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該視頻討論了世界上最先進的 10 個人工智能機器人,展示了 Digit、Cassie、Pepper 和 Handle 等機器人。 公司正在生產具有更好功能的創新機器人,並從每一個錯誤中吸取教訓。儘管公司正在生產可以執行複雜任務的機器人,但距離可以取代人類的多任務機器人還有幾十年的時間。

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1. Digit:一種人形機器人,旨在以獨特的方式移動並在復雜環境中執行任務。
2. Spot:由波士頓動力公司打造的機器狗,可以執行開門、端茶、搬運等任務。
3. Cassie:一種能夠用兩條腿行走和奔跑的動態機器人,專為搜救行動而設計。
4. HRP 5P:可以在建築工地搬運大型物體和工具的機器人。
5. Pepper:世界上第一個具有識別人類情感和與人互動能力的社交人形機器人。
6. 手柄:設計用於在倉庫和物流中心移動箱子和其他物體的機器人。
7. Pillo:一種旨在幫助患者管理健康的醫療機器人。
8. Sophia:一個可以表達情感並與人交談的人形機器人。
9. ASIMO:本田發明的一種機器人,可以走、跑、爬樓梯。
10. Nao:為研究和教育目的而設計的類人機器人。

Q:Handle、HRP 5P等機器人未來有望應用於哪些行業?
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Handle、HRP 5P等機器人有望應用於倉儲、物流、建築等行業。 Handle 專為在倉庫中運輸重物和碼垛貨物等任務而設計,
而 HRP 5P 則專為建築工地而設計,可用於處理大型物體和工具。

:00 technology that can think and act like 0:02 humans called Robotics and artificial 0:04 intelligence is getting better and 0:06 better very quickly new and exciting 0:08 ideas and discoveries are happening all 0:10 the time companies are producing awesome 0:13 robots day by day with better functions 0:15 and learning from every mistake anyway 0:17 we are still decades away from 0:19 multitasking robots that could actually 0:21 replace humans in this video we are 0:24 presenting you the 10 most advanced AI 0:26 robots in the world right now 0:29 number 10 digit 0:33 digit is a humanoid robot made in 2019 0:36 by agility robotics in the United States 0:39 it is designed in such a way that it 0:42 moves in a unique way than normal robots 0:44 do digit was made to carry out tasks in 0:47 complex environments companies say that 0:49 it can be used in future for taking care 0:51 of people in their homes in search and 0:54 rescue operations and more 0:56 number nine spot 1:02 this robot which resembles a dog is 1:04 another creation of Boston Dynamics and 1:07 is capable of carrying out crucial tasks 1:09 including opening office stores serving 1:11 tea spying on employees and looking for 1:13 employment 1:14 it can support loads up to 14 kilograms 1:17 in weight and has two payload ports 1:20 spots robots can be arranged in rows to 1:22 carry out coordinated operations like 1:24 dragging carts and pulling trucks off 1:26 the road 1:27 when it perceives threat it reacts 1:29 dynamical 1:31 number eight Cassie 1:36 Cassie is the lower version of Digit it 1:39 is a dynamic robot that is able to walk 1:41 and run just like humans and animals 1:43 [Music] 1:45 Cassie was named after Australian bird 1:47 cassowary that has similar leg shaped to 1:49 Cassie this Advanced robot can walk in 1:52 diverse and complex environments and 1:54 terrain and due to its advanced 1:56 technology and sensors it is supposed to 1:58 be used in search and rescue operations 2:00 in future 2:03 number seven hrp 5p 2:05 [Music] 2:08 as the name suggests hrp5p is the fifth 2:12 generation robot of hrp series of robots 2:15 it is used for handling large objects 2:17 and tools in construction sites the 2:20 robot is capable of doing complex tasks 2:22 like handling drywall sheets and more 2:25 the robot has strong sensory 2:27 capabilities that help it identify the 2:29 tools required for a task and use its 2:31 hands to carry out the job this robot is 2:34 considered one of the most advanced in 2:36 the world 2:38 number six pepper 2:43 pepper is the world's first social human 2:45 robot with abilities to recognize faces 2:47 basic human emotions and understand 2:49 languages 2:51 it is used for human interaction and 2:53 engage with people through conversation 2:55 and shows its words on the touchscreen 2:57 placed in his chest 2:58 it can hear voice commands from all 3:01 directions and interpret human emotions 3:03 using its HD cameras and 3D camera with 3:06 its unique leg construction pepper can 3:08 move in any direction and change its 3:10 orientation quickly 3:13 number five handle 3:18 Boston Dynamics created the handle robot 3:20 which is designed for warehouses and 3:22 transporting heavy loads it has a 3:25 suction arm to hold items in place and 3:27 deep learning Vision software to detect 3:29 and palletize cargo 3:31 the arm creates a vacuum to grip items 3:33 from the top the handle is efficient in 3:36 loading and unloading tasks and can move 3:38 up to 360 boxes per hour over short 3:41 distances 3:42 it can also rotate 360 degrees without 3:45 losing balance thanks to its swinging 3:47 tail which also helps balance the weight 3:51 number four Aqua North 3:56 Aquanaut is a robot that can work 3:58 underwater without a human it can change 4:00 shape and do many tasks it can be 4:03 launched from the surface of the water 4:04 or from a submarine 4:06 in submarine mode it can travel at a 4:08 speed of 200 kilometers per hour in with 4:11 an operational depth of 300 meters 4:13 aquanort has a motor that helps it move 4:15 underwater it works on an advanced 4:18 technology that is able to inspect gas 4:20 infrastructure and subsea oil 4:22 it can operate valves and use tools for 4:25 Corrections in some parts 4:26 [Music] 4:27 number three stuntronic 4:29 [Music] 4:33 stunttronic robots are made for 4:34 entertainment of people it is an 4:36 animatronic stunt robot that is able to 4:39 perform aerial flips twists and many 4:41 more 4:42 stunttronic is a highly Advanced robot 4:44 made for sports and entertainment that 4:46 can jump really high and do front and 4:48 back flips 4:49 these robots work on an advanced 4:51 technology that contains on-board 4:53 sensors to keep track of Right Movement 4:55 activities for flips twists and other 4:57 activities like landing on right time 5:01 number 2 atas 5:05 According to some companies it is the 5:07 most agile humanoid in existence 5:10 it is the most active humanoid robot 5:12 that can run jump over obstacles and do 5:15 a 360 degree jump in the air 5:18 atas is also known for its strength and 5:21 speed when running and walking 5:23 it stands very stable and can carry 5:25 heavy weight without falling it's great 5:27 for emergency response and rescue 5:29 operations its Advanced AI systems makes 5:32 it capable of sensing obstacles and 5:34 negotiating through diverse terrains 5:38 number one Sophia 5:40 [Music] 5:42 the most advanced human robot in 5:45 existence is Sophia it is a realistic 5:47 example of a perfect humanoid robot 5:49 because it has about 50 different face 5:51 expressions just like humans 5:53 Sophia is primarily designed for 5:55 Education research and entertainment 5:57 Sophia was trained to look after elderly 6:00 people she is also best at managing 6:02 crowds at big events it travels 6:04 throughout the world explaining people 6:06 the importance of robots in human life 6:09 she is the first robot to get 6:11 citizenship in any country 6:13 foreign 6:17 [Music]

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