Hope you’re sitting down for this: America’s life expectancy is the worst of ALL the G7 countries!
In fact, a new ranking which covered two hundred nations saw the U.S. in FIFTY-THIRD place. The next lowest G7 country is the U.K. , which came in at number 36.
There is some GOOD news here though.
It’s not a matter of life expectancy DROPPING. The life expectancy in America is around seventy-seven years, which is up near
ly nine years from the 1950 level! The issue is many other countries are IMPROVING, at a faster rate.
For instance, Japan’s life expectancy in that same period has increased OVER TWENTY-FIVE years, to the point where the average J
apanese citizen can expect to make it to around EIGHTY-FIVE! I don't know about you but I'd like to live well into my nineties so 77 doesn't sound to great.

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