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瑞士初創公司 Sun-Ways 正在等待聯邦交通局的批准,以便在瑞士西部的 Buttes 車站旁邊安裝太陽能電池板。 該公司估計,通過利用瑞士國家鐵路網 2,000 英里的軌道,其太陽能電池板可以產生超過 1 太瓦時或瑞士年消耗量的 2%。 Sun-Ways 使用專門的火車車廂來放下太陽能電池板,以最大限度地降低勞動力成本,但這個想法遇到了一些阻力。 儘管面臨挑戰,Sun-Ways 還是在設計面板和材料時考慮了這些因素,並建議在火車底部安裝刷子,以便在列車經過時清潔面板。 Sun-Ways 希望為將太陽能電池板整合到鐵路軌道以外的其他平坦地面(如運河、牧場或倉庫)鋪平道路。

Q:Sun-Ways 計劃採取哪些措施來防止太陽能電池板因灰塵、碎屑或導軌振動而損壞?
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Sun-Ways 在面板的設計和材料中考慮了這些因素,以防止灰塵、碎屑或振動造成損壞。 不過,視頻中並沒有提及三維計劃採取的具體措施。

Q:Sun-Ways 建議如何清潔鐵路軌道上安裝的太陽能電池板?
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Sun-Ways 建議在火車的底部安裝刷子,以便在火車經過時清潔安裝在鐵軌上的太陽能電池板。 經過的火車會產生足夠的風來激活刷子並清潔面板,這將有助於確保它們在發電方面保持高效和有效。

Q:除了鐵路軌道,還有哪些行業可能會使用 Sun-Ways 的太陽能電池板?
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Sun-Ways 希望為將太陽能電池板整合到運河、牧場或倉儲等行業使用的其他平坦地面鋪平道路。 這表明該公司認為其他使用平坦地面的行業可能會使用其太陽能電池板。 此類行業的一些示例包括機場、停車場、高速公路和屋頂。 從本質上講,任何使用平坦土地並需要能源的行業都可能使用 Sun-Ways 的太陽能電池板。

0:00 Sun-Ways, a Swiss startup, is set to transform solar energy production in Europe by installing 0:06 solar panels along train tracks. 0:08 The company is waiting for approval from the Federal Office of Transport to start installing 0:13 its panels near Buttes Station in western Switzerland. 0:17 With the Swiss national railway network extending beyond 2,000 miles of track, the company estimates 0:23 that solar panels could generate more than one terawatt hour or 2% of the total annual 0:29 consumption. 0:31 The startup uses a specialized train car to lay down the solar panels, like unrolling 0:36 a carpet to reduce labor costs. 0:38 However, the idea has faced some pushback, including concerns that the sun's reflection 0:44 off the panels could distract drivers and that the panels could be damaged by dust, 0:49 debris, or vibrations from the rails. 0:52 Despite the challenges, Sun-Ways is taking these factors into account with the design 0:57 and materials of the panels. 0:59 The company has also suggested attaching brushes to the undersides of trains to clean the panels 1:05 as they pass. 1:06 The company hopes to pave the way for incorporating solar panels into other flat grounds used 1:12 by industries like canals, pastures, or warehousing.

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