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在這段視頻中,主持人討論了 15 種最先進的未來武器, 包括金屬風暴,一種能夠每分鐘發射 100 萬發子彈的武器平台, 光劍,標誌性的星球大戰武器的複製品,可以燃燒2200 攝氏度並切穿鋼鐵, 以及根據國際法作為非致命武器獲得通過的 Phaser 步槍。 可攜帶 12 至 16 枚地獄火導彈的莫哈韋沙漠無人機, 以及能夠識別環境中的物體並對其進行操縱的機器人士兵,例如 Roman。

Q:為什麼大多數軍隊都反對採用 Metal Storm 武器平台,儘管它具有令人印象深刻的射擊能力?
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大多數軍隊一直反對採用金屬風暴武器平台,儘管它具有令人印象深刻的射擊能力,因為雖然金屬風暴很容易將坦克撕成碎片,但它必須非常靠近它並且可能無法在大多數戰鬥中使用它 情況。 因此,除非它得到實質性改進,否則它很可能不會在戰場上看到任何動作。

Q:Mojave 無人機的作戰能力如何?它將如何在戰場上發揮多種作用?
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Mojave 無人機具有多種作戰能力,可在戰場上用於多種用途。 它可以攜帶 12 到 16 枚地獄火導彈,可以用來從遠處打擊敵方目標。 此外,無人機在位置和存儲方面用途廣泛,因為它可以從短至 120 米長的跑道起飛。 有了這些功能,莫哈韋無人機有望在戰場上發揮多種作用,包括偵察、近距離空中支援和武裝監視。 因此,這款無人機很可能對戰場上的美軍士兵有很大的幫助。

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美國陸軍研製的機器人士兵羅曼具有識別環境中物體並對其進行操縱的能力。 由於其獨特的功能,它可以做到這一點,因為它配備了幾個不同的手部附件,可以以非常特定的方式與各種不同的對象進行交互。 羅曼的力量也足以做單手俯臥撑。 它識別物體的能力來自於它的傳感器,這些傳感器幫助它檢測和分析周圍環境。 這些傳感器包括攝像頭、LIDAR(光探測和測距)和 RADAR(無線電探測和測距)。 通過分析來自這些傳感器的信息,Roman 可以精確識別和定位環境中的物體。 一旦它識別出一個物體,它就可以根據需要使用它的各種手部附件來操縱該物體。

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目前,一些國家正在發展和使用機器人士兵, 包括美國、以色列、英國、中國和俄羅斯等國家。 這些機器人士兵主要用於戰場勘探、為士兵提供支援、執行監督任務等方面。 在這些國家中,美國在機器人士兵技術的研發和應用中處於領先地位,其研發的機器人士兵在實際應用中也取得了不錯的效果。

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1. 感知:救災機器人能夠利用各種感測器,如相機、雷達、聲納、溫度計等,感知周圍環境的情況,包括地形、障礙物、人員、物資等。
2. 運動:救災機器人通常配備輪子、履帶、雙足等不同的移動平台,能夠在不同的地形上自由移動。
3. 決策:救災機器人通過內置的人工智能系統,進行數據分析和判斷,比如認識災情、辨識傷者等等,然後制定相應的行動計劃。
4. 控制:救災機器人能夠通過無線電、Wi-Fi、藍牙等方式和人類操作者進行通訊和控制,實現行動。

Intro 0:00 what will the weapons of the future look 0:02 like today we'll be taking a look at 0:05 lightsabers self-steering bullets and 0:07 much more join me for today's top 15 0:10 most advanced future weapons 0:14 number 15 metal storm 0:16 while being able to fire a few thousand 0:18 rounds of ammo per minute is impressive 0:20 the metal storm takes things to a whole 0:22 new level that's because this 0:24 experimental weapon platform has the 0:26 ability to fire off a whopping 1 million 0:29 rounds of ammo per minute while this may 0:31 seem crazy the design for this 36 barrel 0:34 system began in the late 1990s despite 0:36 being absolutely incredible in theory 0:38 most armies have been against adopting 0:40 it for their arsenals this is because 0:42 while the metal storm could easily tear 0:44 a tank to shreds it would have to be 0:46 very close to it and would likely be 0:48 impossible to use it in most combat 0:50 situations therefore unless it's 0:52 improved substantially it likely won't 0:54 be seeing any action on the battlefield 0:58 number 14 lightsaber Lightsaber 1:00 if you're a fan of the star wars 1:02 franchise then chances are you've 1:03 watched your fair share of lightsaber 1:05 duels however while the film props 1:07 didn't pack much of a punch youtube 1:09 personality james hobson went viral when 1:12 he created a fully functioning 1:13 lightsaber 1:15 now in order to make one hobson and his 1:17 team had to create a powerful 1:18 electromagnetic field that was strong 1:20 enough to contain a plasma blade they 1:22 did so by using the principle of laminar 1:24 flow which required them to combine 1:26 propane with oxygen and then send it 1:28 through a laminar nozzle to generate 1:30 highly concentrated flow of plasma 1:32 the end result is a near replica of a 1:35 lightsaber that projects and retracts on 1:37 command burns at 2200 degrees celsius 1:40 and is hot enough to slice through steel 1:44 number 13 the phaser rifle 1:47 while most of the weapons on this list 1:48 are super deadly the phaser rifle is a 1:51 little bit different than most that's 1:53 because this halo style weapon is a 1:55 laser gun and while most have been 1:56 banned under the 1995 um protocol on 1:59 blinding laser weapons the phaser gets a 2:02 pass due to a small technicality 2:04 more specifically since this blinding 2:06 laser's effects are only meant to be 2:08 temporary their main goal being to 2:10 disorient the target and this makes them 2:12 legal in the eyes of international law 2:15 this could make these rifles one of the 2:16 most useful non-lethal weapons out there 2:18 yet they've made headlines for more than 2:20 just their use on the battlefield 2:22 that's because many believe the phaser 2:24 is named after the phaser gun from star 2:26 trek as both work in a similar fashion 2:29 however given the fact that there are 2:30 currently just two phaser prototypes in 2:32 the us army's arsenal only time will 2:35 tell how useful they really end up being 2:38 number 12 the mojave 2:41 drones are quickly becoming an important 2:43 weapon on the battlefield but the 2:45 us-developed mojave is easily one of the 2:47 most advanced out there today 2:49 first unveiled on december 9th of 2021 2:52 it's been coined as the f-35 of drones 2:55 due to its absolutely incredible combat 2:57 capabilities more specifically the plan 2:59 is for these drones to carry between 12 3:01 to 16 hellfire missiles into the field 3:04 and then act as an unmanned combat 3:06 aerial vehicle the hope is that the 3:08 mojave will be fitted with different 3:09 combat loadouts that will serve a 3:11 variety of purposes with this including 3:13 reconnaissance close air support and 3:15 armed overwatch if that wasn't enough 3:17 the drone also seems to be very 3:19 versatile in terms of locational storage 3:21 as it will be able to take off from 3:22 runways that are as little as 120 meters 3:25 in length as such this drone will likely 3:27 be of great help to u.s soldiers on the 3:29 battlefield 3:32 number 11 robot soldiers 3:35 while the united states has a long 3:36 tradition of sending either young 3:37 recruits or unwilling conscripts into 3:40 war zones it turns out that they're 3:41 starting to replace some of those troops 3:43 with robot soldiers and while none are 3:46 advanced enough yet to fully take on the 3:47 role of a human one of the coolest being 3:49 developed by the us army at the moment 3:51 is roman 3:53 short for robot manipulator roman has 3:55 the ability to identify objects in its 3:58 environment and either traverse them or 3:59 lift them out of the way this is 4:01 possible due to its unique features as 4:03 it's not only strong enough to do 4:05 one-handed push-ups but also has several 4:07 different hand attachments that can 4:08 interact with a variety of different 4:10 objects in very specific ways 4:12 however it's not able to fulfill all of 4:14 its duties to perfection just yet and so 4:17 i hope that the roman continues to be 4:19 upgraded and improved it's really cool 4:23 number 10 self-steering bullets Self-Steering Bullets 4:26 when a soldier shoots a gun they can 4:28 generally expect their bullet to travel 4:30 straight however in recent years the us 4:32 army has been testing guns that use 4:34 futuristic self-steering bullets 4:36 also known as exacto bullets in tests 4:39 even beginner shooters were able to hit 4:41 moving targets when using them 4:43 and while the us government has been 4:44 pretty hush-hush about how they work we 4:47 have a vague idea what we know is that 4:49 these bullets likely use small fins to 4:51 redirect their path when necessary and 4:53 that the technology within them almost 4:55 certainly compensates for weather wind 4:57 and target movement this in turn should 5:00 theoretically make snipers far more 5:02 accurate while also allowing novices to 5:04 be competent almost immediately the 5:06 military's ultimate hope is that these 5:08 bullets will allow soldiers to take 5:10 shots from farther away while not 5:12 sacrificing accuracy which in turn would 5:14 save the lives of american soldiers on 5:16 the battlefield however only time will 5:18 tell whether or not these incredible 5:20 bullets will achieve mainstream adoption 5:24 number nine the active denial system The Active Denial system 5:28 no one likes sitting outside on a super 5:30 hot day and the active denial system 5:32 weaponizes that dislike 5:35 developed by the us army the active 5:37 denial system which is essentially a 5:39 non-lethal heat ray is intended to heat 5:41 up the skin of those it's pointed at 5:44 while it's not hot enough to immediately 5:46 burn them the sensation is similar to 5:48 having a very hot oven opened in your 5:50 face with its approximate temperature 5:51 believed to be in the range of 45 5:53 degrees celsius 5:55 however given its ability to cause some 5:57 serious damage if pointed at someone for 5:59 a long time it should come as no 6:00 surprise that the active denial system 6:02 has been the target of a lot of 6:04 controversy 6:06 number eight thunder generator Thunder Generator 6:09 while simulating thunder may seem like a 6:11 strange use of time and resources it 6:14 turns out that this type of machine 6:15 could be an incredibly important weapon 6:18 recently developed in israel the thunder 6:20 generator is a sonic blaster that can 6:22 produce a series of ear splitting 6:24 explosions 6:26 more specifically it works by firing 6:28 shock waves through people and objects 6:30 and although they're technically 6:31 harmless they're so loud that they 6:33 reportedly make you feel like you're 6:34 standing in front of a firing squad 6:37 they work by mixing gas from a cylinder 6:39 of domestic liquid petroleum with air 6:41 which creates a detonation in the form 6:43 of a high intensity blast the system has 6:46 the ability to generate 60 to 100 bursts 6:48 per minute with each burst traveling 6:50 about 2 000 meters per second and 6:52 lasting up to 300 milliseconds if 6:55 despite its immense power it cost just 6:57 25 bucks to produce 5000 blasts and the 7:00 company behind the machine hopes that 7:02 the israeli defense forces will push 7:04 their thunder generator in order to 7:06 assist with both riot and border control 7:10 number seven helios laser 7:12 while lasers may sound like something 7:14 out of a science fiction movie it turns 7:16 out that this is exactly the type of 7:18 weapon that's currently being mounted 7:20 onto u.s navy ships made by lockheed 7:23 martin it's essentially a 60 kilowatt 7:25 laser that's not only capable of 7:27 completely obliterating drones and small 7:29 boats but also blinding sensors putting 7:32 hulls through unmanned aerial vehicles 7:34 knocking down low-flying aircraft and 7:36 even redirecting missiles 7:38 now what's crazy about the helios is 7:40 that it's not only very effective but 7:42 also has almost unlimited power 7:44 that's because unlike conventional 7:46 firing systems that use missiles or 7:48 bullets the helios's laser never runs 7:50 out of ammo and can keep going so long 7:52 as the boat has its power if that wasn't 7:55 enough it turns out that this laser is 7:56 not just a one-trick pony and has the 7:58 ability to double as an intelligence 8:00 reconnaissance and surveillance sensor 8:02 when the laser isn't being fired despite 8:05 costing 150 million a pop i wouldn't be 8:07 surprised if the us navy continues to 8:10 strap these futuristic lasers onto its 8:12 ships 8:14 number six the death beam The Death Beam 8:17 while helios may be a pretty incredible 8:19 laser the death beam currently being 8:21 developed by the us military is said to 8:23 be even stronger as of now lasers have 8:26 generally been used to bring down drones 8:28 and small ships however the us army now 8:31 wants to expand their laser capabilities 8:33 so they can destroy much larger targets 8:35 they plan to up the ante on their 60 8:38 kilowatt helios laser by creating a 300 8:41 kilowatt laser that is officially 8:42 unnamed however for the purposes of this 8:45 video we will call it the death beam 8:48 while most of the info is under wraps 8:50 what we do know is that they will 8:51 function far differently than regular 8:53 lasers more specifically while most 8:55 laser weapons use multiple industrial 8:57 fiber lasers that combine their output 8:59 into a single beam the death beam will 9:02 make use of large slabs of glass 9:04 connected in a series while these slab 9:06 lasers have historically been prone to 9:08 overheating and issues with beam quality 9:10 developers are claiming that this new 9:12 design works well as arranging the slabs 9:14 in a series has apparently helped 9:16 alleviate some of the issues surrounding 9:18 them however their true effectiveness is 9:20 yet to be proven the death beam 9:24 number five tactical ultra short pulsed 9:27 laser 9:28 all right generally speaking most lasers 9:30 work by shooting out a long contiguous 9:32 beam however the tactical ultra 9:34 ultra-short pulsed laser looks like 9:36 something out of a star wars movie due 9:38 to its ability to shoot beams in small 9:40 pellets 9:41 essentially making the weapon a laser 9:43 machine gun the idea is that it will 9:46 shoot out bursts that use up to 5 9:47 terawatts of energy and are as short as 9:50 30 femtoseconds in length and that can 9:52 be fired at a rate of up to 50 per 9:54 second this gives them a marked 9:56 advantage over conventional lasers as 9:58 rather than have to focus a beam at one 10:00 target for a few seconds these can act 10:02 in short bursts that can be aimed at 10:04 multiple targets at once there's also a 10:07 hope that because of its relatively high 10:08 power settings it will be able to take 10:10 down large targets such as cruise 10:12 missiles 10:13 however the specifics around the 10:15 tactical ultra-short pulse laser's 10:17 effectiveness will likely not be known 10:19 until the weapon is made public in 10:20 august of this year 10:23 number four cyber weapons 10:26 in a world where everything is becoming 10:28 more digitized it makes sense that cyber 10:31 weapons are becoming the new way of the 10:33 future 10:35 now while hacking may be the mainstream 10:37 way of causing cyber terror there are 10:39 actual cyber weapons that can 10:40 effectively do the same job 10:43 one such weapon is stuxnet STUXnet 10:45 likely developed between 2005 and 2010 10:48 via a collaboration between the united 10:50 states and israel it specifically 10:52 targeted programmable logic controllers 10:54 or plcs which are the devices used to 10:56 control machinery and industrial 10:58 processes to date it's reportedly ruined 11:01 almost one-fifth of iran's nuclear 11:03 centrifuges while infecting nearly two 11:05 hundred thousand iranian computers and 11:08 has caused a total of one thousand 11:09 iranian machines to physically degrade 11:12 sometimes these weapons have to be used 11:14 internally such as the case with the 11:16 great canon of china this weapon is used 11:19 to hijack foreign web traffic intended 11:21 for chinese websites and instead 11:23 re-route it to targeted web servers 11:26 allowing china to along with other 11:27 measures such as the great firewall of 11:29 china effectively censor its internet 11:32 given their effectiveness it should come 11:34 as no surprise that these cyber weapons 11:36 are becoming more and more common and 11:38 only time will tell exactly how 11:40 effective they can become 11:43 number three the iron dome The Iron Dome 11:46 the israeli defense force or idf is 11:48 known for being an exceptionally 11:50 effective army yet their most effective 11:52 weapon by far is definitely their iron 11:54 dome defense system 11:56 in service since 2011 the iron dome is 11:59 an air defense system which essentially 12:00 attempts to intercept rockets being 12:02 fired into israeli territory in terms of 12:05 function the iron dome first uses a 12:07 radar that detects incoming rockets then 12:10 its commanding control system processes 12:12 their location and then finally the 12:14 interceptor sends out a missile to 12:15 destroy the incoming rocket according to 12:18 the idf the system is extremely 12:20 effective against the types of 12:21 short-range rockets that generally come 12:23 out of palestine 12:24 as the system is able to shoot them down 12:26 between 85 and 90 of the time 12:28 however while the iron dome is a 12:30 powerful weapon it isn't a perfect 12:32 solution 12:33 after all medium-range missiles and 12:35 ballistic missiles that could 12:36 potentially come from lebanon or iran 12:38 would be difficult for the iron dome to 12:40 intercept there's also an issue around 12:43 quantity control as while the iron dome 12:45 is effective 90 of the time palestinians 12:48 have gotten around its effectiveness by 12:50 simply launching hundreds if not 12:52 thousands of missiles at one time in 12:54 order to ensure that at least some would 12:56 hit their targets however given the fact 12:58 that it's in the process of being 12:59 complemented by other missile defense 13:01 systems there will likely soon come a 13:03 time where palestinian missile attacks 13:05 will be completely neutralized 13:08 number two the corner shot 13:11 in hostage and terrorist situations it 13:13 can be hard for special forces to safely 13:16 neutralize an attacker after all these 13:18 people generally tend to barricade 13:20 themselves into a given area and so 13:22 unless a soldier puts themselves in 13:23 immense danger by busting through the 13:25 door or a set of barriers it's more than 13:27 likely that they'll be shot at before 13:29 they can get a shot in 13:31 this is where the corner shot comes into 13:33 play developed by lieutenant colonel 13:35 amos golan of the israeli defense forces 13:37 it's a weapon accessory that allows your 13:39 gun to navigate corners due to its 13:41 ability to shoot up down left or right 13:44 by using a swivel mechanism in order to 13:46 ensure the accuracy the corner shock 13:48 comes equipped with a camera so the 13:50 operator can see their target even if 13:51 their target cannot see them 13:53 while other accessories such as 13:55 detachable cameras audio video 13:57 transmission kits visible and infrared 13:59 lasers tactical flashlights suppressors 14:02 and rubber bullets can all be added if 14:04 need be if all that wasn't enough it has 14:06 a multi-weapon capability and it can be 14:08 attached to semi-automatic pistols 14:10 assault rifle pistols or even grenade 14:13 launchers in order to perform the task 14:14 at hand the corner shot is used by swat 14:17 teams and special forces from around the 14:19 world yet it turns out that this firearm 14:21 is not entirely unique that's because 14:24 countries like iran and china have 14:26 copycat weapons allowing them to fulfill 14:28 the same functions without buying corner 14:30 shots from an israeli supplier yet 14:32 despite the fakes i'd still say that the 14:34 corner shot's a pretty cool piece of 14:35 equipment 14:38 number one smart guns 14:40 okay it's no secret that the united 14:42 states is crazy about guns 14:44 unsurprisingly their high rate of gun 14:46 usage has also caused a lot of problems 14:48 as america's inability to properly 14:50 regulate gun use has led to everything 14:52 from school shootings to terrible 14:54 accidents however in recent years smart 14:56 guns have been developed in order to get 14:58 around this problem the idea of a smart 15:00 gun is that it will only fire once 15:02 specific safety conditions are met for 15:04 example the armatix ip1 is the most 15:07 advanced of these weapons and it only 15:09 works with the help of a wearable watch 15:11 more specifically the watch requires the 15:13 entering of a pin code in order to arm 15:15 the weapon and shows charge levels on 15:17 both the watch and the gun a watch 15:19 itself is waterproof and one charge of 15:21 the weapon will last a total of 5 000 15:23 rounds 15:24 in order to function the gun 15:25 communicates with the watch via rfid and 15:28 the watch will only allow the gun to 15:29 fire if it's less than 10 inches away 15:31 from the watch 15:33 however other smart guns such as the 15:34 intelligent are a little less 15:36 restrictive the intelligent works by 15:38 essentially modifying an existing model 15:40 of a firearm so that it only activates 15:43 after the owner uses a fingerprint 15:45 scanner 15:46 yet as you might expect american gun 15:48 advocacy groups such as the nra have 15:50 long campaigned against the smart gun 15:52 saying that on philosophical grounds 15:54 guns should not rely on any mechanisms 15:56 that are more advanced than newtonian 15:58 physics 15:59 these advocates also have other concerns 16:01 as they've complained that these guns 16:03 could either not work during emergencies 16:05 or be hacked by people 16:07 while the second reason may seem a bit 16:09 ridiculous surprisingly it is actually 16:11 within the realm of possibility as a 16:13 hacker by the name of plor hacked the 16:14 armatic's weapon so that it would shoot 16:16 on his command he reportedly did this 16:18 because while he likes the idea of smart 16:20 guns he thinks that they need to be more 16:22 fail proof against hackers before they 16:24 enter the wider market 16:26 yet while such intentions are noble many 16:28 have used this event to totally denounce 16:30 the existence of smart guns and unless 16:33 gun companies get their act together 16:34 it's likely that the development of 16:36 smart guns will be completely altered 16:39 watch our binge watching playlist if 16:41 you'd like to watch all of our most 16:43 popular top 15 videos grab a drink grab 16:46 a snack and get ready to binge

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