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2050 年,增強現實在日常生活中變得越來越普遍。 仿生眼提供先進的視覺假體,可以傳輸和記錄視覺效果、疊加信息並處理大腦信號。 增強現實和混合現實疊加通過虛擬廣告和動畫、全息投影和虛擬助手改變了城市。 顯示 3D 全息視頻的全息電視和電影院也越來越受歡迎,帶寬現在能夠處理必要的數據。

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全息投影和虛擬助手已經以多種方式融入公共空間。 例如,已經創建了超人、萊婭公主和死侍等虛構人物的全息版本,並且可以看到他們在公共場所四處走動。 人們還可以在公共場所與他們的全息虛擬助手進行對話。 此外,政客們正在使用全息圖在數百英里外的地點發表演講。 當人們穿過景點時,遊樂園正在使用角色的全息動畫。 音樂會也使用巨大的全息圖來使他們的表演更具娛樂性。 總的來說,全息投影和虛擬助手正在被用來增強公共空間的體驗並吸引人們。

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全息電視的一種設計涉及您坐在其中的類似於圓柱體或圓頂的屏幕。 當全息電影在這種類型的屏幕上顯示時,觀眾會看到周圍的 3D 圖像,就好像他們真的在那裡一樣。 簡而言之,這些電視讓觀眾能夠置身於電影和節目的場景中,而不是從外面觀看。 此外,一些電影院正在採用這項技術,並將其視為超越 IMAX 影院的下一個合乎邏輯的步驟。 高速互聯網帶寬的興起使得顯示全息圖像所需的大量數據成為可能。 全息電視和電影院的流行也可以歸因於 3D 全息視頻包含的信息比 2D 視頻多很多倍。 此外,得益於生成式 AI,大多數最初使用 2D 相機拍攝的視頻剪輯都可以轉換為 3D 環境。 在未來的幾十年裡,整個電影和節目可以在幾秒鐘內轉換成 3D 全息圖。

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AR和VR的主要區別在於它們的沉浸程度和與真實世界的關聯程度。 AR(增強現實) 在真實世界中添加了虛擬元素。通過AR技術,你可以查看現實世界,但是在屏幕或顯示器上,你可以看到顯示在屏幕上的虛擬內容。 AR不是完全沉浸式的,因為它仍然讓你保留對真實世界的感知。 VR(虛擬現實) 是一種完全沉浸式的體驗。通過VR,你可以脫離現實世界,沉浸在虛擬世界中。虛擬現實技術讓你完全沉浸到虛擬環境中,通常需要佩戴特定的設備,如VR頭戴式顯示器。 因此, AR和VR之間的主要區別取決於用戶與現實世界的關聯程度。 AR讓你保留與現實世界的連接, 而VR則完全將你帶到了虛擬世界中,使你與現實世界分離。

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AR可以通過智能手機應用程序進行應用。 在智能手機上,AR技術可以通過設備的攝像頭和傳感器來跟踪和識別現實世界中的對象和位置,並在屏幕上顯示增強現實效果。 這使得智能手機可以變成一個移動AR設備,
1. 零售和電子商務: AR應用程序可以讓用戶通過指向他們感興趣的產品,查看價格,樣式和功能信息,以及將虛擬產品放入他們的真實環境中預覽,以幫助他們更好地決策購買。
2. 教育和培訓: AR可以讓學生在實際場景下進行學習。例如,他們可以使用AR學習關於動植物,歷史事件等的知識。
3. 遊戲和娛樂: AR使遊戲體驗更具沉浸感和互動性。例如,玩家可以使用智能手機玩AR遊戲,並將虛擬角色放入他們的真實環境中。
4. 翻譯和地圖: AR應用程序可以翻譯並顯示其它語言,或提供旅行者指南。地圖應用可以顯示用戶所在位置和目標位置,在真實環境中顯示方向和距離等實用信息
智能手機上的AR應用程序. 可以提供非常有趣和新穎的用戶體驗,並因此變得越來越流行。

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AR技術在日常生活中已經被廣泛應用, 以下是一些例子:
1. 社交娛樂: AR可以用於遊戲和社交娛樂應用程序。例如, Pokemon Go 是一款使用AR技術的遊戲,玩家可以在現實世界中透過手機的攝像頭找到並捕捉虛擬寶可夢。
2. 教育和培訓: AR可以改進教育和培訓。 AR應用程序可以在真實環境中提供交互式的學習。例如,AR可以用於模擬化學實驗室,可以提供更安全的環境,以及減少實驗成本。
3. 旅行和觀光: AR可以用於旅遊和觀光。 AR應用程序可以在用戶正在觀看的景點上提供訊息和相關的歷史和文化背景。此外,AR技術還可以提供實時翻譯或導航。
4. 廣告和市場營銷: AR可以用於廣告和市場營銷。例如,消費者可以使用AR應用程序下載虛擬衣服,配飾或化妝品的樣品,看看它們在現實中穿戴的效果。此外,AR還可以用於將虛擬的產品擺放在實際的環境中,以幫助消費者進行更好地購物選擇。
5. 工業與製造: AR可以用於工業與製造。 AR應用程序可以提供實時視頻注釋和指導,以幫助工人設置和維護設備。
綜合而言, AR技術可以應用於許多不同的領域和產業,並且是一種可以改進日常生活的方式。

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1. 確定目標受眾: 定義您的目標受眾,例如可能是旅遊愛好者、文化交流者或地理愛好者,以便確定您為他們提供的內容。具體了解您的受眾可以幫助您提供更具針對性的AR體驗。
2. 準備AR內容: 確認您要提供的旅遊目的地並準備AR內容。 AR技術可以用於模擬旅遊景點和地標,並為觀眾提供互動式體驗。您可以在每個地點提供相關數據和信息,例如景點的歷史、文化和圖片。
3. 確定AR 內容開發管道: 確定用於開發AR內容的技術和開發路徑。許多市場上的AR應用程序工具可以協助您創建AR內容,例如8th Wall,A-Frame,ARKit和Vuforia等。
4. 建立網站: 按照設計創建一個網站,以便您的用戶可以獲取AR內容,最好建立靜態網站,在網站上展示有關每個AR體驗的數據和相關信息。
5. 測試和推廣: 在網站和社交媒體上宣傳您的AR旅遊體驗,測試和收集用戶反饋以改善和完善您的AR體驗。
總之, 創建一個AR旅遊網站需要一個好的AR內容製作過程, 精心設計目標市場和嚴格的推廣策略。

0:00 In 2050, augmented reality is changing the world forever, but not for the reasons you 0:07 might think. 0:08 For example: 0:09 1. 0:10 Bionic Eyes Provide Superhuman Vision And AR Capabilities 0:14 Artificial eye and other visual prostheses can provide the same visual quality as a real 0:22 human eye. 0:23 They contain electrode arrays with hundreds of megapixels in full color along with wireless 0:29 capabilities. 0:30 Not only can they cure blindness for many people, the most advanced models contain enhancements 0:37 that sound like they come straight out of science fiction. 0:41 These enhancements include embedded cameras with recording and streaming capabilities, 0:47 WiFi, augmented reality, night vision, thermal vision, zoom capability, and more. 0:54 They can overlay text, videos, images, and animations over a person’s vision. 1:00 For example, they can provide instantaneous facial recognition, overlay videos of how 1:06 future events might play out over your vision, and play videos of past events to help with 1:14 decision-making. 1:15 All of this is controllable using brain signals. 1:19 And using virtual assistants and generative AI, the possibilities of what they can see 1:26 are endless. 1:27 These enhanced devices are becoming heavily utilized by spy organizations, militaries, 1:34 and high-profile citizens. 1:36 However, they’re becoming inexpensive enough for the mainstream public as well. 1:42 Business executives, programmers, and startup founders are tempted to take advantage of 1:48 bionic eyes to give themselves an undeniable advantage. 1:53 Using bionic eyes, they could see and control multiple computer screens in their vision 1:59 at all times. 2:01 And security guards for high security facilities can see video outputs from 8 security cameras 2:09 at a time. 2:11 The main downsides are privacy and security concerns. 2:16 Because of bionic eyes and ultra-thin AR contact lenses, no one in the world can be sure whether 2:23 or not they’re being recorded, even in their most vulnerable moments. 2:29 And thanks to brain computer interfaces, people are starting to use their brain signals to 2:34 generate text, images, and movies in their visual perspectives as well. 2:40 2. 2:42 Augmented And Mixed Reality Is Everywhere In Large Cities 2:46 Entire cities have turned into augmented reality zones, which can be experienced using augmented 2:53 reality glasses, lenses, and other devices. 2:57 Corporations and individual contributors are making location-specific augmented reality 3:03 overlays. 3:04 These overlays include advertisements, humorous 3d characters, hovering commentary, and fascinating 3:12 animations. 3:13 You can also see virtual price tags for products, virtual menus in restaurants, and even virtual 3:20 salespeople that don’t exist in real life. 3:24 Urban landscapes are filled with information of all types, which can be filtered as needed 3:30 using AR apps. 3:31 Projectors are also mounted outside of buildings, which can display holograms that don’t require 3:38 AR devices to see. 3:42 Many people choose to display themselves as holographic versions of the same stylistic 3:48 avatars they use in virtual reality environments. 3:52 Because of this, it’s becoming commonplace to see holographic versions of Superman, Princess 3:58 Leia, and Deadpool walking around in public places. 4:03 And it’s commonplace to see people having conversations with their holographic virtual 4:09 assistants. 4:10 Politicians are using holograms to give speeches at locations that are hundreds of miles away. 4:17 Amusement parks are using holographic animations of characters as people progress through their 4:24 rides. 4:25 And concerts are using gigantic holograms to make their shows more entertaining. 4:31 3. 4:33 Holographic TVs And Movie Theaters Are Rising In Popularity 4:37 3d holographic videos contain many times more information than is required for 2d videos. 4:44 At this point, internet bandwidths are able to support the massive amounts of data required. 4:52 One design for a holographic TV involves a screen that resembles a cylinder or a dome 4:58 that you sit inside of. 5:01 When holographic movies are displayed on this type of screen, we see 3D images surrounding 5:07 us, as if they were really there. 5:10 In short, these TVs allow us to be inside of scenes of movies and shows, instead of 5:17 watching them from the outside. 5:20 Some movie theaters are adopting this technology as well and consider it the next logical step 5:27 beyond IMAX theaters. 5:29 4. 5:30 Most Video Clips Are Convertible To 3D Hologram Environments 5:36 Thanks to generative AI, most video clips that were originally filmed using 2d cameras, 5:43 can be converted into 3d environments. 5:46 Generative AIs are able to approximate how any person, object, or environment would look 5:53 like from every conceivable angle. 5:55 And their results are usually reasonably accurate. 5:59 Users can also change these 3d scenes in any way they want, including changing entire environments, 6:07 changing the weather, and adding and removing people. 6:11 In future decades, entire movies and shows could be converted into 3d holograms in seconds. 6:19 5. 6:20 AR Heads-Up Displays Are Mainstream and Resemble Video Games 6:25 Using bionic eyes, AR contact lenses, and AR glasses, people can have heads-up display 6:32 that are constantly viewable to them similar to video games. 6:37 Examples of information that can be viewable to you at all times include: 6:42 • a health and stamina bar • a mini-map that acts as a radar and displays 6:48 items of interest around you • progress bars for your short-term goals 6:54 • the amount of money in your digital wallet • And the time left until certain events 7:01 And thanks to general artificial intelligences, you can see status updates about opportunities 7:08 that have recently emerged that you can take advantage of. 7:12 6. 7:13 Holographic Masks Are Growing In Popularity In 2050, security cameras are literally everywhere 7:21 when you walk around in any major city. 7:24 As a response, more and more people are wearing holographic masks to hide their faces from 7:30 these cameras. 7:32 These masks are able to scramble peoples’ faces on cameras making it impossible to identify 7:39 them in most cases. 7:41 Holographic masks usually exist in the form of headbands that users wear on their heads 7:47 with a projector mounted on each side of the head. 7:52 Some versions of holographic masks are being used for costumes, especially during Halloween. 7:59 Further in the future, they’ll be able to display photorealistic faces enabling entirely 8:05 new experiences in live concerts, plays, and other types of shows. 8:10 If they become advanced enough, they could even be used to impersonate others. 8:16 This would provide a great form of entertainment for many people. 8:20 But, this would also benefit spy organizations and people who want to commit fraud. 8:27 7. 8:28 Security Systems Enable 3D Holograms Of Cities And Buildings 8:32 Security has reached a new level thanks to AR and hologram technology. 8:38 When cameras are positioned in a certain way, homeowners can view 3d interpretations of 8:45 their home interiors and their property at all times. 8:49 Thanks to advanced detection techniques, they’ll know right away if a small change occurs on 8:55 their premises. 8:56 It’s nearly impossible for thieves to rob an adequately protected house without the 9:02 homeowner immediately finding out. 9:06 Likewise, city governments are using this technology to monitor activities in their 9:11 smart cities. 9:13 When used in combination with camera systems that can analyze facial expressions and body 9:18 language to determine peoples’ intent, we’re starting to reach the point where we can predict 9:24 crimes before they happen. 9:27 Security officials for government buildings, schools, hospitals, prisons, and hotels can 9:33 spot the slightest deviations as well and respond quicker to unusual incidents. 9:39 But, on the flip side, crime organizations that gain access to this data are able to 9:46 plan future heists with greater ease. 9:50 8. 9:51 Some AR Devices Allow You To See Through Walls Some AR devices are able to grant users x-ray 9:58 vision. 9:59 This is made possible because of a process called backscatter X-rays. 10:04 This is the same technology used by full-body scanners at airports for a short time. 10:11 Militaries and special force units are using it to determine the threat level of buildings 10:17 before entering them. 10:19 Military robots can see through walls as well. 10:24 Criminals have no where to hide inside buildings where suspected criminal activities take place. 10:30 And if they hide behind lead walls, which can block x-rays, that would be among the 10:35 first places to investigate during a raid. 10:39 Security personnel for high-profile people such as presidents and CEOs, are using this 10:45 technology to scan for potential attackers and weapons in nearby vicinities. 10:52 Spy organizations are using these devices to collect additional intel from the organizations 10:59 they infiltrate in foreign countries. 11:02 Medical practitioners can use this technology to quickly identify physical abnormalities 11:08 of patients. 11:10 This technology also has the potential of being a nightmare for privacy. 11:15 For example, someone could decide to use this type of device to see through peoples’ clothing 11:21 in public places. 11:23 This is made even worse because this type of footage could be recorded or streamed for 11:29 millions of people to see. 11:31 9. 11:32 Doctors Can Run Photorealistic Simulations Of Human Organs 11:37 Thanks to generative AI and scans from MRI machines, doctors and nurses are able to view 11:44 real-time photorealistic holograms of their patients’ internal organs. 11:50 These organs include the heart, lungs, liver, and intestines. 11:55 When they have adequate information about a patient, they can also generate simulations 12:00 of how internal organs are functioning in a sick person vs how they’re supposed to 12:05 normally function. 12:07 They can also run these types of simulations for body systems including the digestive, 12:12 nervous, reproductive, and respiratory systems. 12:17 10. 12:18 Space And Air Travel Industries Are Using Holographic Navigation 12:22 Thanks to AR, pilots and passengers on spaceships can view holographic trajectories of their 12:29 trips in near real-time. 12:32 These holograms display as transparent tunnels in space from inside the spaceships. 12:39 This is especially helpful for long trips to the Moon and Mars. 12:43 This is used in combination with radio signals that help calculate a spacecraft's distance 12:50 and speed and onboard computers that calculate trajectories. 12:55 Astronauts are also using AR to navigate outside of spacecraft and efficiently perform maintenance 13:03 in space as needed. 13:05 Pilots and passengers on hypersonic jets can also see holographic trajectories of their 13:11 flights as well. 13:13 Thanks for watching. 13:15 Make sure to watch this next video about augmented reality.

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