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其中中國發射了 356 枚彈道導彈以摧毀防空和導彈防禦系統,以及台灣和附近島嶼沿海的機場、海港和主要防禦工事。

Chat YouTube:
中國攻打台灣的主要目的 是迫使該島承認自己是中國的一個省, 並將其置於中國國防部的控制之下。

Chat YouTube:
在這種情況下, 美國的作用是通過向該地區派遣航空母艦群. 並敦促台灣不要接受中國的最後通牒來支持台灣。 之所以如此, 是因為美國在維護地區穩定和維護台灣自治方面具有戰略利益。

Chat YouTube:
為回應中國的最後通牒,台灣召開緊急會議,決定不接受北京的最後通牒。 台灣宣布進入緊急狀態,將軍隊調至最高戰備狀態,並宣布緊急動員後備軍備。 會議的結果是. 台灣宣布不願承認自己是中國的一個省,並願意在美國的支持下捍衛自己的自治權。

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1. 桃園國際機場
2. 松山機場
3. 台中清泉崗機場
4. 台南機場
5. 馬公機場
6. 澎湖機場
7. 花蓮機場
8. 台東機場
9. 小港國際機場 (高雄機場)

Chat YouTube:
1. 金門港
2. 貨櫃第一港 (高雄港)
3. 八斗子港 (基隆港)
4. 台中港
5. 台南安平港
6. 馬祖南竿港
7. 澎湖馬公港

Chat YouTube:
1. 地下指揮所:用來儲存重要文件和裝備,以及提供指揮系統。
2. 密集防空系統:包括固定式高射炮、移動式高射炮和另有指揮車等攻擊防禦裝備。
3. 飛彈防禦系統:台灣已研發出含有SM-2衛星導彈和MIM-104愛國者導彈等的彈道飛彈防禦系統。
4. 戰鬥機、直升機和無人機:組成個分散部隊,提供更好的防空和反攻擊能力。
5. 海岸炮台:位於台灣的西海岸和東海岸,以防止對台灣的海上入侵。

Chat YouTube:
1. 進行對話和談判:中國和台灣的政治領導人可以進行對話和談判,以解決彼此之間的分歧和矛盾。在對話過程中需要遵守國際法和公平原則,尋求共識和相互尊重。
2. 促進經濟交流:人民之間的經濟交流可以改善中國和台灣之間的關係,減少對彼此的敵對情緒。在推進經濟交流的基礎上,也可以逐步解決政治問題。
3. 舉行和平磋商:國際社會可以促進中國和台灣之間的和平磋商,幫助他們找到解決問題的方式。可以參考其他國家和地區解決矛盾和爭端的方法,例如聯合國、歐盟和東盟等。
4. 尋求第三方中介:國際社會可以尋求第三方中介,例如聯合國或其他國際機構,來促進中國和台灣之間的對話和談判。這些中介可以提供獨立、中立的建議和方案,幫助化解雙方之間的矛盾。

0:02 in this video I will try to Model A 0:05 probable scenario of China's attack on 0:07 Taiwan if the government decides to take 0:09 such action 0:10 the scenario will take into account the 0:12 existing Weaponry of the opposing sides 0:14 including ballistic and cruise missiles 0:16 Aviation Navy artillery air defense 0:19 systems and other military equipment 0:21 without the use of nuclear weapons 0:24 the presumed scenario will be built on 0:26 the strategy and tactics of Modern 0:27 Warfare 0:29 dear friends before I continue please 0:31 subscribe to my channel as I will 0:33 regularly post interesting videos on 0:35 Military and political topics here 0:37 all right let's get started part one 0:41 background Beijing Timex plus zero hours 0:45 the special session of the national 0:47 people's Congress has ended after which 0:49 the chairman of the People's Republic of 0:51 China read out an ultimatum to the 0:53 president the legislative Yuan and the 0:55 executive Yuan of Taiwan 0:57 in the alternative Beijing gave the 0:59 island authorities a deadline of one day 1:01 to publicly recognize Taiwan as a 1:03 province of China transfer control of 1:06 the Armed Forces to China's Ministry of 1:07 National Defense and resign from their 1:10 powers 1:11 the document also stated that if the 1:13 demands were not met the island would be 1:15 taken by force by The People's 1:16 Liberation Army of China within 48 hours 1:19 after the deadline 1:20 Taipei time X plus one hour the 1:23 president of Taiwan called for an 1:25 emergency meeting with the participation 1:27 of the chairs of the legislative and 1:28 executive Yuan 1:30 the meeting decided to hold an emergency 1:32 session of the legislative Yuan to vote 1:34 on the acceptance of the ultimatum 1:36 Taipei time X plus two hours a phone 1:40 call took place between the presidents 1:42 of Taiwan and the United States 1:43 discussing beijing's ultimatum 1:46 the American leader recommended not to 1:48 accept the ultimatum and promise to 1:50 urgently send an aircraft carrier group 1:52 to support the Taiwanese army in the 1:54 region Taipei time X plus 12 hours 1:58 at an emergency session of the 1:59 legislative Yuan a decision was made by 2:02 a majority vote not to accept beijing's 2:04 ultimatum 2:05 the island declared a state of emergency 2:07 the Army was brought to the highest 2:09 level of combat Readiness and an 2:11 emergency mobilization of the military 2:13 Reserve was announced 2:15 confirmation was received that the U.S 2:17 fleet's aircraft carrier group had set 2:19 off from its deployment location in the 2:20 Sea of Japan to the Taiwan region 2:23 Beijing Timex plus 15 hours 2:26 the chairman of the PRC received a 2:29 message from the chief of the general 2:30 staff's main intelligence directorate 2:32 that the parliament of Taiwan had voted 2:34 not to accept the ultimatum the Island's 2:36 Army had been brought to the highest 2:37 level of combat Readiness and a U.S 2:40 aircraft carrier group was moving 2:41 towards the island from the Sea of Japan 2:44 well they have chosen this path 2:46 themselves said the Chinese leader 2:48 ordering the minister of National 2:50 Defense to act according to the plan 2:53 part 2 Military operation 2:56 China time X plus 24 hours 2:59 the Chinese Army was brought to the 3:01 highest level of combat readiness 3:04 356 donfing class ground to ground 3:07 ballistic missiles of various power and 3:09 range were launched from the country's 3:10 territory 3:12 the main target was to destroy the air 3:14 defense and missile defense systems as 3:16 well as airports seaports and major 3:18 fortifications on the coast of Taiwan 3:20 and nearby Islands 3:22 ballistic missiles were chosen because 3:24 they are the most difficult to intercept 3:26 the Chinese intelligence has long known 3:28 the main military objects on the island 3:31 therefore it would be logical to assume 3:34 that China would First Strike these 3:35 objects as this would allow the Chinese 3:37 Aviation and navy to bomb fortifications 3:39 on the coast of the island without 3:41 hindrance as a result of the attack 17 3:44 missiles fell during takeoff 36 missiles 3:47 missed their targets and 54 missiles 3:49 were shot down by the Patriot 3:51 anti-missile system 3:52 however 249 missiles still reach their 3:56 targets causing irreparable damage to 3:58 many military and infrastructure objects 4:00 in Taiwan and nearby Islands 4:02 however the main military objects were 4:05 not affected the aviation was caught in 4:07 the air as soon as taiwan's intelligence 4:09 received reports of the ballistic 4:11 missile launch 4:12 the mobile air defense systems were 4:14 moved to other positions before the 4:16 missile attack 4:17 territorial Waters of China time X plus 4:20 two six hours several flotillas of 164 4:24 ships from the Chinese Navy including 4:26 the aircraft carrier group frigates and 4:28 destroyers moved towards Taiwan from 4:30 different ports with the aim of missile 4:32 and artillery shelling of fortifications 4:34 and military units on the coast of 4:35 Taiwan and nearby Islands under the 4:37 cover of Aviation 4:39 two hours later 120 Fighters and 21 4:42 bombers took off from the airfields of 4:44 the provinces of fujian Wang dong and 4:46 yang XI heading towards taiwan's 4:48 airspace 4:49 territorial Waters of Taiwan Timex plus 4:53 28 hours 4:54 the Taiwanese side started shooting on 4:56 enemy ships when they crossed the border 4:58 of taiwan's territorial Waters using 5:00 different modifications of the zunfeng 5:02 missiles when the fleet approached the 5:05 island the Taiwanese Coastal artillery 5:07 was activated many ships were on fire 5:10 and sinking unable to approach the 5:12 island 5:13 the Chinese Navy started shooting from 5:15 all types of ship artillery on 5:16 fortifications along the entire western 5:18 coast of the island 5:20 cruise missiles were launched from the 5:22 ships aimed at command posts of the 5:24 Taiwanese army reconnaissance drones 5:27 from both sides Flew Over the 5:28 battlefield monitoring the situation in 5:31 real time 5:32 by this time Chinese fighter jets and 5:34 combat drones had entered taiwan's 5:36 airspace 5:37 most of them were shot down by taiwan's 5:40 air defense systems with high Precision 5:42 strikes 5:43 the remaining aircrafts were engaged by 5:45 Taiwanese Fighters marking the largest 5:47 air and sea Battle in the last 75 years 5:50 as a result of the five-hour battle 5:52 almost the entire Chinese Fleet and Air 5:55 Force that participated in the battle 5:56 were destroyed 5:57 the fortifications on the coast of 5:59 Taiwan and nearby Islands were almost 6:01 completely ruined most of taiwan's 6:04 Fighters did not return to their 6:06 airfields and practically all of the 6:07 Island's air defense systems were 6:09 knocked out many military and 6:11 infrastructure objects in the interior 6:13 of the island were destroyed and 6:15 eliminated 6:16 surviving Taiwanese aircraft landed on 6:18 highways as nearby airfields runways 6:21 were damaged 6:22 China fujian Province Waters Timex plus 6:25 33 hours 6:27 60 Landing ships of various sizes 6:29 carrying more than 40 000 Chinese 6:31 soldiers hundreds of vehicles light 6:33 weapons and armored vehicles set off 6:36 towards Taiwan accompanied by nine 6:38 destroyers and six frigates 6:40 Taiwan territorial Waters Timex plus 35 6:43 hours 6:45 this time the Chinese Landing Fleet 6:47 approached the island almost unimpeded 6:50 however as they approached the coast the 6:52 ships began to explode on sea mines many 6:55 of the landing ships caught fire took on 6:57 water and sank 6:59 thousands of Chinese soldiers and 7:01 military equipment ended up underwater 7:03 the surviving Taiwanese artillery also 7:06 complicated the Chinese fleet's Approach 7:07 To The Shore and Chinese combat drones 7:10 circled overhead 7:11 after some time the surviving Landing 7:14 party finally began to disembark from 7:16 the ships onto the coast of Taiwan 7:17 encountering impassable barriers and 7:19 heavy fire from the enemy's light 7:21 artillery Chinese armored transports and 7:24 vehicles were blown up by mines military 7:27 equipment that managed to break through 7:28 the barriers and minefields was 7:30 destroyed by light anti-tank weapons 7:32 a few hours after the landing the island 7:35 of pengu was completely captured as a 7:38 result of the fighting on the western 7:39 coast of Taiwan practically the entire 7:42 Landing party was destroyed about 2 000 7:45 Chinese soldiers were taken prisoner 7:47 first aid was provided to the wounded 7:49 Chinese destroyers and frigates remained 7:52 at anchor in the territorial Waters of 7:54 Taiwan out of range of artillery fire 7:55 far from the mine barriers 7:58 the surviving Landing ships returned to 8:00 their home ports territorial Waters of 8:02 Taiwan X plus 56 hours a second Chinese 8:06 Landing party of 40 000 troops and 8:09 military equipment began landing on the 8:10 western coast of Taiwan 8:12 this time encountering practically no 8:15 resistance at Sea the Chinese military 8:17 landed on the coast in significantly 8:19 larger numbers 8:21 in addition 2000 Chinese Special Forces 8:24 soldiers were delivered to the island by 8:25 helicopters 8:27 positional battles with heavy losses on 8:29 both sides began on the approaches to 8:31 the cities of Tainan Taichung and Tau 8:33 Yuan by this time all entrances to the 8:36 island cities had been blocked 8:38 Firearms were issued to anyone who 8:40 wanted them women the elderly and 8:43 children were in underground bomb 8:45 shelters 8:46 many towns were without electricity 8:48 Chinese drones circled the island 8:50 delivering random strikes including 8:52 against civilian infrastructure 8:54 most of the drones and several 8:56 helicopters with the landing party were 8:58 shot down using anti-aircraft guns and 9:00 stingers 9:01 at the end of the second day of the 9:03 military operation the second wave of 9:05 Chinese Landing forces lost the ability 9:07 to advance further and began to retreat 9:09 towards the coast of the Taiwan Strait 9:11 where they were ultimately destroyed by 9:13 the Taiwanese army the Chinese military 9:16 did not even come close to the capital 9:18 city of Taipei there were many bodies of 9:21 Chinese and Taiwanese soldiers on the 9:23 coast and destroyed equipment was 9:24 scattered everywhere 9:26 the remnants of semi-sung and Chinese 9:28 Landing ships protruded from the water 9:31 meanwhile another wave of Chinese 9:33 Landing forces was heading towards 9:34 Taipei under the cover of frigates and 9:36 destroyers 9:38 part 3 epilogue time X Plus 72 hours at 9:43 an emergency session of the U.N security 9:45 Council in New York a resolution 9:47 condemning the attack on the island of 9:49 Taiwan was adopted 9:51 the Chinese side vetoed the resolution 9:53 bills were being considered in the U.S 9:56 Congress and the European Parliament to 9:58 adopt the first package of tough 9:59 sanctions against China 10:01 information about tens of thousands of 10:03 Chinese military personnel killed in 10:05 action leaked to the media 10:07 hundreds of thousands of demonstrators 10:09 took to the streets of Beijing and other 10:11 Chinese cities chanting know the war 10:14 meanwhile a U.S carrier strike group 10:16 entered the Taiwan Strait and took up 10:18 position in the vicinity of Taipei 10:20 blocking the path for Chinese Landing 10:22 ships 10:23 American fighter jets took off and 10:25 performed aerobatic Maneuvers in the 10:27 airspace over Taiwan 10:29 the chairman of the People's Republic of 10:31 China received a message from the chief 10:33 of the general staff's main intelligence 10:34 directory stating that a U.S carrier 10:37 strike group was blocking the path of 10:39 Chinese Landing ships 10:40 the Chinese leader did not respond 10:42 looking at his watch he realized that 48 10:45 Hours had passed since the start of the 10:47 military operation and at that moment 10:49 there was not a single armed Chinese 10:51 Soldier on Taiwan 10:53 the war was not over but from that 10:55 moment on peace was never the same again 10:58 dear friends thank you for watching this 11:01 video Until the End although this 11:03 scenario is only the product of my 11:05 imagination I tried to take into account 11:07 the military potentials of the opposing 11:09 sides the development of combat 11:11 operations in Modern Warfare and the 11:13 geographical features of the region 11:15 if you liked it please give it a thumbs 11:17 up and subscribe to my channel 11:20 I believe that China will never attack 11:22 Taiwan and I wish you a world where 11:24 there is never War 11:25 good luck to everyone and see you soon

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