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該視頻展示了一種可以將用過的布料變成新衣服的過程。 織物首先在臭氧室中消毒,然後鈕扣、標籤和拉鍊被移除,衣服被切碎。切碎的織物與再生棉混合,捲成團塊,變成纖維網。然後將纖維網紡成合股紗,用於製作新衣服。

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在切碎織物之前去除鈕扣、標籤和拉鍊的目的是確保只有織物被回收,而不是任何其他不需要的材料或組件。 這使回收過程更加高效,並降低了污染風險。

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蛇形條子是由纖維網通過將纖維網捆綁在一起形成長而扭曲的束或“條子”而製成的,其形狀類似於蛇。 然後將這些棉條紡成合股紗,可用於製作新衣服。 纖維網的加撚形成更堅固、更有凝聚力的結構,可以更容易地紡成紗線。

:00 these fibers are made from old clothes 0:03 it's part of a process that can turn 0:06 nearly any used fabric into something 0:08 brand new 0:10 first this ozone chamber sanitizes the 0:13 fabric in about an hour a technician 0:16 like Emily removes the buttons labels 0:18 and zippers and cuts the Garment so the 0:21 fabric is easy to work with 0:24 the shredder strips the bits of cloth 0:26 down further but this part of the 0:28 process does require some new materials 0:31 another machine mixes that cotton with 0:34 the Recycled skirt Emily then rolls the 0:37 mixed fibers into clumps and feeds them 0:39 into a machine that turns them into 0:41 what's called a fiber web 0:43 but what happens next makes the assembly 0:46 line in Hong Kong the first of its kind 0:48 the fiber web gets bundled into these 0:52 snake-like slivers the slivers are then 0:55 spun into ply yarn the building blocks 0:58 of a new garment

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