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探討電子商務未來可能出現的九大趨勢, 包括增強現實的廣泛使用、 人工智能輔助、包括加密貨幣在內的多種支付選項, 以及使用自主送貨無人機進行運輸。 增強現實有望在廣泛使用方面超越虛擬現實。 人工智能輔助,就像鋼鐵俠裡的賈維斯,將越來越多地出現在人們的生活中。尋求擴大消費者基礎的品牌將需要採用多種支付方式,包括加密貨幣。出於運輸目的使用自動送貨無人機也將變得普遍。

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在電子商務中使用增強現實的好處包括允許客戶虛擬試用產品或在他們自己的環境中可視化產品,提供產品功能和優勢的增強視角,並幫助客戶做出更明智的購買決定。 增強現實還允許客戶在 360 度互動體驗中從多個角度審視產品,它可以幫助確保產品符合預期用途並滿足客戶的需求,從而做出更明智、更高效的決策。

Q:AI 協助如何改變我們處理日常
Chat YouTube: 人工智能輔助有可能以多種方式改變我們處理日常生活任務的方式,因為它可以幫助我們完成從簡單的提醒和日程安排到在線購物和健康監測等更複雜的任務。 人工智能助手可以了解我們的喜好,跟踪我們的日常習慣,並預測我們的需求,從而為我們提供個性化和主動的幫助。 這可以節省我們的時間,減輕壓力,並提高我們的生產力。 此外,人工智能輔助可能能夠通過提供相關信息和見解來幫助我們做出更明智的決定。 隨著人工智能背後的技術不斷進步,它改變我們處理日常生活任務方式的可能性幾乎是無限的。

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區塊鏈技術的廣泛採用預計將對電子商務的未來產生重大影響,尤其是在涉及安全性、透明度和信任問題時。 區塊鏈的去中心化、防篡改賬本系統可以為在線交易提供高級別的安全性,因為它消除了對中介的需求,並確保交易的所有各方都能實時看到其詳細信息。 這可以降低欺詐風險並增加買賣雙方之間的信任。 除了安全之外,區塊鏈技術還可以幫助簡化交易流程、降低成本並提高效率。 在區塊鏈平台上使用智能合約可以使交易過程的許多方面自動化,包括支付、運輸,甚至監管合規。 這可以導致更快、更簡化的交易,對企業來說也更具成本效益。 此外,區塊鏈技術的使用還可以促進新的支付方式的採用,例如在電子商務行業中越來越受歡迎的加密貨幣。 總體而言,區塊鏈技術的廣泛採用有望在未來帶來更加安全、高效和透明的電子商務生態

0:00 foreign 0:01 [Music] 0:08 we'll explore the future of e-commerce 0:11 and identify nine exciting trends that 0:13 are on the horizon 0:15 from the use of augmented reality to the 0:17 rise of voice Commerce we'll take a deep 0:20 dive into The Cutting Edge Technologies 0:22 and societal changes that are 0:24 transforming the way we shop join us as 0:27 we explore the future of e-commerce and 0:30 discover the exciting possibilities that 0:32 lie ahead the world of e-commerce is 0:35 poised for significant transformations 0:36 in response to both technological 0:38 advancements and societal changes in 0:41 this context I will outline the future 0:43 of e-commerce and identify nine trends 0:46 that are likely to emerge 0:48 firstly the use of augmented reality AR 0:51 is expected to become widespread as it 0:54 allows customers to virtually try on 0:55 products or visualize them in their own 0:57 environment by simply clicking on a 0:59 product customers can view it in real 1:02 time through their mobile device and 1:04 even examine it from multiple angles in 1:06 a 360 degree interactive experience this 1:10 enhanced perspective of a product's 1:12 features and benefits can Aid customers 1:14 in making more informed purchasing 1:16 decisions the majority of these 1:18 augmented reality experiences are likely 1:20 to be accessed through handheld and 1:22 wearable devices such as smartphones and 1:25 smart glasses one example of a tool that 1:27 already facilitates this type of 1:29 experience is Shopify AR which enables 1:32 customers to preview products in a 1:34 natural setting prior to making a 1:36 purchase this feature can help to ensure 1:38 that the product aligns with the 1:39 intended purpose and meets the 1:41 customer's needs which in turn allows 1:43 for more informed and efficient decision 1:45 making When selecting a brand to 1:47 purchase from it is worth noting that 1:49 augmented reality is projected to 1:51 surpass virtual reality in terms of 1:53 widespread usage despite the latter's 1:56 projected global market value of 67 1:58 billion dollars by 2028. as reported by 2:02 Grand View research in contrast the 2:04 global market value of augmented reality 2:06 is expected to reach a staggering 340 2:10 billion dollars by 2028 which is five 2:13 times larger than the virtual reality 2:15 Market moving on to another Trend it is 2:18 predicted that AI assistance resembling 2:20 Jarvis from Iron Man will become 2:22 increasingly prevalent and play a 2:24 significant role in people's lives in 2:27 developed countries a growing number of 2:29 individuals are likely to have access to 2:31 ai-powered assistance such as Alexa 2:33 Google home and apple homepod according 2:36 to Peter dimandus the founder of 2:38 singular University these services will 2:40 continue to evolve and expand their 2:42 functionalities ultimately becoming a 2:44 constant cognitive prosthetic beyond the 2:47 home setting depending on the level of 2:49 access granted a secure jarvis-like 2:52 software could potentially listen to 2:54 conversations read emails monitor blood 2:57 chemistry and perform other tasks to 2:59 enhance daily life by leveraging the 3:02 vast amounts of data available AI driven 3:05 software has the potential to gain a 3:07 comprehensive understanding of an 3:09 individual's preferences and behavior 3:11 facilitating activities such as shopping 3:14 Health monitoring and long-term goal 3:16 setting as we approach the mid-2030s 3:20 advancements in technology such as brain 3:23 computer interfaces may enable 3:25 individuals to interact with AI 3:26 assistance directly through their 3:28 thoughts marking a significant 3:30 breakthrough in the realm of AI enabled 3:32 technology 3:33 moving on to another Trend it is 3:36 expected that Brands seeking to expand 3:38 their consumer base particularly among 3:40 Generation Z and Millennials will need 3:42 to adopt multiple payment options 3:44 including cryptocurrencies it is 3:47 projected that the volatility of 3:48 cryptocurrencies May stabilize in the 3:50 coming decade making them more 3:52 attractive as payment options for large 3:54 corporations such as Amazon and payment 3:57 processing companies like PayPal 3:58 additionally most cryptocurrencies 4:01 utilize blockchain technology to record 4:03 transactions which is essentially a 4:05 shared database that allows multiple 4:07 parties to access and verify data in 4:09 real time making it highly secure and 4:12 virtually tamper-proof according to 4:14 Grandview research the global blockchain 4:16 technology Market is set to Skyrocket 4:18 from six billion dollars in 2021 to a 4:22 staggering 395 billion dollars in 2028 4:25 marking a massive 65-fold increase in 4:29 just a few years the widespread adoption 4:31 of blockchain technology is expected to 4:33 in increase the familiarity of this 4:35 technology and cryptocurrencies among 4:37 various Industries 4:38 another Trend that is anticipated to 4:40 take hold in the future is the use of 4:42 autonomous delivery drones for shipping 4:44 purposes 4:45 these drones have the capability to 4:48 automate and handle shipping tasks of 4:50 varying volumes all without requiring 4:52 any human intervention the benefits of 4:54 using autonomous drones for e-commerce 4:56 deliveries are numerous including faster 4:58 delivery times lower freight costs 5:00 reduced accidents minimized human errors 5:03 decreased carbon emissions and enhanced 5:06 customer satisfaction Amazon is a 5:08 leading player in this area with their 5:10 Prime Air Service offering to deliver 5:12 packages of up to five pounds within 30 5:15 minutes or less using small drones that 5:17 have been tested in several countries 5:19 including the US the UK Austria France 5:23 and Israel 5:25 virtual reality devices will be a 5:27 crucial component of marketing campaigns 5:29 as they enable customers to experience 5:32 products in new and exciting ways these 5:35 devices allow customers to view products 5:37 from different angles and to see them in 5:39 action with an immersive virtual 5:41 environments this technology has the 5:43 potential to revolutionize the way that 5:45 consumers interact with products 5:47 providing them with a more engaging and 5:49 memorable experience as virtual reality 5:52 technology continues to evolve it is 5:55 expected that it will become an 5:57 increasingly important tool for 5:58 businesses looking to promote their 6:00 products and services 6:02 in today's world virtual reality 6:04 technology can quickly alter the product 6:06 being viewed and its environment 6:08 providing a variety of contexts for 6:10 consumers to experience the product this 6:13 technology is anticipated to 6:14 revolutionize Industries such as 6:16 entertainment education video games and 6:20 social media furthermore social media 6:22 platforms such as Facebook and Instagram 6:24 have made it more convenient for 6:26 consumers to purchase products through 6:28 in-app purchases without leaving their 6:31 platform 6:32 Facebook has implemented Facebook shops 6:34 allowing businesses to create online 6:36 storefronts for their products that 6:38 users can browse and purchase directly 6:40 on Facebook some companies such as 6:43 threadbeast have already started using 6:44 this feature the significant growth of 6:47 Internet users especially in Emerging 6:49 Markets is expected to have a major 6:51 impact on the global economy with more 6:54 than 4.8 billion users online as of July 6:57 2021 that accounts for about 63 percent 7:01 of the world's population as projected 7:03 by cyber security Ventures the number of 7:06 Internet users could reach 7.5 billion 7:09 by 2030 which would be about 90 percent 7:12 of the projected world population of 8.5 7:15 billion by that time this growth in 7:18 Emerging Markets presents an enormous 7:20 opportunity for businesses to expand 7:22 their reach and tap into new consumer 7:25 bases the number of Internet users in 7:27 Emerging Markets including India China 7:30 Brazil Russia and South Africa is 7:33 expected to rise significantly adding 7:36 2.7 billion potential consumers to the 7:38 internet this is likely to result in a 7:41 substantial increase in profits for 7:43 e-commerce businesses of all sizes in 7:46 addition voice Commerce is projected to 7:48 become increasingly popular with an 7:50 estimated worth of over 40 billion 7:52 dollars in the United States by 2022 7:55 although the smart speaker Market is 7:57 rapidly expanding worldwide most voice 7:59 activity occurs through virtual 8:01 assistants on mobile devices consumers 8:03 also frequently use voice search 8:05 features on search engines like Google 8:07 and Bing to look for products in the 8:10 e-commerce industry the use of video 8:12 format for product descriptions is 8:14 expected to increase in popularity 8:16 research Studies have shown that a 8:18 significant number of Shoppers prefer 8:20 watching product videos overreading 8:22 product descriptions moreover Shoppers 8:25 are more likely to purchase a product 8:26 after watching branded videos on social 8:28 media this Trend indicates that 8:31 customers want a more interactive and 8:32 immersive experience while making a 8:34 purchase we hope you enjoyed learning 8:36 about the emerging trends that will 8:38 shape the industry don't forget to 8:40 subscribe to our channel for more 8:41 exciting updates and insights thanks for 8:44 watching 8:47 foreign 8:53 foreign

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