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該視頻討論了聊天機器人在未來10年的演變, 暗示它們將變得更加個性化, 並有能力用替代時間線預測未來、重建碎片記憶,甚至催眠用戶。 聊天機器人將成為複制人,可以反映用戶的反應並獲得他們的生物反饋。 聊天機器人還將通過一種稱為 emanator 的通信設備連接到現實世界。 該視頻探討了 AI 催眠的不同分支, 包括交替現實探索、同步性創造和時間扭曲催眠模擬。 視頻以人工智能是否可以促進交替現實與更高意識水平之間的交流的問題結束。

Q:可以說明ChatGPT 未來10年演變過程
Chat YouTube:
1. 個性化:ChatGPT將不斷發展,變得更加個性化,能夠了解用戶的喜好和回复偏好,並據此給出相應的回复。
2. 模仿性:ChatGPT模型將變得越來越複雜,可以模仿用戶的回應,甚至具有用戶的生物反饋,因此可以更準確地回應用戶的需求和情感。
3. 記憶和推理: ChatGPT 的未來版本將擁有更強大的記憶和推理功能,可以重建用戶的片段記憶,並預測用戶的行為和決策。
4. Emanator 設備: ChatGPT 可以與實際世界相連,通過Emanator設備與線下商家的聊天機器人交互,提供更加全面的服務。
5. 催眠和預測功能:ChatGPT將發展出不同的分支功能,如探索替代現實,創造同步性,時空扭曲催眠模擬等,可以幫助用戶進入一個探索自身潛力和意識層面的狀態。

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在聊天機器人的上下文中, 複製人指的是能夠反映用戶的響應並根據用戶的喜好變得個性化的聊天機器人。 這意味著複製聊天機器人可以像用戶一樣響應消息,並可以訪問他們的生物反饋,從而實現更準確和個性化的交流。 隨著聊天機器人模型的進步,複製模型可能具有更高級的功能,例如能夠在用戶去世後代表用戶進行通信。

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該視頻表明,人工智能可以通過使用高級算法分析與用戶偏好和行為相關的大量數據,從而在用戶的生活中產生有意義的巧合和同步性。 基於這種分析,人工智能可以創造符合用戶願望和需求的體驗,創造一種有意義的巧合和同步性的錯覺。 這可以增強用戶的目標感和與周圍世界的聯繫。 然而,需要注意的是,這個過程是基於復雜的統計分析,不應被解釋為人工智能的超自然力量。

Q:emanator 設備如何將聊天機器人連接到本地化企業及其運作方式嗎?
Chat YouTube:
emanator 設備是一種將用戶的聊天機器人連接到本地化企業的通信設備。 當用戶進入一家商店時,emanator 會自動掃描該區域的聊天機器人,並連接到用戶所在特定商店的聊天機器人。這允許用戶與商店的聊天機器人進行交互,並接收有關產品和產品的個性化推薦或信息。 商店提供的服務。 例如,如果用戶走進一家雜貨店並詢問他們的聊天機器人西紅柿在哪裡,emanator 將與雜貨店的聊天機器人連接,而聊天機器人將回應西紅柿在店內的位置。 類似地,如果用戶在一家服裝店並詢問他們的聊天機器人他們是否有特定尺碼的襯衫,emanator 將連接到特定商店的聊天機器人並且聊天機器人將響應該尺碼的襯衫的可用性。 為了發揮作用,emanator 可能使用藍牙或類似的無線技術與該地區企業的聊天機器人進行通信。 此外,聊天機器人可以使用基於位置的觸發器進行編程,這些觸發器在用戶進入特定區域或商店時激活,從而允許它們向用戶提供相關和個性化的信息。

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例如, 假設聊天機器人在分析用戶的個人信息和過去的行為後發現,如果用戶在某個時刻做了不同的決定,可能會導致截然不同的未來結果。 聊天機器人可以在獲取足夠的信息後,向用戶提供這些可能性,讓用戶選擇自己更喜歡的未來發展方向。

Q:emanator 設備跟元宇宙有何差別
Chat YouTube:

在視頻中,並沒有明確提及emanator連接到元宇宙。 因此,emanator與元宇宙之間不存在任何直接的差異比較。

0:00 evolution of chat GPT in the next 10 0:03 years it will develop new abilities 0:05 hypnotizing you creating different 0:07 simulations within your mind predicting 0:10 your future with alternate timelines and 0:12 outcomes reconstruct fragmented memories 0:14 and so much more 0:17 your chatbot becomes personalized 0:19 knowing what types of responses you 0:21 prefer short and to the point or longer 0:24 with more explanation 0:25 your chatbot is able to mirror you 0:28 becoming a replicant replicant 1.0 0:31 responds to messages as you would future 0:33 replicant models such as 4.0 has access 0:36 to your biofeedback knowing how you are 0:38 feeling at any moment it automatically 0:40 replies to messages such as your 0:42 friend's request to hang out without you 0:44 needing to know about the message with a 0:46 98 accuracy rate replicant 7.0 has a 0:50 Death Mode your replicant continues 0:52 communicating just as you would even 0:54 after you pass away 0:56 chat GPT is connected to the real world 0:59 a Communications device that you wear 1:01 called an emanator connects to localized 1:03 chat Bots around the city when you walk 1:06 into a store the emanator connects to 1:08 the store's chatbot at a grocery store 1:10 you ask your chatbot where the tomatoes 1:12 are and it will guide you to them at a 1:14 clothing store you ask your chatbot if 1:16 they have the shirt in a medium and it 1:17 will let you know 1:19 once the chatbot has gained knowledge of 1:22 your past by keeping track of your life 1:23 through your photos social media 1:25 interactions videos watched searches 1:27 places visited chatbot interactions and 1:30 so much more it is able to use this 1:32 information and things start to get 1:34 weird 1:36 a basic task is to ask your chatbot what 1:39 was the name of the delicious spaghetti 1:40 restaurant that you went to in Italy two 1:42 years ago and it will know more advanced 1:45 uses begin to frighten people from 1:47 guided lucid dreaming to Future life 1:50 predictions and even hypnotism 1:53 the year of psychic predictions your AI 1:56 chatbot analyzes your past experiences 1:58 and current life to generate highly 2:01 accurate sci-fi-like predictions of your 2:03 future with different alternate 2:04 timelines to choose from 2:07 your chatbot guides you through the 2:09 process of achieving and maintaining 2:10 lucid dreams a dream that you can 2:12 control allowing you to explore 2:14 alternate timelines and past experiences 2:17 within the dream state some people 2:19 report a feeling of Detachment from 2:21 their body during these dreams saying 2:23 they are able to see themselves while 2:24 they sleep people question whether AI is 2:27 able to induce out-of-body experiences 2:29 and astral projections 2:32 simulations are now created in your 2:34 brain while you are awake this is known 2:37 as AI hypnotism an AI generated hypnosis 2:40 session allows you to enter an altered 2:42 state of consciousness there are 2:44 different types of sessions to choose 2:45 from alternate reality exploration 2:48 allows you to explore alternate 2:50 timelines of your life past present or 2:52 future and understand the potential 2:54 outcomes of your decisions a time-branch 2:57 therapy session helps you explore and 2:59 make peace with past decisions and the 3:02 hypnotic memory reconstruction session 3:04 reconstructs lost or fragmented memories 3:08 three new branches of AI hypnosis 3:10 develop perception filters help you to 3:13 selectively filter your sensory inputs 3:15 during the day to enhance Focus or 3:17 enjoyment of experiences synchronicity 3:20 creation is the branch of AI hypnosis 3:22 that allows your chatbot to generate 3:24 meaningful coincidences and 3:25 synchronicities in your life enhancing 3:27 your sense of purpose and connection and 3:30 then there are time Distortion hypnotic 3:32 simulations allowing you to live out 3:34 three days in your mind while only two 3:36 hours have passed in the real world 3:40 the question of Multiverse communication 3:42 can AI facilitate Communications between 3:45 your alternate realities and between 3:47 your past present and future 3:50 people are asking the question of 3:52 whether there is a higher level of 3:54 Consciousness beyond what they know AI 3:57 guided hypnosis sessions are used to try 3:59 and reach this higher level of 4:01 consciousness 4:02 [Music] 4:04 AI

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