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Airbnb 首席執行官布賴恩切斯基和美國商務部長吉娜雷蒙多討論人工智能對工作的影響。 Chesky 認為人工智能將使科技公司的每個人都更有效率, 而 Raimondo 指出人工智能是一項強大的新技術,需要深思熟慮才能確保人們不會受到傷害。 ZipRecruiter 首席經濟學家 Julia Pollak 加入了討論並預測生成式人工智能將顛覆許多高薪白領工作,但門衛和園丁等低薪工作的風險較低。 Pollak 指出,AI 工具可以提高經驗最少的員工的工作效率,而且新畢業生已經在尋找通過 AI 提高效率和生產力的方法。就對招聘流程的影響而言,波拉克預計人工智能將提高每份申請的質量。

Q:根據 Pollak 的說法,AI 預計會破壞哪些收入最高的白領工作?
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根據 Pollak 的說法,生成式人工智能預計會顛覆許多高薪白領工作,例如法律服務、會計師、教師、人力資源人員、後台人員、行政人員等。

Q:根據 Pollak 參考的研究,人工智能如何用於提高經驗最少的工人的生產力?
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根據 Pollak 引用的研究,聊天 EPT 式工具等人工智能工具可以提供腳本和示例,以提高最年輕、最新和經驗最少的員工的生產力。 這些工具可以讓工人更快上手,這對於供應受限行業的雇主來說尤其令人鼓舞,因為他們正在努力填補職位空缺,並且可能對僱用經驗或教育程度低於過去的工人感到緊張。

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1. 製造業:機器人和自動化將減少工人的需求。
2. 零售業:自動化商店和購物體驗將減少員工數量。
3. 醫療保健:人工智能可以協助醫生進行診斷和分析,減少錯誤和提高精度。
4. 保險業:人工智能可以分析數據,加強對保險方案和賠償的預測和評估。
5. 金融業:屆時自動化和機器學習將廣泛應用於決策和客戶服務。
6. 農業:自動化和機器視覺將幫助農民實現更高的產量和更高的效率。
7. 運輸業:自動駕駛車輛和運輸機器人將導致駕駛和部分物流工作人員數量減少。
8. 教育:人工智能和自適應學習技術將提供更個性化的學習體驗。
總的來說, 人工智能將重塑許多產業的未來。儘管它可以提高效率和準確性,但也會導致某些行業的失業率上升。

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1. 數據分析師和科學家:人工智能需要大量數據進行訓練和優化,這將創造出許多數據科學家和分析師的就業機會。
2. 機器人和自主車輛製造:自動化和機器人技術的需要將導致製造自主車輛和機器人的行業的增長。
3. 虛擬和增強現實:人工智能將提高虛擬和增強現實技術的可行性和實用性,從而創造出許多新的工作領域和機會。
4. 語音識別和自然語言處理:隨著人工智能語音助手和其他語音交互技術的日益普及,將創造出更多的語音識別和自然語言處理工作機會。
5. 人工智能倫理學家和專家:新的道德和社會問題將不斷出現,需要專門的研究人員研究人工智能倫理問題,從而創造出相關的就業機會。
總的來說, 人工智能將激發許多新的創新和機會,以解決未來的挑戰,並創造更多的就業機會。

0:02 the buzz surrounding AI is only getting 0:04 louder but what does it mean for jobs 0:06 Airbnb CEO Brian chesky and U.S Commerce 0:09 Secretary Gina raimondo weighed in on 0:12 this exact topic on Yahoo finance 0:13 earlier this week 0:15 the nearest term impact it's going to 0:18 have is it's going to make everyone in 0:20 tech companies more productive software 0:21 engineering will be more efficient 0:23 because computer programming is a 0:25 language and now suddenly these these 0:28 these tools can in some ways do 0:30 development just as good as a person in 0:32 some cases better than the person there 0:33 is no question that AI will change the 0:35 way we work 0:37 will be a good 0:39 a good will make our jobs easier it'll 0:41 make us more effective it'll make us 0:42 more productive 0:44 but it's also true that it's a brand new 0:46 technology that's very powerful and 0:49 that's why we have to be you know 0:51 thoughtful to make sure people don't get 0:53 hurt 0:54 let's talk a little bit more about this 0:55 with zip recruiter Chief Economist Julia 0:57 Julia it's great to see you 0:59 again so IBM we heard this week planning 1:01 to replace Almost 8 000 jobs over time 1:04 because of AI how do you see AI 1:07 disrupting the workplace 1:10 so traditionally new technologies have 1:12 come online and made the most educated 1:14 highly skilled workers more productive 1:16 and replaced lower skill low-wage 1:18 workers this time around things could be 1:21 very very different with AI generative 1:24 AI actually disrupting many highly paid 1:27 white-collar jobs in legal services 1:30 accountants teachers what have you HR 1:34 staff back office staff administrative 1:37 staff etc etc and it's the kinds of jobs 1:41 that are fairly low-wage jobs that are 1:45 very manual that are not at much risk at 1:48 all it's janitors and gardeners it's 1:51 maintenance technicians who are at very 1:53 low risk of this technology 1:55 you know people hear more productivity 1:57 more efficiency and automatically it 2:00 becomes well here are the job Cuts 2:01 coming because of AI but we've also 2:03 heard the argument no surprise from tech 2:05 companies who say there's a lot of job 2:07 creation on the other end what are some 2:10 of those jobs that you're looking at 2:12 well the first exciting sign to come out 2:16 uh from this technology is a study that 2:19 was just released about the effect on 2:22 productivity of customer support agents 2:24 uh among five thousand customer support 2:27 agents in a Fortune 500 company and what 2:30 actually happened there was that uh AI 2:32 tools chat EPT style tools raised 2:35 productivity for the youngest newest 2:38 least experienced workers the most it 2:40 gave them a script it showed them 2:42 examples and it got them up to speed 2:44 much more quickly and so that is very 2:46 encouraging news for Employers in these 2:48 very Supply constrained 2:51 Industries right now who are struggling 2:53 to fill vacancies and who are very 2:55 nervous about uh reducing their 2:57 standards and hiring workers with less 2:59 experience and less education than they 3:01 used to but this new evidence from mid 3:04 and Stanford suggests that actually 3:07 perhaps there isn't as much of a supply 3:09 constraint in the labor market perhaps 3:10 we can hire younger people and get them 3:12 up to speed very quickly Julia how do 3:14 you see this really impacting those who 3:16 are just graduating from college in 3:18 terms of the trends that you're seeing 3:20 there at ZipRecruiter how many of these 3:22 recent college graduates are thinking 3:24 about Ai and its impact on jobs 3:27 so new graduates tell us that most of 3:31 them used it for their college homework 3:33 at some point even though it's a 3:35 relatively new technology they jump 3:36 right in and adopted it about 70 are 3:39 using it for their job search to 3:40 discover different jobs to write a 3:42 resume uh so they are very upbeat about 3:46 this technology they're not too worried 3:47 about it replacing them and they're 3:49 already finding ways to become more 3:51 effective and more productive 3:53 what does it mean for the hiring process 3:55 I mean we know for years that businesses 3:57 have used AI as a way to sort of weed 4:00 out the initial phase of the hiring 4:02 process maybe trying to find the right 4:04 candidates to interview I'd imagine with 4:06 the latest developments that's only 4:08 going to be accelerated what are you 4:09 looking at in terms of what this is 4:11 likely to do for that process 4:14 well I expect that it's going to raise 4:17 the quality of every application right 4:19 if you can just take a terrible selfie 4:21 on your phone and have it turned into a 4:22 beautiful corporate headshot if you can 4:24 answer a couple of questions and have a 4:27 beautiful resume uh every job Seeker 4:29 every candidate is going to start 4:31 looking amazing and that is going to 4:33 push employers to want to have instant 4:36 connection with a real human to see who 4:39 you really are uh if if the signal is 4:43 lost in your resume employers are going 4:45 to have to look for something else and I 4:46 think they're going to go back to the 4:48 old-fashioned person-to-person contact 4:50 Julia what are you hearing from the 4:51 employer side of this because when it 4:53 comes to the labor shortage and you 4:55 touched on it briefly earlier 4:57 have we made tremendous amount of stride 5:00 there are employers able to find those 5:03 skilled workers that they need and how 5:04 does AI play into that 5:07 absolutely not I have been the consumer 5:11 services Industries where employers are 5:14 adding lots of jobs uh there are still 5:16 very very high churn and uh very very 5:19 high wage growth pressures and there are 5:21 very few candidates and this is going to 5:22 be a long-term issue the working age 5:25 population in the United States is not 5:26 growing anymore the share that our 5:28 college educated is growing and so it 5:31 we're going to run out of non-college 5:33 educated workers prepared to do these 5:35 jobs and AI is probably not going to 5:37 help that much so Employers in those 5:39 areas need to understand that this is 5:41 going to be a tough slog and they need 5:43 to make these jobs more attractive on 5:45 the other end you're seeing companies 5:48 like IBM pausing hiring and replacing HR 5:52 jobs and accounting jobs and legal 5:54 services jobs with AI 5:57 but they're still likely to be very 6:01 little 6:02 shortage of demand for Highly Educated 6:05 workers in the United States uh we you 6:08 know this is a growing economy and and 6:10 this jobs report today I think suggests 6:11 that we aren't really at a ceiling the 6:14 the longer the expansion goes on the 6:16 more and more jobs are created 6:18 zip recruiters Julia Pollock appreciate 6:21 you joining us on this Friday have a 6:22 good weekend

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