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詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡取得了多項突破性發現。它在太陽系之外發現了一顆比冥王星大、幾乎與地球大小相同的行星,以及一顆被富含二氧化矽的雲層包圍的褐矮星。該望遠鏡使研究人員能夠研究岩石行星的大氣層,使我們更接近了解太陽系外的類地行星。 雖然科學家們還沒有找到新發現的行星上存在大氣層的確鑿證據,但他們已經在褐矮星的大氣層中檢測到一氧化碳、二氧化碳、水、甲烷、鈉和鉀。將進行進一步的研究以更多地了解這些發現。

0:02 Q:褐矮星與普通行星有何不同,它們的特徵是什麼?
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褐矮星在幾個方面與普通行星不同。 它們太大而不能稱為行星,但又不足以成為恆星,而且它們沒有足夠的質量來像恆星那樣在其核心中持續不斷地進行氫核聚變。 相反,它們可以通過燃燒氘來產生熱量和光,這是一種不太常見的氫同位素,包含一個額外的中子。 褐矮星也比恆星更大、更冷、質量更小,但它們仍然足夠熱,可以發出紅外輻射,可以被詹姆斯·韋伯太空望遠鏡等望遠鏡探測到。 此外,它們可以擁有類似於木星和土星等氣態巨行星的大氣層,它們還可以像我們太陽系中的行星一樣具有天氣模式和雲層形成。

0:02 Q:太陽系外的類地行星.有哪些
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1. TRAPPIST-1e: 位於TRAPPIST-1星系中,大小類似地球,環繞紅矮星旋轉。
2. Kepler-186f: 位於半人馬座,大小類似地球,處於適宜範圍內,表面可能有液態水。

3. Proxima Centauri b: 位於離太陽最近的恆星附近,質量約為地球的1.3倍,環繞紅矮星旋轉。
4. LHS 1140b: 位於室女座,大約是地球的1.7倍大小,表面可能有液態水存在。
5. Gliese 667 Cc: 位於天蠍座,大約是地球的3.7倍大小,公轉週期為28天左右。 這僅僅是已發現的一部分,

0:02 Q:適宜人類居住的類地行星.有哪些
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- 適宜溫度:宜居行星的溫度應該不過熱或太冷,表面溫度在0℃到100℃之間,才能存在液態水,這是維持地球生命的重要條件之一。

- 穩定的大氣環境:宜居行星表面的大氣應穩定,不受強烈輻射、太陽風等影響,並保護行星表面生命免受宇宙射線和惡劣環境的傷害。
- 有液態水:水是地球上的生命之源,同樣也是尋找宜居行星的重要指標之一。
- 化學元素的豐富性:在宜居行星上,化學元素的豐富性應該適宜生命早期發展所需。
例如,TRAPPIST-1星系中的TRAPPIST-1e、TRAPPIST-1f、TRAPPIST-1g等行星,以及Proxima Centauri b等行星,

0:02 Q:有潛在生命存在條件的行星.有哪些
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1. 多樣化化學成分:包括元素和化合物,如氨、水、甲烷等,這些化合物為生命提供必要的元素和材料。
2. 液態水:水是生命存在的必要條件之一,但僅在一定溫度和氣壓下才能維持液態狀態。因此,行星環境的溫度和大氣壓力條件要求能夠維持水的液態狀態。
3. 行星接近恆星的適宜區域: 宜居帶是能夠提供適宜溫度的區域,孕育發展生命的地方。幾乎所有已知的生命存在地點都位於接近某個恆星的適宜帶區域。
4. 穩定大氣層:穩定大氣層可以避免惡劣條件的攻擊和光化學反應破壞,維繫生命存在的必要條件。
5. 磁場保護:可以幫助維護大氣層的行星磁場可以防禦宇宙輻射及太陽風暴。這也可以幫助維護行星表面環境的溫度和穩定性。

0:02 Q:如何建構一顆適宜人類居住的類地行星.
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儘管我們目前還無法創造一顆完全符合地球生命生存要求的類地行星,但科學家正在嘗試各種方法來重建一個類似地球的生態系統。 以下是一些目前廣泛提出的建立可居住行星的方法:
1. 移植生命:在行星表面種植植物,這些植物可以吸收二氧化碳,並將其轉變為氧氣,提高行星表面的氧氣含量,並開始建立生態系統。
2. 人工製造大氣層:通過讓熱解的水、氮氣和二氧化碳在一定的條件下反應生成大氣層,進而產生大氣壓力和物理狀況來模擬大氣系統
3. 改變行星軌道和自轉:通過改動行星的徑向距離和自轉速度來達到適宜人類居住的環境。例如,改變行星的自轉週期可以平均經過使每個區域都具有適宜的溫度範圍。
4. 填補磁場和地核:地球的磁場可以有效地抵禦太陽風暴,使我們的大氣層免遭侵害。因此,模擬行星的磁場對於保護宜居區域至關重要。

0:02 foreign 0:08 [Music] 0:13 the James Webb Space Telescope has made 0:16 the discovery of the decade this is one 0:18 Discovery scientist and astronomers that 0:20 never expected but they're over excited 0:22 to explore this newly Femme phenomenon 0:27 [Music] 0:35 thank you 0:38 [Music] 0:44 the world's most powerful telescope 0:46 paired its instruments into space and 0:48 found a tenth planet bigger than Pluto 0:53 [Music] 1:02 how did the James Webb Telescope make 1:04 such a jaw-dropping discovery where 1:06 scientists able to find alien life on 1:08 this planet join as we explore how the 1:11 James Webb Telescope confirmed a tenth 1:13 planet Discovery and revealed its larger 1:15 than Pluto 1:20 [Music] 1:28 thank you 1:29 the James Webb Telescope hasn't even 1:31 spent five years in the final frontier 1:34 but its discoveries have been phenomenal 1:36 this powerful telescope never ceases it 1:38 to amaze us but it completely swept us 1:41 off our feet when it discovered an 1:43 Earth-like exoplanet outside the solar 1:45 system 1:51 foreign 1:57 scientists the most was that the planet 1:59 is bigger than Pluto and almost the same 2:01 size as Earth as it matches 99 of its 2:05 diameter out of curiosity scientists at 2:08 the John Hopkins Applied Physics 2:10 laboratory used the jwst to capture the 2:13 planet in wavelengths of light Mark 2:15 clamping and astrophysics division 2:17 director NASA's headquarters in 2:19 Washington commented on this planet's 2:21 Discovery saying the results obtained 2:23 from this unexpected discovery of just 2:25 given more room to study rocky planet 2:27 atmospheres with the telescope Webb is 2:30 bringing us closer and closer to a new 2:32 understanding of Earth like worlds 2:34 outside our solar system and the mission 2:36 is only just getting started researchers 2:39 use the jwsts near infrared spectrograph 2:43 instrument to examine the rocky planet 2:44 although the telescope could not detect 2:46 much about his atmosphere scientists saw 2:49 it was over a hundred degrees warmer 2:51 than Earth research is still in progress 2:53 though so if scientists find some clouds 2:55 on the planet then it might be included 2:57 that the planet holds more similarities 2:59 to Venus than Earth researchers also 3:02 discovered that a day on the planet is 3:04 two Earth days long coupled with its 3:06 temperature of over a hundred degrees 3:08 researchers are assured it still could 3:10 have an atmosphere and while scientists 3:13 were still trying to make more findings 3:15 about this planet the James Webb 3:16 Telescope struck gold a game by 3:19 discovering another planet in the data 3:21 astronomers found proof of silica-rich 3:23 clouds surrounding a brown dwarf about 3:26 20 times bigger than Jupiter while 3:28 astronomers were taken aback at this 3:30 discovery it also confirmed some 3:32 theories postulated about these alien 3:34 worlds Brown dwarfs are bizarre objects 3:37 that are not exactly big enough to 3:39 become stars but too big to be called 3:41 regular planets while Brown dwarfs can't 3:44 burn ordinary hydrogen they can produce 3:46 heat and light by burning deuterium this 3:49 is a less common isotope of hydrogen 3:51 that comprises an extra Neutron this 3:54 brown dwarf was named at VHS at 125c B 3:57 and orbits two small red dwarf stars it 4:00 is about 72 light years from our planet 4:02 in the corvus OR Crow constellation 4:05 however it turned out that astronomers 4:07 had found this alien world in 2016 which 4:10 has confused them since due to its weird 4:12 reddish glow they believe the glow could 4:15 have been due to some type of atmosphere 4:17 on the planet they turned out to be 4:19 correct because the jwst confirmed those 4:21 theories the optical telescope revealed 4:24 that 4:25 vhs-1256b must be covered in thick 4:28 clouds full of sand like silica grains 4:30 jwst also detected carbon monoxide 4:34 carbon dioxide water methane sodium and 4:37 potassium and 4:39 vhs1256b's atmosphere Brittany miles an 4:43 astronomer at the University of 4:44 California Irvine and Lead research on 4:46 the project commented on their findings 4:49 progress we will know more from 4:51 iterations on the data reduction miles 4:53 wrote in an email so far it looks like 4:56 the theoretic expectations another thing 4:59 the team of researchers noticed was that 5:01 jwst's data was detailed it was detailed 5:05 to the point that it also showed the 5:06 ratio of several gas exchanges in VHS 5:09 1256p's atmosphere this suggests that 5:12 the alien planet's atmosphere is not 5:14 still the Wild and turbulent Sasha 5:17 Hinckley an astronomer at the University 5:18 of Exeter in the UK and a co-author in 5:20 the study also commented about the weird 5:23 planet's atmosphere she said in a calm 5:25 atmosphere there is an expected ratio of 5:28 methane and carbon monoxide but in 5:30 several exoplanet atmospheres this ratio 5:32 is very skewed suggesting that there is 5:35 turbulent vertical mixing in these 5:37 atmospheres dredging up carbon dioxide 5:39 from deep down to mix with a methane 5:41 higher up in the atmosphere however 5:45 vhs1256b is small to be a brown dwarf 5:48 which could mean one thing its body is 5:52 probably young the exoplanet orbits 360 5:55 sun earth distances from its parents 5:57 Stars tracing an oval-shaped orbit that 6:00 takes 17 6:02 000 years to complete it felt like a 6:04 dream come true for scientists and 6:06 astronomers to see the jwst confirm 6:08 theories that have puzzled them for 6:10 years and this is why they are currently 6:12 deliberating on sending the world's most 6:14 powerful telescope on a mission to 6:16 discover a mysterious phenomenon that 6:18 has remained unsolved in science and 6:20 astronomy Planet X what is Planet X and 6:24 why is it such a mystery in 2015 6:27 scientists and astronomers found strong 6:29 evidence that a mysterious ninth planet 6:32 might exist in the outer part of our 6:34 solar system this supposed World said to 6:36 be in the far reaches of the final 6:38 frontier is dubbed Planet X and there is 6:41 a spectacular thing about it Planet X 6:44 has not actually been seen by anyone and 6:47 that makes it just a theory at least for 6:49 now scientists are very intrigued about 6:52 discovering this planet and they say it 6:54 could have a mass 10 times bigger than 6:56 Earth and could take between ten 6:58 thousand and twenty thousand years to 7:01 make one full orbit around the sun 7:03 scientists believe that Planet X exists 7:06 because they can see other objects in 7:08 space being disrupted by the pull of 7:10 something which is theorized to be an 7:12 unidentified ninth planet so will they 7:15 be able to solve the mystery of Planet X 7:17 and Discover it that's what the James 7:20 Webb Telescope is about to find out in 7:23 2015 to astronomers the California 7:25 Institute of Technology Mike Brown and 7:27 Constantine batigan announced a new 7:29 research that showed strong proof about 7:32 a giant planet following a bizarre 7:34 length and orbit in the outer part of 7:36 the final frontier if it does exist the 7:39 computer and data modeling suggest that 7:41 Planet X must be about four times bigger 7:44 than Earth and 10 times its mass the 7:47 theory postulates that a body of this 7:48 size and mass would give more insights 7:51 into the clustered Paths of some smaller 7:53 objects gathered in the Kuiper belt 7:55 regardless of one question Still Remains 7:58 if Planet X has not been discovered how 8:01 did the concept of the existence of a 8:03 ninth planet come about the last proper 8:06 planet to be discovered was Neptune 8:08 which was found in 1846 after its 8:11 Discovery several speculations traveled 8:13 around saying it might not be the last 8:15 and that another world could still exist 8:17 deep Beyond its orbit one of these 8:19 people who believed this Theory hugely 8:21 was the 19th century travel writer and 8:24 businessman Percival Lowell Lowell was 8:27 sure there was a ninth planet somewhere 8:28 in our solar system but he didn't live 8:30 to confirm whether his theory was true 8:33 he passed away in 1961 but left a 8:36 million dollars in his will to be used 8:38 in any Mission toward finding Planet X 8:41 now Lowell's Observatory kept on 8:43 studying the night sky and on the 18th 8:46 of February 1930 a young astronomer 8:49 observing two photos noticed what 8:51 eventually became Pluto but at the time 8:54 it was thought to be the strange Planet 8:56 X 8:56 photo eventually lost its planetary 8:59 status in 2006 though along with the 9:02 heiress which had been described as the 9:04 Solar System's 10th Planet since then 9:06 Planet X has become a term used for any 9:09 undiscovered planet in the final 9:10 frontier but there was a time the idea 9:13 of Planet X was briefly dismissed the 9:16 idea of Planet X's existence was 9:18 dismissed during Voyager 2's flyby 9:21 around Neptune the flyby showed that 9:23 Neptune was fractionally lighter than 9:25 anyone had initially thought this 9:27 motivated one of the scientists in NASA 9:30 to calculate that the outer planets 9:31 orbit had correlated all along 9:33 immediately the debate about Planet X 9:36 ended Planet X was not Pluto neither was 9:39 it heiress the world of science and 9:42 astronomy never heard about Planet X 9:44 again until Caltech astronomers Vatican 9:47 and brown discuss the planet's existence 9:49 once more when they brought the 9:51 discussion back to the table they shared 9:53 detailed computer simulations and 9:55 mathematical modeling which explained 9:58 that a large object is a reason for The 10:00 Unique orbits of five smaller objects 10:03 found in the distant Kuiper Belt the 10:05 possibility of a new planet is certainly 10:07 an exciting one for me as a planetary 10:10 scientist and for all of us Jim green 10:12 director of NASA's planetary science 10:14 division said at the time this is not 10:17 however the detection or discovery of a 10:19 new planet it's too early to support the 10:22 notion that there's a so-called Planet X 10:24 where seeing an early prediction based 10:27 on modeling from limited observations 10:29 it's the beginning of a study that could 10:31 lead to an exciting result he concluded 10:34 however other theories have opposed 10:37 Vatican and brown hair as physicist 10:38 Jacob Schultz and James hanwing claimed 10:41 it was a tiny black hole they said that 10:43 a black hole could also be responsible 10:45 for disrupting the orbits of several 10:47 Rocky objects around Neptune much alike 10:50 with Planet X which some astronomers and 10:52 scientists theorized was a free-floating 10:54 planet kicked out of its original star 10:56 system and started circling our sun 10:58 after flying close to the solar system 11:00 Unwin and Schultz noted that it could be 11:03 the same case with a mini black hole 11:05 three years ago another theory was 11:07 published in the astrophysical journal 11:09 Letters by scientists from Harvard 11:11 University this Theory suggested that 11:13 not only might Planet X be real but that 11:15 it may want to have been a binary 11:17 companion to our sun at the same time 11:20 other theories that were originating 11:22 some going as far as suggesting that the 11:24 planet Nibiru could be the mysterious 11:26 Planet X but Noah planet Nibiru is a 11:29 different hypothesized planet on the 11:31 Solar System's Edge even the national 11:33 aeronautic and Space Administration 11:35 opposed this Theory the agency said 11:37 Nibiru and other stories about wayward 11:39 planets are an internet hoax obviously 11:42 it does not exist and so scientists were 11:45 left at a Crossroads with solving the 11:47 mystery of Planet X they haven't solved 11:50 the mystery though but they remain 11:51 optimistic about doing so scientists 11:54 like Mike Brown are optimistic as he 11:56 said I think it's within a year or two 11:58 from being found but he cautioned I've 12:00 made that statement every year for the 12:02 past five years I am super optimistic in 12:07 2021 the Assurance of Planet X's 12:09 existence was dealt a blow when some 12:12 scientists led by physicist Kevin Napier 12:14 the University of Michigan studied the 12:16 orbits of extreme Trend neptunian 12:18 objects the team of researchers 12:20 discovered that the cause of the objects 12:22 disrupted orbits could be explained 12:24 without the presence of a nearby Planet 12:26 They concluded that the objects only 12:28 seem to have clustered paths due to 12:31 selection bias although others disagree 12:33 and say more data is required however 12:36 there may be an answer soon the viracy 12:39 Reuben observatory in Chile started a 12:42 10-year survey of the sky and it's 12:44 expected to find thousands more Kuiper 12:46 Belt objects a close observation of 12:49 their orbits may be able to assure or 12:51 debunk Planet X's existence and if it 12:54 exists also provide clues as to its 12:57 location and origin Harvard's Dr Harvey 13:00 Loeb said if the virusy Reuben 13:02 Observatory verifies the existence of 13:04 planet nine and a captured origin and 13:07 also finds a population of similarly 13:10 captured dwarf planets than the binary 13:12 model will be favored over the lone 13:15 Stellar history that has been long 13:16 assumed while her Planet X remains a 13:19 huge mystery more theories are being 13:21 proposed on how to find it the James 13:23 Webb Telescope is also looking to be a 13:26 valid candidate to help discover this 13:28 mysterious planet but do you think it 13:30 would be possible to do so let us know 13:33 in the comments section below

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