my heart finds its ease
But amidst the magic and wonder, a whisper in my ear
A reminder that reality awaits, ever so near
The clock ticks on, the world keeps spinning
And I know I must return, my true purpose beginning
Lost in a virtual fantasy world, where dreams come alive
No boundaries to hold me back, no fears to survive
I'm soaring through the skies, I'm diving through the seas
Exploring every corner, where my heart finds its ease
As I step back into reality, the memories remain
The courage, the strength, the joy that eased my pain
I carry the lessons learned, the friendships I've made
And know that in this virtual world, a part of me will always stay


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