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麻省理工學院的科學家開發了一種新的、具有成本效益的碳捕獲技術,該技術基於一種化學過程,該過程使用電化學電池從空氣或海洋中捕獲二氧化碳。該過程涉及塗有特殊聚合物的電極,該聚合物選擇性地與 CO2 分子結合,當暴露在空氣中時,這些分子會被吸引到電極上。在海洋碳捕獲的情況下,該團隊開發了一種無膜電化學電池,該電池通過一系列反應電池逆轉海水供給,導致溶解的二氧化碳逸出,酸化水,將溶解的無機碳酸氫鹽轉化為分子二氧化碳,並回收質子. 該系統可以將二氧化碳轉化為乙醇等物質,埋入海底深處的地質構造中,或用作化學或材料製造的原料。

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麻省理工學院的新碳捕獲技術比早期方法更具成本效益和效率,因為它使用簡單的化學過程,使用電化學電池直接從空氣或海洋中捕獲二氧化碳。 該技術涉及塗有特殊聚合物的電極,該聚合物選擇性地與 CO2 分子結合,當暴露在空氣中時,這些分子會被吸引到電極上。 這個過程是可逆的,允許在需要時輕鬆釋放捕獲的二氧化碳,並且該系統可以將二氧化碳轉化為乙醇等物質,或用作化學或材料製造的原料。 與早期的方法相比,新技術更高效、更實惠,有可能在緩解氣候變化和保護我們的星球方面發揮關鍵作用。

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除了乙醇,從海水中捕獲的二氧化碳還可以轉化為其他特種化學品。 可以生產的確切化學品取決於用於轉化 CO2 的具體方法,但可以從 CO2 生產的特種化學品的例子包括甲醇、甲酸和乙酸等。 這些特種化學品具有多種工業應用,包括作為溶劑、防腐劑和更複雜化學品的基礎材料。 通過使用從海水中捕獲的二氧化碳生產特種化學品,我們可以減少對化石燃料的依賴並限制溫室氣體排放,從而有助於緩解氣候變化。

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遍布全球的碳去除廠可以通過各種方法幫助緩解氣候變化和減少碳排放。 這些植物可以從空氣、海洋或工業過程中捕獲和儲存二氧化碳。 捕獲的碳可以轉化為有用的產品或儲存在地質構造或固體物質中,從而有效地從大氣或水中去除碳。 通過在全球範圍內部署這些工廠,可以顯著擴大碳去除規模。 這意味著可以通過從大氣和其他來源捕獲和儲存二氧化碳來抵消或減少碳排放。 除碳工廠也可以位於靠近城市地區、工業區或主要污染源的地方,這有助於抵消這些地區的碳排放。 此外,除碳廠可以幫助減少包括航運、航空和農業在內的各個工業部門的碳排放對環境的影響。 它們還可以幫助恢復固碳的自然生態系統,例如森林和濕地。 總體而言,在全球範圍內部署碳清除工廠有助於減輕氣候變化的影響並減少碳排放。 這是減少溫室氣體排放的有效方法,並且作為解決氣候危機的有前途的戰略正在獲得關注。

0:00 hello everyone and welcome back to itech 0:02 let me welcome you all to this exciting 0:05 news update on the latest breakthrough 0:06 in carbon capture technology a team of 0:09 scientists at MIT has made a significant 0:11 achievement in developing a new method 0:13 for capturing carbon dioxide from the 0:15 air and oceans this technology has the 0:18 potential to play a crucial role in 0:20 mitigating climate change and protecting 0:22 our planet 0:23 in this video we will talk about how 0:25 this groundbreaking carbon captures 0:27 technology works and its potential 0:29 benefits for our oceans and our planet 0:31 capture of carbon dioxide from Air 0:33 carbon capture technology has been 0:35 around for some time but the process has 0:38 been expensive and energy intensive MIT 0:41 scientists have developed a new approach 0:43 that is more efficient and cost 0:44 effective the technology is based on a 0:47 simple chemical process that uses an 0:49 electrochemical cell to capture carbon 0:51 dioxide directly from the air the device 0:54 consists of two electrodes with a liquid 0:56 electrolyte between them the electrodes 0:58 are coated with a thin layer of a 1:00 special polymer that selectively binds 1:02 to carbon dioxide molecules when the 1:05 device is exposed to the air carbon 1:07 dioxide molecules are attracted to the 1:09 electrode and bind to the polymer layer 1:11 the process is reversible allowing the 1:14 carbon dioxide to be released when 1:15 needed removing carbon dioxide From 1:18 Oceans scientists from all across the 1:20 world have diligently searched for 1:22 Effective methods of reducing 1:23 atmospheric carbon dioxide levels 1:25 meanwhile the ocean is the primary sink 1:28 for atmospheric carbon dioxide absorbing 1:31 30 to 40 percent of the gas caused by 1:33 human activity method of removing carbon 1:35 dioxide from seawater current 1:37 Technologies for desalinizing salt water 1:40 involve applying a voltage across a 1:42 stack of membranes in order to acidify a 1:44 feed stream via water splitting by doing 1:46 so the bicarbonates in the water are 1:49 transformed into CO2 molecules which may 1:51 be extracted using a vacuum Hatton an 1:54 MIT Professor points out that the 1:56 membranes are costly and those chemicals 1:58 are needed to drive the total electrode 2:00 reactions at either end of the stack 2:02 making the processes much more 2:04 complicated and expensive the group 2:06 developed a membrane-less 2:07 electrochemical cell that can be 2:09 reversed 2:10 the seawater fed to the cells is 2:12 irradiated with protons from reactive 2:14 electrodes which causes the dissolved 2:17 carbon dioxide to escape initially the 2:20 water is acidified so that dissolved 2:22 inorganic bicarbonates can be converted 2:23 to molecular carbon dioxide which is 2:26 then collected as a gas when the 2:27 pressure is high 2:29 the water is then sent through a second 2:31 set of cells operating at a negative 2:33 voltage in order to reclaim the protons 2:36 and neutralize the acidity before it is 2:38 returned to the ocean 2:39 after one set of electrodes has been 2:41 depleted of protons during acidification 2:43 and the other set has been regenerated 2:45 during alkalization the roles of the two 2:48 cells are periodically reversed 2:50 how carbon dioxide is further disposed 2:53 of 2:54 the process of removing carbon dioxide 2:56 from water like any other carbon removal 2:58 technique leaves behind waste that must 3:00 be disposed of it can be chemically 3:03 transformed into a substance like 3:04 ethanol which can be used as a 3:07 transportation fuel or into other 3:08 Specialty Chemicals or it can be buried 3:11 in deep geologic formations beneath the 3:13 sea floor 3:14 while Hatton acknowledges that some of 3:16 the captured CO2 could be used as a 3:18 feedstock in chemical or material 3:20 manufacturing he cautions that it would 3:22 be impossible to use all of it in this 3:24 way putting this technique into practice 3:27 ships that treat water in transit might 3:30 use the method to reduce the substantial 3:32 impact of shipping on global emissions 3:34 because of this shipping companies could 3:36 be able to offset some of their 3:38 emissions and transform their vessels 3:40 into ocean scrubbers which is a 3:42 reference to the global requirements 3:44 that already exist to minimize the 3:46 emissions caused by shipping 3:48 further potential locations for the 3:50 installation of the system include 3:52 offshore drilling rigs as well as 3:53 aquaculture operations it's possible 3:56 that this will eventually result in the 3:58 construction of carbon removal plants 3:59 that operate independently all over the 4:01 planet 4:02 why capturing carbon dioxide From Oceans 4:05 is more efficient than air capture 4:07 systems Patton thinks the method may be 4:09 more effective than air capture systems 4:11 since the carbon dioxide concentration 4:13 in seawater is more than 100 times 4:15 higher than an air however in order for 4:18 the gas to be reclaimed from A system 4:20 that makes use of direct air capture it 4:22 first needs to be encapsulated and then 4:24 concentrated nonetheless he contends 4:27 that the capture stage has kind of 4:29 already been done for you due to fact 4:31 that the oceans contain enormous amounts 4:33 of carbon sinks there is only a release 4:35 step included in this process as opposed 4:38 to a capture phase because of this there 4:40 will be a greatly reduced amount of 4:42 material that needs to be moved about 4:43 which may result in an operation that is 4:46 more streamlined and requires less space 4:48 of this technology 4:51 the technology has the potential to be 4:52 used in a variety of applications 4:54 including power plants industrial 4:56 processes and transportation it could 4:59 also be used to capture carbon dioxide 5:01 from the air in urban areas where 5:03 emissions are concentrated this could 5:05 have a significant impact on air quality 5:07 as carbon dioxide is a major contributor 5:10 to air pollution 5:12 another significant benefit of this new 5:14 technology is its potential to protect 5:16 our oceans carbon dioxide emissions from 5:19 human activities are causing ocean 5:21 acidification which is harmful to marine 5:23 life the new carbon capture technology 5:25 can help reduce the amount of carbon 5:27 dioxide in the atmosphere which in turn 5:30 will reduce the amount of carbon dioxide 5:31 that dissolves into the ocean 5:34 this could help to mitigate the effects 5:36 of ocean acidification and protect 5:38 marine ecosystems MIT scientists have 5:41 achieved a significant breakthrough in 5:42 carbon capture technology that has the 5:45 potential to play a crucial role in 5:46 mitigating climate change and protecting 5:48 our planet the new technology is more 5:51 efficient and cost effective than 5:52 traditional carbon capture methods and 5:54 it can capture carbon dioxide even in 5:57 areas where emissions are low it could 5:59 also have a significant impact on 6:01 protecting our oceans and marine 6:02 ecosystems as we continue to face the 6:05 challenges of climate change Innovations 6:07 like this give us hope that we can make 6:09 a positive impact on our planet's future 6:11 thank you for watching and for more such 6:13 informative videos subscribe to the 6:15 channel

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