10. The Olmec
9. The Nabateans
8. The Aksumite Empire
7.The Mycenaeans
6. The Khmer Empire
5.The Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture
4. Clovis
3.The Minoans
2.The Anasazi
1. The Indus Valley Civilization

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0:00Top 10 Civilizations That Mysteriously Disappeared 0:08Throughout our history, most civilizations have either met a slow demise or were wiped 0:16out by natural disasters or invasion. But there are a few societies whose disappearance 0:22has scholars truly stumped: 0:2510. The Olmec 0:28One of the first Mesoamerican societies, the Olmec inhabited the tropical lowlands of south-central 0:34Mexico. The first signs of the Olmec are around 1400 BC in the city of San Lorenzo, the main 0:39Olmec settlement which was supported by two other centers, Tenochtitlan and Potrero Nuevo. 0:45The Olmec were master builders with each of the major sites containing ceremonial courts, 0:50house mounds, large conical pyramids and stone monuments including the colossal head that 0:54they are most known for.1 The Olmec civilization relied heavily on trade, both between different 0:59Olmec regions and with other Mesoamerican societies. Because they were one of the earliest

1:03and most advanced Mesoamerican cultures at the time, they are often considered the mother 1:07culture of many other Mesoamerican cultures. 1:10Where did they go? 1:11Around 400 BC the eastern half of the Olmec’s lands was depopulated- possibly due to environmental 1:17changes. They may have also relocated after volcanic activity in the area. Another popular 1:21theory is that they were invaded, but no one knows whom the invaders might be. 1:269. The Nabateans 1:29The Nabateans were a Semitic culture that inhabited parts of Jordan, Canaan and Arabia 1:33from around the sixth century BC. They are most widely known as the builders of the city 1:37of Petra, which served as their capital. Petra is an impressive city carved out of the cliff 1:42side with the crown jewel being the Khazneh, or Treasury, a giant Greek inspired building. 1:47The Nabateans’ wealth was gained by being a major stop on a complex trading network, 1:52through which they traded ivory, silk, spices, precious metals, gems, incense, sugar perfume 1:56and medicine. Because of the extent of the trade route, the Nabatean culture was highly

2:00influenced by Hellenistic Greece, Rome, Arabia and Assyria. Unlike other societies of their 2:05time, there was no slavery and every member of society contributed in the work duties. 2:10Where did they go? 2:11During the fourth century AD, the Nabateans abandoned Petra and no one really knows why. 2:16Archeological evidence proves that their exodus was an organized one that was unrushed, which 2:21leads us to believe that they were not driven out of Petra by another culture. The most 2:25likely explanation is that when the trade routes they relied on moved north they could 2:29no longer sustain their civilization and left Petra behind. 2:338. The Aksumite Empire 2:35The Aksumite Empire began in the first century AD in what is now Ethiopia and is believed 2:40to be the home of the Queen of Sheba. Aksum was a major trade center with exports of ivory, 2:45agricultural resources and gold being traded throughout the Red Sea trade network and onward 2:51to the Roman Empire and east towards India. Because of this, Aksum was a very wealthy 2:55society and was the first African culture to issue its own coinage, which in ancient

3:00times was a sign of great importance. The most recognizable monuments of Aksum are the 3:05stelae, giant carved obelisks that acted as the grave markers of kings and nobles. Early 3:10Aksumites worshipped several gods but their main god was called Astar. In 324 AD, King 3:15Ezana II was converted to Christianity and from then on Aksum was a zealously Christian 3:20culture, and is even allegedly the home of the Ark of the Covenant. 3:24Where did they go? 3:25According to local legend, a Jewish Queen named Yodit defeated the Aksumite Empire and 3:30burned its churches and literature. However, others believe that southern pagan queen Bani 3:34al-Hamwiyah led to the Aksumite decline. Other theories include climate change, trade isolation 3:39and over farming leading to starvation. 3:427.The Mycenaeans 3:44Growing out of the Minoan civilization, the Myceanaeans merged around 1600 BC in southern 3:50Greece. Being spread out over two islands and the southern mainland, the Myceaneans 3:54built and invaded many major cities like Mycenae, Tiryns, Pylos, Athens, Thebes, Orchomenus, 3:56Iolkos and Knossos. Many Greek myths are centered around Mycenae including the legend of King

4:00Agamemnon, who led the Greek forces during the Trojan War. The Myceaneans were a dominant 4:05naval power and used their naval prowess for trade with other nations as well as for military 4:10endeavors. Because of a lack of natural resources, the Myceaneans imported many goods and turned 4:14them into sellable items and therefore became master craftsmen, known throughout the Aegean 4:19for their weapons and jewelry. 4:21Where did they go? 4:22No one knows for sure, but one theory is that unrest between the peasant class and the ruling 4:26class led to the end of the Myceaneans. Other point to disruptions in trade routes, or natural 4:30factors like earthquakes. But the most popular theory is that they were invaded by a civilization 4:35from the north like the Dorians (who settled in the area after the fall of the Myceaneans) 4:39or the Sea People (who at the time were migrating from the Balkans to the Middle East). 4:436. The Khmer Empire 4:46The Khmer Empire grew out of the kingdom of Chenla in what is now Cambodia around the 4:509th century AD and became one of the most powerful empires in Southeast Asia. The empire 4:55is known to most people as the civilization that built Angkor, Cambodia’s capital city.

5:00The Khmer were an incredibly powerful and wealthy culture who were open to several belief 5:04systems including Hinduism, Mahayana Buddhism and Theravada Buddhism, which were the empire’s 5:09official religions. Their power also included military might as they fought many wars against 5:14the Annamese and Chams. 5:16Where did they go? 5:17The decline of the Khmer Empire can be attributed to any combination of several factors. The 5:21first being that the empire was ruled by a devarajo or god king, but with introduction 5:26of Theravada Buddhism, which teaches self enlightenment, the government was challenged. 5:30This led to a lack of a desire to work for the devarajo which impacted the amount of 5:34food being produced. During the reign of Jayavarman VII, an elaborate road network was built to 5:39make it easier to transport goods and troops throughout the Empire. But some scholars believe 5:43that these roads worked against them, making it easier for invaders like the Ayuthaya to 5:47get straight to Angkor. 5:495.The Cucuteni-Trypillian Culture 5:52In Romania they are the Cucuteni, in the Ukraine they are the Trypillians and in Russia they 5:57are the Tripolie: a late Neolithic culture that flourished between 5500 BC and 2750 BC.

6:03At their height, the Cucuteni-Trypillian society built the largest Neolithic settlements in 6:08Europe, with some housing up to 15,000 people. One of the biggest mysteries of this culture 6:13is that every 60 to 80 years they would burn their entire village and reconstruct it on 6:17top of the old one. The Cucuteni-Typillian culture was matriarchal, the women were the 6:22heads of the household and also did the agricultural work and made pottery, textiles and clothing. 6:27The men were hunters, tool makers and were responsible for looking after domestic animals. 6:31Their religion was centered around the Great Mother Goddess who was a symbol of motherhood 6:35and agricultural fertility. They also worshipped the bull (strength, fertility and the sky) 6:40and a snake (eternity and eternal movement). 6:42Where did they go? 6:44One of the main theories about the end of the Cucuteni-Trypillian culture is the Kurgan 6:48hypothesis, which states that they were conquered by the warlike Kurgan culture. However, more 6:53recent archeology points to a dramatic climate change which could have led to one of the 6:56worst droughts in European history– devastating for a culture that relied heavily on farming.

7:024. Clovis 7:04A prehistoric Native American people, the Clovis culture dates back to 10,000 BC. Centered 7:09in southern and central plains of North America they are archeologically recognized by chipped 7:13flint points called Clovis points. They used these points on the end of spears to hunt 7:18big game like mammoth and bison and small game like deer and rabbits. The Clovis people 7:23were the first human inhabitants of the New World and are considered the ancestors of 7:26all North and South American indigenous cultures. Many scholars believe that they crossed the 7:31Beringia land bridge from Siberia to Alaska during the ice age and then headed south to 7:36warmer climates. 7:37Where did they go? 7:38There are several theories around the disappearance of the Clovis culture. The first states that 7:42a decrease in megafauna along with less mobility in their culture led them to branch off and 7:47form new cultural groups, like the Folsom culture. Another theory is that the mammoth 7:51and other species became extinct due to over hunting, leaving the Clovis without a viable 7:55food source. The final theory revolves around a comet that crashed to the earth around the

8:00Great Lakes region and significantly affected the Clovis culture. 8:053.The Minoans 8:06Named after the legendary King Minos, the Minoans inhabited what is now Crete from 3000 8:11to 1000 BC. In Greek mythology, Minoa was the land of Cretan Bull and it’s son, the 8:16Minotaur- a mythical half-man-half-bull that lived in the labyrinth and killed anyone who 8:21entered. In reality, the Minoans were the first known civilization in Europe. Today 8:25all that is left of the Minoan civilization are their palaces and the artifacts found 8:29within. The Minoan civilization was one of social organization, art and commerce. Early 8:34Minoans spoke a language that we call Linear A, which during later periods was replaced 8:39by Linear B, both of which were based on pictographs. There is no evidence of any military culture 8:44found in the Minoan palaces and it seems their power was purely economical. Even though the 8:49Minoans fell, their culture was inherited first by the Myceaneans and from there by 8:53the Hellenistic Greeks. 8:54Where did they go? 8:56Many scholars believe that the Minoans were wiped out by a volcanic eruption on the island

9:01of Thera (now Santorini), but there is evidence that they survived. However, the eruption 9:05would have killed all plant life thus leading to starvation, and damaged their ships leading 9:10to economic decline. It is also believed that during this time they were invaded, possibly 9:15by the Myceaneans. 9:172.The Anasazi 9:19The Anasazi or Ancestral Puebloans were a Native American culture that emerged in the 9:23Four Corners area of the United States (where New Mexico, Arizona, Colordo, and Utah meet) 9:28around 1200 BC. The early Puebloans were hunters and gatherers who lived in shallow pit houses. 9:35Later they developed horticulture and began farming maize, beans and squash. Also found 9:39at Anasazi archeological sites are greyware pottery, elaborate baskets, reed sandals, 9:43rabbit fur robes, grinding stones and bows and arrows. In the Pueblo II and Pueblo III 9:49eras the Anasazi carved whole towns out of nearby cliffs like those at Mesa Verde and 9:54Bandelier or they constructed them out of stone or adobe mud like Chaco Canyon. These 9:57towns hosted many cultural and civic events and were connected to each other by hundreds

10:01of miles of roadways. 10:03Where did they go? 10:04Around 1300 AD the Ancestral Puebloans abandoned their cliff houses and scattered. Many scholars 10:09believe that, after a population explosion, poor farming methods and a regional drought 10:14made it difficult to produce enough food. Due to this lack of food, the Anasazi moved 10:18either along the Rio Grande or on the Hopi mesas, and therefore many modern Pueblo Indians 10:23believe that they are the descendants of the Anasazi. Recent studies prove that this climate 10:27change could not explain the decline of the Anasazi alone and suggest that social and 10:32political factors like a violent conflict led to their end, instead. 10:361. The Indus Valley Civilization 10:39Once inhabiting an area about the size of western Europe in what is now Pakistan and 10:43western India, the Indus Valley or Harappan Civilization thrived from 3300 to 1300 BC, 10:50although the area was settled all the way back to 7000 BC. Despite being one of the 10:54largest ancient civilizations, not much is known about the Harappan civilization, mostly 10:59because their language has never been deciphered. We do know that they built over one hundred

11:03towns and villages including the cities of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro, each of which was 11:08built with an organized layout, and a complex plumbing system with indoor toilets. Evidence 11:13suggests that the Harappan had a unified government and that there were no social classes. There 11:18is also no evidence of military activity so it is likely that they lived in peace. They 11:21were skilled astronomers and were well versed in agriculture, growing wheat, barley, peas, 11:25melons, sesame and cotton (becoming the first civilization to produce cotton cloth) and 11:30domesticating several animals including cattle and elephants. 11:33Where did they go? 11:34There are several theories as to what happened to the Indus Valley civilization. Some people 11:38believe that they declined because of changes to their environment, such as a decrease in 11:42the size of the Ghaggar Hakra river system or the cooler, drier temperatures that are 11:45also evident throughout the Middle East. Another popular theory was that the Aryans invaded 11:49them 12:02around 1500 BC.

0:00你好,我是西蒙·威斯利你看排名前10位的视频今天我们在看 0:03排名前10位的文明,只是神秘失踪 0:11历史最文明,甚至已经达到一个缓慢的消亡或世界范围城镇 0:16自然灾害或侵入,有几个团体的消失 0:22有学者真正的树桩,这就是我们在今天的视频看 0:26十号居住的第一个美国社会的奥尔梅克的奥尔梅克1 0:32中南部墨西哥的热带低地老车的第一个迹象 0:36 1400左右BCE在城市圣洛伦索的主要聚居差不多 0:40这是由两个在中心的1000牛和家禽鲁恩支持 0:44欧米茄建筑大师的波各主要景点的含 0:48礼仪法院的房子气味在石碑的大锥形的金字塔 0:52包括巨大的头最出名靠的奥尔梅克文明 0:57倚重于美国与其他手段不同地区之间的贸易

1:01社会因为他们是最早的,最先进的手段之一 1:04当时他们往往认为是母文化的美国文化 1:08众多音乐中美文化他们去了哪里约公元前400这些半 1:13欧米茄暴力可能是人口减少因环境变化 1:17火山活动后,也纷纷迁往在流行地区 1:21理论是,他们入侵没有人知道你入侵者可能是9号 1:27比以往的青少年30 IANS是一个闪族的文化,居住约旦部分 1:32大炮和阿拉伯各地的公元前6世纪最广为人知的 1:36城市佩特拉其中担任的建设者作为他们的大写字母是 1:40令人印象深刻的城市雕刻出来的悬崖与皇冠上的明珠作为 1:44卡西米尔财政部一个巨大的灵感来自希腊的建筑营财富是由获得 1:49作为一个复杂的交易网络,通过他们买卖象牙在大站 1:53丝绸香料贵金属宝石香香水因为药 1:58在文化比以往的贸易路线的程度深受影响

2:01古希腊罗马的希腊阿拉伯叙利亚不像当时有其他社会 2:06没有奴役和每个社会成员的工作职责作出了贡献 2:11在第四世纪期间,DVD营废弃的汽油,但没有人 2:15真正知道为什么考古证据,他们的出走是一种组织了一次 2:19通过另一种文化中最有可能被unrushed带动了汽油 2:25解释是,当贸易路线,他们依靠北迁他们 2:29无法再维持他们的文明提醒排名第八 2:33事故帝国圣诞帝国开始在第一世纪的领导是 2:41示巴女王的家是一个重要的贸易中心,象牙出口 2:45黄金农业资源被交易整个红海条约 2:49网络及以后罗马帝国在印度因为这个意外的是 2:55非常富裕的社会,是第一个非洲文化发行自己造词 2:59时间是阿克苏姆最知名的古迹非常重要的标志

3:04即担任国王的墓碑钢铁般博士Cardall弹道和 3:08贵族早日进入螨崇拜多神神在324版的明星 3:15皈依基督教,并从那时起事故是一个热心的基督徒 3:20据称文化的约柜的家在哪里,他们根据去 3:25一个当地的传说犹太女王命名你它打败了事故帝国 3:29并烧毁其法官在文学但是也有人认为,南 3:33我们是异教徒绿谷人如何导致了理论包括的衰落 3:37气候变化贸易孤立和养殖以上饥饿七号工会 3:43走出米诺斯文明已经出现约1600希腊展开 3:51在南部大陆的两个岛屿 3:53工会票据和入侵许多大城市的许多希腊神话和周围 3:58迈锡尼包括King阿伽门农的传说谁领导的希腊军队

4:02特洛伊战争中的主导海军力量,并用自己的海军实力的对 4:07与由于缺乏天然其它国家的军事贸易的努力 4:11资源 4:12进口许多商品项目工匠 4:18整个爱琴海他们的武器和珠宝他们去了哪里 4:22没有人确切知道 4:23一种理论是,在统治阶级农民阶级之间的骚乱导致 4:26在大多数印度人他人年底指出在贸易路线中断或 4:30自然因素,如地震,但最流行的说法是,他们是 4:33由北像安人文明谁定居在该地区侵略 4:37对大多数印度人垮台后负责人的时候,当迁移 4:41从巴尔干到中东老六的凯梅尔帝国的那种 4:46脱胎于钱德勒在什么国度,现在柬埔寨在第九 4:50安以轩世纪成为东南亚BMI最强大的帝​​国之一 4:55众所周知,大多数人的文明建设省会城市才知道的

5:01令人难以置信的强大和富有的文化,我们是开放的几个信仰体系 5:04包括印度教和佛教小乘佛教的宗教官员 5:10他们的权力也包括军事实力,因为他们对战斗的战争 5:14在他们去了哪里与通讯敌人 5:17高棉帝国的衰落可以归结为几个任意组合 5:20因素首先是,帝国是由devarØ战争神王裁定 5:25引进畑佛教的教导自我启蒙 5:29政府被质疑这导致缺乏欲望,从而为设备正常工作 5:33其影响再也农场统治时期所生产的食物量 5:37在第七个精心制作的侵蚀易于运输货物部队 5:41有帝国的一些学者认为,这些道路打击工作 5:44他们使它更容易为入侵者,如大​​城得到平角 5:48 510号ê的黎波里文化在罗马尼亚有很多在乌克兰 5:55相当万亿美元,并在俄罗斯有在5527公元前50年之间的的黎波里

6:04首都的黎波里的文化高度世界上最大的新石器时代 6:08在欧洲定居点房屋多达15000人的最大的一个 6:12这种文化的奥秘是,每六十至八十多年来,他们会燃烧 6:15在重建他们的整个村旧票上面任意两个 6:19十亿文化是母系氏族的妇女是家庭的头和 6:23还做陶器制成纺织品和服装的农业工人 6:27男人们狩猎工具制造商的负责国产后找 6:30动物,宗教是围绕着伟大的母亲女神中心 6:34农业生育孕产也拜公牛眼 6:39天空 6:40有关这两个十亿文化月底的主要理论运动之一 6:47库尔干假说在文化好战但是最近考古学 6:54指向一个戏剧性的气候变化可能导致的最差的一个 6:57在欧洲历史上的旱灾 6:58毁灭性对于严重依赖克洛维斯史前前文化

7:05美洲土著人的克洛维斯文化的历史可以追溯到公元前一万年居中 7:09在北美地区的南部和中部平原它们是考古 7:12公认的白分货名为克洛维斯点,他们就用这些点 7:17布兰妮年底狩猎大型游戏和小游戏像兔子克洛维斯 7:22人以新的世界第一人的居民,被认为是 7:26所有北美和南美的土著文化的许多祖先 7:29学者认为,他们越过白令陆桥从西伯利亚到 7:33在冰河时期阿拉斯加,然后向南前往客户有 7:38周围的三叶草文化的消失几种理论的 7:41首先指出,在扩音器在国外他们的文化店下降 7:46并形成新的文化团体,如福尔瑟姆文化的另一种理论是, 7:51猛犸象等品种由于狩猎离开灭绝 7:54三叶草没有一个可行的食物来源 7:56围绕周围的大湖地区和显著评论

8:01受影响的文化30分钟欧文斯传奇米诺斯国王的名字命名 8:08居住什么是现在从三个千公元前1000创造希腊神话是 8:14在克里特公牛土地牛头人人半球是住在迷宫 8:19并杀害任何人谁租文明 8:25所有剩下的内米诺斯宫殿阿拉瓦和文物 8:30米诺斯文明与社会组织托马斯米诺斯早期的一个发言 8:35我们称之为语言 8:37在后期其通过线性图表替换不存在的证据 8:43在米诺斯宫殿功率发现任何军事文化是纯粹的经济甚至 8:49虽然米诺斯拼出自己的文化受到迈锡尼希腊人继承 8:54不少学者认为风是由火山喷发上全军覆没

9:00锡拉岛,但有证据然而,他们存活 9:05火山喷发会杀死所有植物的生命饥饿和破坏他们的 9:09船舶需要到经济衰退还认为,在这段时间他们 9:13被入侵的阿纳萨齐祖还是废墟普韦布洛均原生的阿纳萨齐 9:22美国文化,在美国的四角地区出现 9:25其中,新墨西哥亚利桑那州科罗拉多和犹他见面的唯一的概率贷款 9:32猎人和采集你住在浅坑的房子,他们开发 9:35园艺和耕种开始迷宫还创办网站赞同,其中陶器 9:41精心制作的花篮兔毛长袍磨石和弓箭在 9:47普韦布洛23区阿纳萨齐整个城镇附近进行绝壁像那些在 9:53梅萨维德和阿丽雅构造出来的石头或泥深,这些裁员 9:58许多文化和公民活动数百巷道英里哪里他们去

10:04围绕1300流明的比比皆是房子悬崖,分散许多学者 10:10相信人口爆炸之后的农业穷方法和 10:13区域干旱使得很难沿着里约热内卢生产足够的粮食要么 10:19 Ë大混乱和印度人相信,最近的研究证明后裔 10:27气候变化不能说明阿纳萨齐独自提出的衰落 10:31社会和政治因素,如暴力冲突导致他们的结束 10:34而不是印度河流域文明的一个 10:39关于西欧在现在是巴基斯坦和西部国土面积 10:43印度 10:46尽管是古代最大的一个公元前3300年1300的区域定居 10:55文明没有多少人知道她和文明 10:59主要是因为他们的语言没有被决定,我们知道他们建

11:03超过100个城镇和村庄,包括其内置赫拉特的城市 11:09有组织的布局和复杂的规划系统,室内卫生间证据 11:13表明已经发生了一个统一的政府没有社会 11:17类没有军事活动的证据,很可能他们 11:20生活在和平,他们熟练的天文学家在精通 11:23农业生产的棉布和驯化动物的几个有 11:35几种说法发生了什么事到印度河流域文明的一些 11:38人们相信,他们拒绝了,因为改变他们的环境 11:40如在恒河河流的尺寸或减小冷却器干 11:44温度下也证据另一种流行的理论是, 11:48雅利安人入侵了他们周围公元前1500年我真的很喜欢的视频,请给我们 11:54一个像下面这真的帮助了,不要忘记订阅新品牌 11:58影片就这样 11:59一个星期左右那边右侧一对夫妇的其他视频7天

12:03你可能会喜欢这个11是检测来的前10名奇怪的信号 12:08从失控的空间,我相信这是排名前10位神秘的世界地标,所以要 12:13一定要检查这些出不要忘了喜欢,感谢您的收看

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