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挪威進行了大量軍事採購,包括 54 輛 Leopard 2 A7 坦克、6 架 MH-60R 直升機和 4 艘 212CD 型潛艇,這些潛艇將配備海軍打擊導彈和重型魚雷。挪威空軍還為其 F-35 艦隊訂購了 GBU 53b Stormbreaker,以及用於打擊空中目標的 aim 120d 導彈。挪威計劃為其 Coastal Ranger Commando 購買新船,以取代 cb90 級船。

Q:海鷹 MH-60R 直升機在挪威的主要用途是什麼?
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海鷹 MH-60R 直升機在挪威的主要用途是反潛戰和反水面戰任務,以及沿海監視和搜救行動。

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挪威和德國研製的未來海軍打擊導彈在性能上將優於目前的海軍打擊導彈,旨在應對各種新出現的威脅,對敵方防空系統具有更強的生存能力。 這將是一個升級版本,將具有更好的能力並能夠在更遠的距離上攻擊目標。 視頻中並未具體說明其確切的技術改進細節。

Q:aim 120d 導彈與之前的安布拉導彈有何不同?
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Aim 120d 導彈是 Ambra 導彈的升級版,具有改進的功能。 與之前的版本不同,aim 120d 導彈旨在針對各種空中威脅,包括飛機、巡航導彈和無人機。 它具有更大的射程,範圍從 185 到 555 公里,具體取決於目標的輪廓。 此外,它具有更好的製導能力,從而提高殺傷概率。 瞄準120d導彈優於安布拉導彈,具有更好的性能和更廣泛的能力。 挪威購買了aim 120d導彈和aim 120d3導彈,估計費用為4.9787億美元。

:00 foreign 0:02 [Music] 0:15 version of the German made leopard 2a6 0:18 main metal tank 0:22 [Music] 0:24 The Leopard 2 A7 features new armor 0:26 improved sensor Suite a crew compartment 0:29 cooling system and a new weapon 0:31 engagement system 0:35 on February 2023 Norway ordered 54 tanks 0:39 designated leopard 287 no for over 1.9 0:43 billion US dollars with the option to 0:45 purchase 18 more units 0:50 tanks are scheduled for delivery from 0:52 2026 to 2028. 0:57 it has a top speed of 70 kilometer per 1:00 hour with a maximum range of 450 1:02 kilometer 1:06 The Leopard 2 A7 Armament includes 120 1:10 millimeter smoothbore gun to 7.62 1:13 millimeter machine gun and a 76 1:16 millimeter smoke grenade dischargers 1:18 foreign 1:19 [Music] 1:28 helicopter primarily designed for 1:30 anti-submarine Warfare and anti-surface 1:32 warfare missions 1:34 [Music] 1:38 it features a highly sophisticated 1:40 avionics suite and is armed with 1:42 Hellfire air-to-surface missiles and 1:44 Mark 54 anti-submarine torpedoes 1:47 [Music] 1:49 Norway will procure a total of 6 mh-60r 1:52 helicopters with deliveries expected 1:54 between 2025 and 2027. 1:58 the contract is expected to be signed in 2:01 the summer of 2023 and is estimated to 2:03 be worth around 1.1 billion US dollar 2:06 [Music] 2:09 the Seahawk will replace the nh90 and 2:12 will be used for anti-submarine Warfare 2:13 and postcard missions 2:17 [Music] 2:23 the type 212cd is an improved version of 2:27 the type 212a submarine that will 2:29 replace the Oola class submarines of the 2:31 Norwegian Navy 2:35 this future submarine will feature 2:37 Modern Combat systems huge Firepower and 2:40 Superior Steel technology 2:41 [Music] 2:46 decent group Marine systems will build 2:48 four submarines for the Norwegian Navy 2:50 with a contact sign on July 20 2021 2:57 construction of the new submarines will 2:59 start in 2023 and delivery is planned as 3:02 early as 2029. 3:06 [Music] 3:09 the surface displacement of the 3:11 submarine will be 2500 tons and will 3:14 cost more than 1 billion euro per vessel 3:18 [Music] 3:20 submarines will be armed with a Naval 3:22 Strike missile anti-shape or land attack 3:24 cruise missiles and heavyweight 3:26 torpedoes 3:28 [Music] 3:37 the GBU 53b Stormbreaker originally 3:41 known as the small diameter bomb 2 is an 3:43 air-launched Precision guided Glide bomb 3:47 it weighs around 250 pounds and has a 3:50 range of around 110 kilometer against 3:52 stationary and 72 kilometer against 3:55 moving targets 3:58 this smart weapon can hit Targets in 4:01 some of the worst weather conditions 4:05 the Norwegian Ministry of Defense has 4:07 decided to buy a storm breaker for its 4:09 F-35 Fleet from the U.S Air Force 4:18 Norway and Germany will jointly develop 4:20 a future Naval Strike missile with 4:22 delivery plan for 2035. 4:27 in terms of performance it will be 4:30 superior to the Naval Strike missile 4:34 the future NSM will be designed to 4:36 counter various emerging threats and 4:38 have greater survivability against 4:39 adversary air defense systems 4:41 [Music] 4:49 sign is a fifth generation cruise 4:51 missile under development by Raytheon 4:53 and coxbox defense and Airway space 4:57 it can engage heavily defensive sea and 5:00 land-based targets 5:01 Norwegian Air Force ordered JSM for its 5:04 F-35 in October 2021 5:09 the F-35 will carry two of these in its 5:12 internal weapons Bay and for additional 5:14 JSM missiles externally 5:16 [Music] 5:18 it has a range of between 185 and 555 5:22 kilometer depending on profile 5:26 [Music] 5:29 the aim 120d is an upgraded version of 5:32 the ambra missiles that can be used 5:34 against the Targets in the air including 5:37 aircraft cruise missiles and drones 5:40 in November 2022 Norway ordered 205 aim 5:44 120d and 60 aim 120d3 missiles for an 5:48 estimated cost of 5:50 497.87 million US dollars they purchased 5:54 the missiles from the U.S officials 5:55 rather than the manufacturer 5:58 it has a greater range and better 6:00 guidance resulting in a higher kill 6:02 probability 6:03 [Music] 6:09 under the project the Norwegian Navy 6:12 plans to acquire new vessels for its 6:15 Coastal Ranger Commando it is currently 6:17 in the preliminary phase and will 6:19 replace the cb90 class vessels 6:22 The Vessel will have a top speed of 45 6:25 knots and stay at sea for up to a week 6:28 Additionally the Navy wants it to have a 6:31 good maneuverability and the ability to 6:33 stop and accelerate quickly 6:35 deliveries are planned between 2026 and 6:38 2028. 6:39 [Music] 6:45 pyron is a deeply modernized version of 6:48 the Chrome man potable air defense 6:49 system design and manufactured by the 6:52 Polish company mesco 6:54 Norwich signed a 36 million US dollar 6:57 contract with misco for an undisclosed 6:59 number of pyron on November 2022 7:03 the first system is expected to be 7:06 delivered in 2023 7:11 it is designed to intercept and Destroy 7:13 low-flying aircraft helicopters unmanned 7:16 aerial vehicles and winged Rockets 7:18 [Music] 7:21 Byron can hit a flying Target at a 7:24 distance of 400 meter to 6.5 kilometer 7:27 and from an altitude of 10 meter to 4 7:29 kilometer 7:31 [Music] 7:38 Norway is planning to procure a new 7:40 sniper rifle that is capable of firing 7:42 12.7 millimeter caliber cartridges 7:46 Norwegian forces currently operates 12.7 7:50 millimeter Barrett amid 2. 7:53 [Music] 7:55 teammates to be around 200 to 300 7:57 million Norwegian krone for the 7:59 acquisition 8:02 [Music] 8:06 an active protection system is a system 8:09 designed to actively prevent anti-tech 8:11 missiles or projectiles from destroying 8:14 a vehicle 8:16 under the latest Future acquisition plan 8:18 Norway would procure active protection 8:20 systems for its cv90 8:24 the Iron Fist active protection system 8:26 might be the potential Choice as it has 8:29 been tested on cv90 vehicles 8:33 [Music] 8:38 Norway is looking for a new mine 8:40 clearing system that will replace the 8:42 existing hydrima mind clearing vehicle 8:44 in the Norwegian Army 8:48 it will be used clearer path for tanks 8:50 vehicles and soldiers through minefields 8:53 and other obstacles 8:55 [Music] 9:03 the Norwegian defense material agencies 9:06 intends to procure vital uavs for the 9:08 Norwegian military that would be used 9:10 for ISR and targeting missions 9:14 foreign s can take off and land 9:17 vertically like a helicopter and do not 9:19 require a long Runway 9:21 [Music] 9:23 the ndma plans to award a contract in 9:26 August 2026 although it is unclear how 9:29 many uavs Norway will purchase 9:33 [Music] 9:37 a tpy4 formerly known as the tpyx is a 9:41 Next Generation ground-based air 9:43 surveillance radar with a maximum 9:45 detection range of 1000 kilometer 9:49 it is capable of tracking satellites 9:51 detecting low profile unmanned aerial 9:54 systems and conducting ballistic 9:55 missiles searching tracking 9:59 the Lockheed Martin will supply 8 dpy 4 10:02 radar systems to Norway with an option 10:04 for three additional radars 10:07 the first radar will be installed in 10:09 Gary hog in Norway by the end of 2025. 10:13 delivery of the radar is expected to be 10:15 completed by 2030. 10:18 foreign 10:20 [Music] 10:35 thank you 10:41 [Music] 11:03 thank you 11:05 [Music] 11:17 foreign foreign

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