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討論了智慧城市,並重點介紹了全球 10 個智慧城市, 包括加拿大的 Zibi、馬來西亞的 Forest City、印度的 GIFT City 和尼日利亞的 Eko Atlantic。 智慧城市利用數字解決方案來改善服務和基礎設施,例如交通、廢物處理、照明和供暖系統。特色智慧城市提供與尖端技術相結合的可持續、節能社區。

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智慧城市在基礎設施和服務方面不同於傳統城市,因為它們利用數字解決方案來改善這些方面。 例如,智慧城市可能擁有具有實時交通更新和優化路線的先進交通系統、使用智能傳感器監控和管理垃圾收集的廢物處理系統,以及節能照明和供暖系統。 智慧城市還可能擁有一個由傳感器、攝像頭和其他技術組成的集成系統,可提供實時數據,幫助城市官員做出明智的決策並改善服務。

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通過實施節能技術和系統,例如智能建築管理系統、智能電網以及太陽能和風能等可再生能源,智能城市變得更加可持續和生態友好。 此外,智慧城市也在推廣電動和混合動力汽車等環保交通工具,並提供自行車共享計劃和行人友好型基礎設施。 通過使用數據分析,智慧城市可以跟踪能源消耗和碳排放,並採取積極措施來優化和減少它們。 總體而言,智慧城市旨在為居民創造更可持續、更宜居的環境。

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1. 高效便捷的服務:智慧城市利用數字化解決方案,提供交通、垃圾處理、照明、供暖系統等智能服務。 這些服務高效、環保且更方便,使人們的日常生活更加輕鬆。
2. 增強安全性:智慧城市使用高級分析來監控和響應實時緊急情況,從而提高城市居民和企業的安全。
3. 能源效率:通過利用智能電網和節能建築等先進技術,智慧城市降低了能源消耗,從而降低了能源費用、減少了污染並最大限度地減少了碳足跡。
4. 改善連接性:智慧城市相互連接,可實現不同部門之間更好的溝通和數據收集。 例如,連接的公共交通系統允許通勤者優化他們的旅程,減少等待時間並改善連接。
5. 加強公民參與:智慧城市可以提高公民參與度和透明度,有助於培養社區意識和居民賦權。 反過來,這可以導致更多的公民參與、更有效的資源分配和更有效的問題解決。

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1. 深圳,中國
2. 迪拜,阿拉伯聯合酋長國
3. 柏林,德國
4. 大阪,日本
5. 西雅圖,美國
6. 胡志明市,越南
7. 紐約市,美國
8. 漢堡,德國
9. 孟買,印度
10. 新加坡
這些地區都有針對各自的城市需求和挑戰進行智慧城市建設項目, 以利用現代技術解決城市的交通、醫療、教育、能源等問題,讓市民生活更加便利、舒適,環境更加綠色、健康。

0:05 What are smart cities? 0:08 A smart city is a location in which existing networks and services 0:12 are made more effective via the use of digital solutions 0:16 for the benefit of its residents and businesses. 0:19 It entails smarter urban transportation networks, 0:23 improved water supply, and waste disposal facilities, 0:27 and more efficient lighting and heating systems. 0:30 How many smart cities do you think have reached livable levels 0:34 and already offer living space to their citizens? 0:37 Although some are still in the project stage, 0:39 we share 10 of them with you. 0:42 This is an important sign of how widespread they are. 0:45 So which ones would you like to live in? 0:52 Zibi has an unequaled beachfront position, 0:56 as well as a rich cultural legacy and history. 0:59 Zibi will now be home to thousands of residents who will have 1:03 everything at their fingertips, 1:05 from the world-class parks of North Shore 1:08 to the top shopping and restaurants of Chaudière West. 1:11 The Zibi Master Plan 1:13 includes a comprehensive network of walking trails, 1:16 cycling networks, and public transportation choices. 1:20 Cyclists will find brand new bike paths 1:23 right at their doorsteps along the Booth-Eddy corridor, 1:27 pedestrians will enjoy a highly walkable neighborhood, 1:30 and residents will think twice before driving. 1:33 Overall, this will be one of Canada's most interconnected 1:36 master-planned communities. 1:43 Forest City, a luxury estate in southern Malaysia, 1:46 is one of the country's most contentious constructions. 1:50 Six years into construction, 1:52 the $100 billion estate 1:54 has already become a ghost town. 1:57 The prominent features of Forest City are as follows; 2:01 Low-carbon, green city with a sustainable community 2:04 and an energy-efficient building system that meets green criteria. 2:09 A bustling metropolis with a dense population 2:12 that is in tune with the rest of the world. 2:15 A harmonious community 2:17 that embraces the rich heritage established by its members' 2:20 diverse cultures. 2:22 The newly-built Forest metropolis, 2:24 which will consist of four man-made islands 2:27 spanning 30 km2, 2:29 will be a smart and green future metropolis 2:32 that integrates environment, technology, 2:35 and cutting-edge technology to create an ideal, 2:38 idyllic, and technology-driven living and working space ecology. 2:50 GIFT City is a national project 2:52 that has become a vital element of India's growth story 2:56 as the country strives to realize its aspiration 2:59 of becoming a developed nation. 3:01 The name "GIFT" is an acronym that stands for 3:05 "Gujarat International Finance Tec-City". 3:08 It is India's first operational greenfield smart city 3:12 and international financial services center, 3:15 which was pitched as a greenfield project 3:17 by the Gujarat government. 3:19 The city is on the banks of the Sabarmati River, 3:22 about 12 kilometers (7.5 miles) 3:25 from Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel International Airport. 3:29 GIFT City is divided into two zones: 3:32 Domestic Tariff Area (DTA): 3:34 This zone is intended for domestic businesses 3:37 and is governed by Indian laws and regulations. 3:40 Companies operating in this zone 3:42 can serve the domestic market 3:44 while benefiting from significant tax breaks 3:46 provided by the Indian government. 3:48 Special Economic Zone (SEZ): 3:51 This zone is intended for international businesses 3:54 and is intended to encourage exports and foreign investments. 3:57 Companies operating in this zone 3:59 benefit from a variety of benefits, including tax breaks, 4:03 duty-free imports and exports, 4:05 and simplified regulatory procedures. 4:08 Each city has its own sustaining ecosystem. 4:11 Only thirty minutes separates you from the past, present, and future. 4:20 Eko Atlantic is a brand-new coastal metropolis 4:24 under construction on Victoria Island in Lagos, Nigeria. 4:28 It serves as a focal point for investors 4:30 looking to capitalize on an abundant development boom 4:34 driven by tremendous demand, 4:36 as well as a gateway to the continent's rising markets. 4:40 This new metropolis has fast grown 4:43 from a creative architectural concept 4:45 to a technical reality. 4:47 Road infrastructure and underground surface drainage pipes 4:51 have already been installed along important routes 4:53 across the new metropolis. 4:55 The project's bridges in Phases 1 and 2 4:58 have all been finished. 4:59 Independent reliable electricity, 5:02 modern fiber optic telecoms, 5:04 and clean water utility services 5:06 are already built below street level 5:08 across Eko Atlantic. 5:10 This spectacular engineering and technical city is now growing, 5:14 with the foundations in place. 5:22 Western Sydney, approximately 50 kilometers from 5:25 Sydney's core business center, is one of Australia's fastest-growing districts. 5:30 Western Sydney, one of Australia's most culturally varied regions, 5:34 has a population of 2 million people 5:37 and is expected to increase to nearly 3 million in the next 20 years 5:41 as the economy booms. 5:43 That is why the governments of Australia and New South Wales 5:46 are collaborating with the business sector 5:48 to build a purpose-built Aerotropolis. 5:51 The Western Sydney Aerotropolis 5:53 will grow into a major economic hub in the region. 5:56 The Aerotropolis, which will benefit from its proximity 5:59 to the new Western Sydney International 6:01 (Nancy-Bird Walton) Airport, 6:03 will contribute to 200,000 new jobs 6:07 in the broader Western Parkland City 6:09 and will become a high-skill jobs hub across aerospace and defense, 6:14 manufacturing, healthcare, freight and logistics, and agribusiness. 6:24 Smart Kalasatama, a brownfield district in Helsinki, 6:28 is a vibrant Smart City experimental innovation platform 6:32 where residents may co-create smart 6:34 and clean urban infrastructure and services. 6:37 By 2035, the district will house around 25,000 people 6:43 and employ 10,000 people. 6:45 There are currently 3,000 people residing in the region. 6:48 Kalasatama is constructing a carbon-neutral future 6:52 for energy services. 6:54 The user of power in this paradigm, 6:56 smart-grid area, can also be its producer. 7:00 Helen, ABB, and Fingrid's intelligent energy systems project 7:06 focus on Kalasatama's smart grid and its byproducts, 7:10 such as an electric car network and energy storage. 7:13 This global city research evaluating city initiatives for technology, 7:18 innovation, and entrepreneurship, 7:20 ranked Helsinki right after New York and London. 7:28 Hamburg's Smart City Approach is obvious in daily life: 7:32 smart technologies, multidisciplinary pilot projects, 7:36 and new architecture continue to emerge in the city's 7:39 ever-changing landscape. 7:41 Hamburg's IT and communication infrastructure includes 7:44 free WiFi and charging stations in some of the city's trains. 7:48 Hamburg, like Heidelberg and Stuttgart, 7:51 is a pioneer in delivering an energy-efficient urban environment. 7:56 Intelligent, twilight-dependent street lighting 7:58 and smart garbage cans are examples of this. 8:01 Mobility is one of Hamburg's smart city strengths. 8:05 Smart traffic management, smart parking, 8:07 and a complete car-sharing offer are all available. 8:11 HafenCity's sustainable mobility plan 8:14 is made up of a combination of great public transportation links, 8:18 optimum circumstances for active mobility, 8:22 a reduction in private car parking provision, 8:24 and a station-based, cross-neighborhood 8:27 car-sharing system. 8:33 The Mukaab is a proposed architectural concept 8:36 to construct a 400-meter-tall 8:39 enormous cube-shaped skyscraper 8:42 in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia's al-Qirawan area. 8:46 The New Murabba aspires to build Riyadh into 8:50 "the world's largest and most modern downtown" 8:54 on unprecedented scales. 8:56 As the crown jewel of the New Murabba project, 8:59 the Mukaab shines brightly. 9:02 Riyadh's most recent urban development project 9:05 will include more than 9:06 25 million square kilometers of floor space, 9:11 104,000 residential units, 9:14 9,000 hotel rooms, 9:16 980,000 square meters of retail space, 9:20 1.4 million square meters of office space, 9:24 620,000 square meters of leisure assets, 9:28 and 1.8 million square meters of communal facilities. 9:33 Being built as part of the country’s Vision 2030, 9:36 the government also intends to get it ready in time to host 9:39 the World Expo in 2030, 9:42 for which it is a candidate, along with South Korea, Ukraine, and Italy. 9:52 Telosa is a hypothetical utopian planned city in the United States 9:57 designed by American millionaire Marc Lore 10:00 and set to open in September 2021. 10:03 Telosa City will be created in the desert between Nevada, Arizona, and Utah. 10:09 A total of 150,000 hectares of land is planned. 10:13 According to Lore, the city will have 50,000 residents as early as 2030. 10:19 The new city will be powered almost entirely by renewable energy. 10:24 Solar panels will be installed on all structures. 10:28 Several water treatment plants will use the resource cautiously, 10:32 which is much more valuable in the desert. 10:34 Cars are not required in Telosa 10:36 because the emphasis is on walkers and cyclists. 10:40 Cars that may be required should be electric and self-driving. 10:44 One day, up to five million people are anticipated to reside in the utopian city. 10:50 Telosa is distinguished by community resources, 10:54 and a very small ecological footprint, in addition to its avant-garde design. 10:56 in addition to its avant-garde design. 11:03 The Line is a civilizational revolution 11:06 that prioritizes humanity 11:08 by providing an unmatched urban living experience 11:12 while protecting the environment. 11:14 The city will be totally powered by renewable energy. 11:17 It will have three layers: one for pedestrians on the surface, 11:21 one for infrastructure underneath, 11:24 and another for transit underground. 11:26 Residents will be compensated to give data to The Line, 11:30 which will monitor the city and employ predictive and statistical models 11:34 to uncover ways to enhance daily living for its population. 11:38 Designers of the city say that they want to create a legacy 11:42 that makes the world a better place, 11:44 and their key values will help them achieve that. 11:48 In sum, many of these cities’ improvements are already in place. 11:53 According to consultancy McKinsey, 11:55 implementing a smart city idea 11:57 can improve important quality-of-life metrics 12:00 such as health, safety, 12:02 and environmental quality by 10 to 30%. 12:06 Cities at their best will blend what is good for the environment 12:10 with what is good for the economy.

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