0:01 [Music] 0:09 [Music] 0:11 thank you are you ready to hear about 0:14 the future of Transportation imagine a 0:16 bus that balances and stabilizes itself 0:19 like a spinning top that's right we're 0:21 talking about gyroscopic transport buses 0:24 these buses have the potential to 0:26 completely revolutionize the way we 0:28 think about transportation 0:30 using cutting-edge technology there 0:36 are eco-friendly alternative to 0:37 traditional buses but that's not all 0:40 they're also designed to be incredibly 0:42 maneuverable able to navigate through 0:44 tight spaces with ease 0:46 imagine zipping through congested urban 0:48 areas without getting stuck in traffic 0:51 not only are they efficient and 0:53 maneuverable but they also have the 0:55 potential to improve Road Safety the 0:58 spinning wheel helps stabilize the bus 1:00 reducing the risk of accidents caused by 1:02 sudden movements or road conditions 1:05 while still in the development stage and 1:07 not yet in commercial operation the 1:10 potential is truly exciting it's 1:12 successful they could Usher in a new era 1:15 of transportation that is more 1:17 sustainable and safer for passengers 1:20 imagine a transportation solution that 1:23 combines the speed and convenience of a 1:25 Metro with the affordability and 1:27 flexibility of the bus system that's 1:29 what the transit elevated bus aims to 1:31 achieve it travels on a dedicated 1:34 elevated track above the roads allowing 1:37 it to run over other vehicles and reduce 1:38 traffic congestion 1:40 it provides a fast and efficient mode of 1:43 transportation perfect for those who are 1:45 always on the go 1:47 one of the key features of its modular 1:49 design is that it can be extended or 1:51 shortened depending on the number of 1:52 passengers making it an ideal option for 1:55 crowded cities with multiple entry and 1:58 exit points passengers can board and 2:01 disembark with ease saving time and 2:03 hassle not only is it efficient and 2:06 flexible but it's also environmentally 2:08 friendly powered by electricity it has a 2:11 low impact on the environment and 2:13 provides a sustainable alternative to 2:15 traditional modes of transportation its 2:18 elevated design also makes it a perfect 2:20 fit for congested areas or places with 2:22 limited Road space it's an exciting 2:25 Innovation that could revolutionize 2:27 Urban transportation and we can't wait 2:29 to see where it goes from here 2:34 get ready to soar above the city with a 2:36 revolutionary Transportation solution 2:38 that is set to change the way we travel 2:41 developed by Skyway this Cutting Edge 2:43 vehicle is a game changer in the world 2:45 of urban Transportation suspended by a 2:48 unique suspension system this high-speed 2:51 electric vehicle runs on elevated tracks 2:53 offering a safe and efficient mode of 2:56 transportation 2:57 what's more the sky pods lightweight and 3:00 aerodynamic design make it energy 3:02 efficient and environmentally friendly 3:04 with its comfortable seating and 3:06 spacious interior passengers can enjoy a 3:09 smooth and pleasant ride experience but 3:11 that's not all it's advanced technology 3:14 and Innovative design allow it to reach 3:16 high speeds while operating smoothly and 3:19 quietly reducing traffic congestion and 3:21 pollution in cities and the best part 3:24 the vehicle offers enhanced safety 3:26 features such as redundant braking 3:28 systems and advanced sensors that 3:30 monitor the environment 3:32 its unique suspension system provides 3:35 stability and reduces the risk of 3:37 accidents making it a safe choice for 3:39 passengers it is the future of urban 3:41 transportation and we can't wait to see 3:44 it in action 3:49 picture a world where transportation is 3:51 eco-friendly energy efficient and highly 3:54 versatile this is the vision of next 3:57 future Transportation a company leading 3:59 the charge in revolutionizing 4:01 transportation 4:02 they have developed a patented modular 4:04 electric pod that can be configured in a 4:07 variety of ways to meet various 4:09 Transportation scenarios from public 4:11 transit to personal transportation and 4:13 goods delivery 4:15 these fully automated electric pods 4:17 produce zero emissions making them a 4:20 sustainable alternative to traditional 4:21 Transportation methods they are also 4:24 designed to be highly modular allowing 4:26 for easy customization and 4:28 reconfiguration to meet changing needs 4:30 equipped with Advanced Technologies such 4:33 as sensors cameras and navigation 4:35 systems they offer a safe and smooth 4:38 ride 4:39 moreover these pods are fully connected 4:41 allowing for real-time monitoring and 4:43 control of the system with their 4:46 potential to transform the way we think 4:47 about Transportation these electric pods 4:50 offer a more sustainable efficient and 4:52 convenient solution for a wide range of 4:55 Transportation needs including commuting 4:57 to work delivering Goods or traveling 5:00 between cities 5:01 the future of transportation is here and 5:04 it's exciting 5:08 have you heard about the next big thing 5:10 in transportation imagine traveling at 5:12 over 700 miles per hour in a low 5:15 pressure environment faster than a train 5:17 or a plane 5:18 that's the promise of the hyperloop a 5:21 revolutionary transportation system 5:23 proposed by Elon Musk in 2013. but what 5:27 makes it so special for starters it uses 5:30 clean energy sources making it an 5:32 environmentally friendly option plus the 5:35 lack of air resistance and the use of 5:37 energy efficient Technologies make it a 5:40 sustainable and cost-effective 5:41 alternative to traditional 5:42 Transportation modes but that's not all 5:45 it can be built above ground reducing 5:48 the need for land acquisition and 5:50 minimizing its impact on the environment 5:52 and the best part its high-speed nature 5:55 makes it perfect for long distance 5:57 travel reducing travel times and making 6:00 it a convenient option for business 6:01 Travelers and tourists it is being 6:04 developed by several companies each with 6:06 their own vision for its use from 6:08 Intercity travel to Freight 6:10 transportation to commuting within 6:12 cities the possibilities are endless 6:16 what if I told you that there's a 6:17 revolutionary electric vehicle that's 6:19 transforming the transportation industry 6:21 meet the teapot a driverless and 6:24 autonomous truck that operates on 6:26 highways and other similar roads it's 6:29 not just safe and efficient it's also 6:31 designed to transport large amounts of 6:33 goods and cargo with a capacity of up to 6:35 16 pallets 6:37 equipped with Advanced sensors cameras 6:39 and software that allows it to navigate 6:41 and operate safely in autonomous mode 6:44 but that's not all this Innovative truck 6:47 is fully electric providing a 6:49 sustainable and eco-friendly solution 6:51 for transportation 6:53 with a range of up to 200 kilometers on 6:56 a single charge it can travel for 6:58 several hours without the need for a 7:00 recharge and the benefits don't stop 7:02 there it's autonomous nature eliminates 7:05 the need for a driver reducing labor 7:07 costs and increasing efficiency 7:10 plus the Electric power source reduces 7:13 greenhouse gas emissions making it an 7:15 ideal choice for companies that want to 7:17 reduce their carbon footprint it's not 7:19 just a truck it's a game changer in the 7:21 transportation industry 7:26 imagine a car that showcases the future 7:28 of Mobility combining advanced 7:30 technology and luxury features in a 7:33 sleek and futuristic Design This is the 7:36 Mercedes-Benz if 015 luxury in motion a 7:40 concept car that demonstrates the 7:41 automaker's vision for the future 7:44 unveil at the 2015 Consumer Electronics 7:47 Show in Las Vegas it is equipped with 7:49 Advanced sensors cameras and Ladder 7:52 systems that enable fully autonomous 7:54 driving but it's not just the technology 7:56 that sets this car apart the interior is 7:59 designed for relaxation and comfort with 8:02 lounge style seats that can rotate to 8:04 face each other and a futuristic 8:06 dashboard with large displays 8:09 it has a unique exterior design that 8:11 screams Innovation and sets it apart 8:13 from traditional vehicles and while it's 8:16 still just a concept car that has not 8:18 been put into production it has already 8:20 influenced the development of the 8:22 automaker's current autonomous driving 8:24 Technologies the future of Mobility is 8:27 here and this car is leading the way 8:32 have you heard of the latest 8:34 breakthrough in urban air transportation 8:37 the Bell Nexus 4 ex is an extraordinary 8:40 electric vertical takeoff and Landing 8:42 Eve toll Air Taxi concept that will blow 8:45 your mind developed by Bell a subsidiary 8:48 of texture and Incorporated this Cutting 8:51 Edge aircraft is powered by a hybrid 8:53 electric propulsion system and has a 8:55 range of up to 150 miles on a single 8:58 charge making it the perfect sustainable 9:00 and efficient solution for urban air 9:03 transportation 9:04 but that's not all it has a spacious 9:06 cabin that can accommodate up to four 9:08 passengers providing a comfortable and 9:11 quiet ride its Advanced flight controls 9:13 and Safety Systems along with its 9:15 vertical takeoff and Landing capability 9:17 make it a practical and versatile 9:20 solution for urban air transportation 9:23 and let's not forget about its sleek and 9:25 unique design which showcases their 9:27 commitment to developing Innovative and 9:29 sustainable urban air transportation 9:31 Solutions 9:32 and while it's still a concept the 9:34 potential uses for this aircraft are 9:36 numerous 9:37 Urban Air taxi services to emergency 9:40 medical transportation and even as a 9:43 delivery vehicle for goods and packages 9:48 if you're a fan of Cutting Edge 9:49 technology and Innovative design then 9:52 you won't want to miss this incredible 9:53 vehicle that's making waves in the world 9:56 of Transportation meet the Renault float 9:58 a concept cover card that's pushing the 10:00 boundaries of what we thought was 10:02 possible 10:03 this multi-mode vehicle is designed to 10:06 operate on both land and water thanks to 10:08 its Advanced aerodynamics and 10:10 hydrodynamic principles and with its 10:13 sleek and aerodynamic body design it can 10:15 glide through the air with ease and 10:17 maneuver with precision 10:19 but what really sets it apart is its 10:21 Advanced propulsion system which uses 10:24 multiple propellers to generate lift 10:26 this allows it to hover above the 10:28 surface of both land and water providing 10:30 a truly unique Driving Experience that's 10:33 unlike anything you've ever experienced 10:35 before 10:36 and it doesn't stop there it is also 10:39 equipped with Advanced navigation and 10:41 control systems as well as an Innovative 10:43 energy management system that makes it 10:45 highly efficient and environmentally 10:47 friendly 10:52 finally we will talk now about an 10:54 exciting solution that could 10:55 revolutionize Transportation as we know 10:57 it 10:58 imagine a high-speed network of 11:00 underground tunnels designed to reduce 11:02 traffic congestion and make travel 11:04 faster and more efficient 11:06 this is the vision of the boring 11:08 company's underground tunnel founded by 11:10 none other than Elon Musk in 2016. 11:13 the tunnel is no ordinary Subway it's 11:16 smaller more efficient and built to be 11:18 cost effective allowing for the 11:21 construction of more tunnels at a lower 11:22 cost 11:23 the company's first tunnel in Hawthorne 11:25 California is a testing ground for their 11:28 Innovative technology 11:29 but what's the technology behind this 11:31 Transportation solution 11:33 the tunnel is equipped with electric 11:34 skates that transport vehicles at high 11:37 speeds reducing travel time between 11:39 destinations and with an automated 11:41 system for loading and unloading 11:43 Vehicles the process is faster and more 11:46 efficient than ever before 11:48 not only does the tunnel reduce traffic 11:50 congestion it also generates zero 11:52 emissions making it environmentally 11:54 friendly and with its protection from 11:56 weather conditions and above ground 11:58 accidents it's expected to be safer than 12:01 traditional roads

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