10. Air Purifying Roof Tiles
9. Eco-Concrete
8. Fixing the Plastic Problem
7. Cool Pavement
6. Smog-Eating Buildings
5. Real Flower Power
4. Energy Harvesting Concrete
3. Hyperloop
2. Phoenix Towers
1. Tianjin

==========Google 翻译==========

0:0010 Amazing New Green Technologies in the Works 0:0710. Air Purifying Roof Tiles 0:14A big problem with green technology is making it as practical as it is useful. With this 0:18in mind, a new trend in practical green technology is the coating of roof tiles with titanium 0:23dioxide, which is useful in cleaning the air. Titanium dioxide works as a photocatalyst 0:28by oxidizing nitrogen oxides and volatile organic compounds into soluble nitrates and 0:33fatty acids when exposed to UV light. Studies have shown that a thick coating of material 0:38on roof tiles reduces 97% of target greenhouse gases, while a thinner, cost effective coat 0:43still reduces the target gases by 88%. This means that it could cost just five dollars 0:48to coat an entire roof with the purifying compound. One home could remove 21g of nitrogen 0:53oxide a day, which is the equivalent of what a car releases driving 18,000 km. Widespread 0:58application would allow every home in the world to become a mini-air purifier. The idea

1:03is still in the testing phase, but early results have been extremely promising. The lighter 1:07color of the tiles also has the added benefit of producing a small cooling effect. There’s 1:11also a possibility of producing tiles to remove carbon dioxide, but this would decrease the 1:16practicality of the tiles by making the roofs harder to install. 1:209. Eco-Concrete 1:22Eco-concrete is a green technology that combines strength, practicality and air-purification. 1:26It’s designed to eat smog and pollution by converting nitrogen oxide into harmless 1:31nitrogenous compounds. It has been shown to reduce these gasses by up to 45% in the right 1:35weather. The concrete has already been installed and tested in Holland with promising results. 1:40The biggest problem with Eco-concrete comes from its cost — compared to normal concrete, 1:44it costs quite a bit more because of its use of titanium dioxide. Researchers are currently 1:49working to find a solution to the problem and increase the concrete’s financial feasibility. 1:548. Fixing the Plastic Problem 1:57At age 19 most people are worrying about work or college, but Boyan Slat had his eyes on

2:02something bigger when he came up with a method to drastically reduce the amount of plastic 2:06in our oceans. Though plastic has been a blessing to us in terms of convenience, it has also 2:11become a curse in the way it affects the environment and kills millions of marine animals every 2:15year. Slat recognized the severity of the problem and established an organization known 2:20as The Ocean Cleanup in response. He went on to develop a method that has been proven 2:24to be logistically, technically and financially feasible. It works using natural currents 2:29in the ocean and wind to help move the garbage towards collecting platforms, where it would 2:33be mechanically removed and recycled. 2:36The price tag of this massive cleanup project is $43 million a year, but that’s 33% cheaper 2:41than other methods that promise to remove the same amount of plastic. The Ocean Cleanup 2:46is currently in the stages of raising money to implement their plan. It has been tested 2:49with computer models that show it should be able to clean up half of the garbage in the 2:53Great Pacific Garbage Patch. Furthermore, its proof of concept test was successfully 2:57done in the Azores. While this massive undertaking is a great step in the right direction, Slat

3:03believes more needs to be done to fix the problem completely. 3:067. Cool Pavement 3:08Dark pavement used for most roads absorbs the sun’s energy and heats up the surrounding 3:13area. In the summer, pavement can reach up to 120-150°F, but Cool Pavement has been 3:20shown to reduce this by over 40°F. With pavement occupying 35-50% of the space in a city, this 3:27could have a huge effect on the overall temperature of the city itself. Researchers at Berkeley 3:32are currently trying to figure out what the best color would be for cool pavement to maximize 3:36its cooling effects. The two best options are to create reflective coating for existing 3:40pavements or create a new type of pavement made from lighter, more reflective material. 3:45Other benefits include a decrease in pollution and smog, slowing global warming, saving energy 3:50by decreasing the need for air conditioning, and even decreasing the need for street lamps 3:54at night because of the reflective surface. While there is no way to know exactly how 3:58much coating an entire city would benefit the environment, Cool Pavement has been helping

4:02cities like Chicago that have paved their alleys with it. 4:066. Smog-Eating Buildings 4:08Mexico City’s Manuel Gea Gonzalez Hospital constructed a 2,500 square meter facade that 4:15breaks down air pollutants when exposed to UV light. The honeycomb increases the surface 4:19area by 200% and allows the structure to neutralize the same amount of pollutants in one day that’s 4:25produced by 8,750 cars. 4:29In addition, the city of Milan is using a smog-filtering concrete facade to purify the 4:33air. The architecture firm Nemesi and Partners have revealed their plans to produce an air-purifying 4:38structure in front of the Palazzo Italia. The 9,000 square meter structure will take 4:44about 2,000 tons of air-purifying concrete to complete. The concrete is made of 80% recycled 4:50materials and works by breaking down harmful pollutants into unreactive salt molecules 4:55when exposed to UV light. Nemesi and Partners are looking forward to presenting their designs 4:56at the 2015 Milan Expo, and plans are already in the works to make these designs a reality. 4:585. Real Flower Power 4:59Much of today’s green technology is made to mimic what plants already do naturally

5:03to produce energy. Plants are able to create energy by breaking down carbon dioxide and 5:08water into sugar and starch with oxygen as a byproduct. Scientists have been able harness 5:13this energy by actually interrupting the photosynthetic process. This is done when the enzymes of 5:19the plant split the water molecules. At this point, oxygen, hydrogen, and electrons are 5:23produced and nanotubes are used to siphon the free electrons before they enter the electron 5:28transport chain to run the rest of the process. 5:31The process takes place in the thylakoids, which are located within the chloroplasts 5:35of the plant cell. The thylakoids were modified to allow the nanotubes to detour the electrons 5:41down a wire and generate an electrical current. Usually, plants aren’t very efficient at 5:45producing energy from the sun and man-made cells generate up to 10 times the efficiency 5:50of a normal plant. But this new technology has proven especially surprising because the 5:54plant was able to generate twice the current of a similarly sized solar cell. While this 5:59technology is still in its infancy, researchers are hopeful that it will soon have practical

6:04uses and could be used to power household items or even entire power grids. Plus, increasing 6:09the use of plants could help purify the air in addition to providing power. 6:144. Energy Harvesting Concrete 6:16Laurence Kemball-Cook put a new spin on energy harvesting when he founded Pavegen in 2009. 6:22Pavegen is a new type of energy-harvesting tile that converts the energy of a simple 6:26footstep into electricity that can be stored or used directly by devices. While the kinetic 6:32energy harvested from footsteps isn’t enough to supply energy to entire power grids, it 6:36could be very helpful in powering things like street lamps or vending machines. Pavegen 6:41is a working product in the process of becoming commercialized. In an attempt to showcase 6:46its usefulness, Pavegen was actually installed at the finish line of the Paris Marathon and 6:50was able to generate 4.7 kilowatt-hours of energy. Another benefit of installing Pavegen 6:55is that it allows the footsteps and movement of crowds to be tracked to optimize space 6:59and floor management.

7:00While the tiles themselves are extremely practical, their installation could pose problems. The 7:00tiles have to be made and installed in ground that’s durable, weather resistant, and highly 7:00fatigue resistant. Furthermore, the tiles could be vandalized or stolen. There are still 7:00many kinks that need to be worked out to make Pavegen a fully commercialized product, but 7:00it’s definitely a step in the right direction. 7:013. Hyperloop 7:02Elon Musk, the man behind electric car company Tesla, has a new idea up his sleeve. Known 7:06as the Hyperloop, this system would be able to transport passengers from Los Angeles to 7:10San Francisco in just 35 minutes, traveling at speeds of about 700 mph. The Hyperloop 7:16would use an electric compressor fan at the front of each individual passenger pod to 7:20surround it with a cushion of air and decrease friction, much like an air hockey table. The 7:25capsules would then be accelerated in a low-pressure tube with magnetization. 7:29Furthermore, the Hyperloop would be completely self-sustaining by placing solar panels on 7:33the top of the tube and storing energy via compressed air. It wouldn’t disrupt the 7:37farmland along the route any more than a telephone pole. Musk estimates the project would cost 7:42about six billion dollars, which seems like a massive price tag until you realize that 7:46California voters already approved nine billion to be allotted for a speed train between San 7:50Diego and San Francisco. Musk feels that his Hyperloop will be more cost-effective and 7:55sustainable than any other proposed high-speed trains. It would greatly decrease pollution

8:00from cars and commercial airliners, as well as increase the efficiency and speed of travel.1 8:042. Phoenix Towers 8:07Currently, the world’s largest tower is the 830 meter tall Burj Khalifa. It may be 8:12in danger of losing its title to two proposed towers for the city of Wuhan, China. These 8:17towers would stand at 1000 meters and would serve to clean local air and water pollution. 8:22The towers would suck the water in from the surrounding lake, send it through a series 8:26of filters and then back out into the lake. In addition, the towers will be lined with 8:30a pollution absorbing coating and vertical gardens to pull even more pollution from the 8:35air. The chimney in the middle of the towers will serve to naturally pull air across the 8:39lake and oxygenate it. The towers will be completely self-sustaining thanks to wind 8:43turbines, solar panels, and hydrogen fuel cells that would run on the building’s waste. 8:48These elements will not only produce all the energy the towers need, but also generate 8:52a little extra energy for the surrounding area. The towers are currently awaiting the 8:55mayor’s approval, but it’s predicted that construction of this massive undertaking will 8:56be finished by 2017 or 2018. 8:571. Tianjin 8:57Most green technologies are simply products to help existing cities become environmentally

9:02friendly. China is going a step further by simply constructing an entire eco-friendly 9:06city from scratch. Known as Tianjin, this sustainable community for 350,000 residents 9:12is expected to be complete by 2020 and will span over 30 square kilometers. The entire 9:17complex will be powered by solar and wind technologies as well as feature rainwater 9:22recycling, wastewater treatment, and desalination of seawater. Carbon emissions will be basically 9:27non-existent with 90% of traffic being public transportation. 9:30The city will be divided into seven districts, each with its own sustainability theme. The 9:33Lifescape district will be in the heart of Tianjin and feature soil-topped mounds to 9:35contrast the surrounding high-rise buildings. Eco-Valley will serve as a corridor for the 9:35new light rail system to operate and connect the districts. Solarscape will act as the 9:37administrative and civic center. Urbanscape will function as core of the city and utilize 9:41vertical layering to reduce emissions and make efficient use of vertical space. Its 9:43buildings will be organized as a honeycomb and interconnect using sky bridges. Windscape 9:44will serve as a place for recreation and relaxation. Earthscape will function as the residential 9:46suburbs and be filled with lush greenery. Lastly, Eco-corridors will bisect the city 9:48and provide a path for animals to move about the city without human interference. If successful, 9:49Tianjin could serve as a stepping stone for more green cities.

0:00 10惊人的新的绿色技术的工作原理 0:07 10.空气净化屋面瓦 0:14绿色技术的一大问题是使它实用,因为它是非常有用的。有了这个 0:18记住,在实际的绿色环保技术的新趋势是屋顶瓦片钛涂层 0:23氧化钛,这是在清洗空气是有用的。二氧化钛可以作为光催化剂 0:28通过氧化氮氧化物和挥发性有机化合物成可溶性硝酸盐和 0:33脂肪酸当暴露于UV光。有研究表明,材料的厚涂层 0:38上屋顶瓦降低靶的温室气体的97%,而较薄的,成本有效的涂层 0:43仍然由88%降低目标气体。这意味着,它可能成本只有五块钱 0:48大衣整个屋顶与净化化合物。一个家可以去除氮21克 0:53氧化物一天,这是一个什么样的汽车排放驱动18000公里等效。广泛 0:58应用程序将允许在世界上每一个家庭,成为一个小型空气净化器。这个想法

1:03仍处于测试阶段,但早期结果已经非常有前途的。较轻 1:07瓷砖的颜色也具有产生了一个较小的冷却效果的额外的好处。有 1:11还产生瓦片的可能性以除去二氧化碳,但是这将降低 1:16通过使屋顶更难安装的瓷砖实用性。 1:20 9.生态混凝土 1:22生态混凝土是一种绿色环保技术,它结合强度,实用性和空气净化。 1:26它的设计由氮氧化物转化成无害的吃烟雾和污染 1:31含氮化合物。它已被证明由高达45%的权,以减少这些气体 1:35天气。混凝土已被安装并在荷兰与有希望的结果进行测试。 1:40用生态混凝土的最大问题来自于它的成本 - 相比普通混凝土, 1:44它的成本,因为它使用的钛白粉相当多的。研究人员目前 1:49努力寻找解决问题的办法,并增加了具体的财务可行性。 1:54 8.修复的塑料问题 1:57在19岁大部分人都担心工作或大学,但斯拉柏彦上了他的眼睛

2:02更大的东西时,他想出了一个方法来大幅减少塑料的用量 2:06在我们的海洋。虽然塑料的便利性一直是祝福我们,它也 2:11成为这样一个诅咒它会影响环境和每杀死数以百万计的海洋动物 2:15年。板条认识到这一问题的严重性,并建立已知的组织 2:20为响应海洋清理。他继续开发已被证明的方法 2:24是后勤,技术和财务上是可行的。它的工作原理采用天然电流 2:29在海洋和风力助动垃圾收集走向的平台,在那里将 2:33被机械地除去和回收。 2:36这种大规模的清理项目的标价为每年$ 4300万美元,但这是便宜33% 2:41比承诺除去的塑料相同量的其他方法。海洋清理 2:46目前正在筹集资金实施其计划的阶段。它已通过测试 2:49与该显示它应该能够清理垃圾的一半的计算机模型 2:53太平洋大垃圾带。此外,它的概念测试证明是成功的 2:57在亚速尔群岛完成。虽然这个艰巨的任务是在正确的方向,板条的一大步

3:03要做认为更需要彻底解决这一问题。 3:06 7.酷路面 3:08用于大多数道路路面黑暗吸收太阳的能量,加热周围的 3:13区。在夏季,路面可达到120-150°F,但冷静路面已 3:20示出了40°F,以减少此。随着路面在一个城市占据空间的35-50%,这 3:27可能对城市本身的整体温度产生巨大影响。伯克利分校的研究人员 3:32目前正在试图找出最佳的色彩会是怎样凉爽路面最大化 3:36它的散热效果。最好的两个选项是创建对现有反射涂层 3:40人行道或创建的新型路面更轻,更反光材料制成。 3:45其他优点包括污染和烟雾的减少,减缓全球气候变暖,节能 3:50通过减少对空调的需求,甚至降低为路灯的必要性 3:54在夜晚,由于反射面。虽然没有办法知道究竟如何 3:58多涂层整个城市将有利于环境,酷派路面一直帮助

4:02城市像芝加哥已铺就的小巷他们用它。 4:06 6.消化烟尘建筑 4:08墨西哥城曼努埃尔冈萨雷斯德赫亚医院构建了一个2500平方米的门面 4:15当暴露于UV光分解空气污染物。蜂窝增加了表面 4:19由200%和面积允许结构中和在一天这污染物的相同量 4:25由8,750汽车生产。 4:29此外,米兰城是使用烟雾过滤混凝土外墙净化 4:33空气。建筑公司NEMESI和合作伙伴们表示他们计划生产的空气净化 4:38结构在意大利宫殿前面。该9000平方米结构将采取 4:44约2000吨的空气净化混凝土来完成。具体是由80%的再生 4:50材料和作品打破有害污染物进入反应性盐分子 4:55当暴露于UV光。 NEMESI和合作伙伴都在期待展示他们的设计 4:56在2015年米兰世博会,并计划已经在工程,使这些设计成为现实。 4:58 5.实际花的力量 4:59很多今天的绿色技术是由模仿什么植物已经在做自然

5:03来产生能量。植物能够通过打破二氧化碳创造能量和 5:08水成糖和淀粉与氧作为副产物。科学家已经能够线束 5:13这种能量通过实际中断光合作用过程。这样做时的酶 5:19植物分裂水分子。在这一点上,氧气,氢气,和电子被 5:23生产和纳米管时,它们进入电子之前虹吸自由电子 5:28传输链运行过程的其余部分。 5:31该过程需要在类囊体,其位于叶绿体内发生 5:35的植物细胞。在类囊体进行了修改,使纳米管绕行电子 5:41向下一个电线产生电流。通常,植物不是在非常有效的 5:45从太阳和人造细胞中生产能量产生高达10倍的效率 5:50一个正常的工厂。但这种新技术已被证明尤其令人惊讶,因为在 5:54植物能够产生一个同样大小的太阳能电池的两倍的电流。虽然这 5:59技术仍处于起步阶段,研究人员希望,它很快就会有实际的

6:04使用,并且可以用于驱动家用物品或甚至整个电网。此外,增加 6:09利用植物可以帮助净化空气除了提供功率。 6:14 4.能量收集混凝土 6:16劳伦斯Kemball库克把能量采集一个新的旋转,当他在2009年创办Pavegen。 6:22 Pavegen是一种新型的能量采集瓦片可以转换一个简单的能量 6:26脚步成电力可由设备来储存或使用直接。虽然动力 6:32从脚步采集的能量是不够的能量提供给整个电网,它 6:36可能是类似的东西路灯或自动售货机供电非常有帮助。 Pavegen 6:41正在成为商业化的过程中运行的产品。在试图展示 6:46它的实用性,Pavegen实际上是在巴黎马拉松的终点线安装 6:50能够产生4.7千瓦小时的能量。安装Pavegen的另一个好处 6:55是它让脚步声和人群的运动进行追踪,以优化空间 6:59和地面管理。

7:00而瓷砖本身是非常实用的,它们的安装可能会造成问题。该 7:00瓷砖必须作出并安装在地面那是耐用,耐气候性,和高 7:00抗疲劳。此外,瓷砖可以破坏或被盗。仍然有 7:00许多扭结需要制定出,使Pavegen一个完全商业化的产品,但 7:00这绝对是朝着正确方向迈出的一步。 7:01 3.超回路列车 7:02伊隆·马斯克,后面电动车公司特斯拉的人,有一个新的想法他的袖子。已知 7:06作为超回路列车,该系统将能够从洛杉矶运送乘客 7:10旧金山在短短的35分钟,行驶约700英里的时速。该超回路列车 7:16将在每个单独的乘客荚的前面使用的电动压缩机风扇 7:20与气垫包围它,并降低摩擦,很像一个空气曲棍球表。该 7:25胶囊随后将与磁化低压管来加速。 7:29此外,超回路列车将完全自立通过将太阳能电池板 7:33该管的顶部,并通过压缩空气储存能量。它不会破坏 7:37沿途除电线杆更​​多的农田。麝香预计该项目将耗资 7:42大约六十亿美元,直到你意识到这似乎是一个巨大的价格标签 7:46加州选民已经批准了9个十亿被分配给圣之间的高速列车 7:50圣地亚哥和旧金山。麝香认为他的超回路列车将更加成本有效和 7:55可持续比任何其他建议高速列车。这将大大减少污染

8:00从汽车和商用飞机,以及增加travel.1的效率和速度 8:04 2.凤凰塔 8:07目前,世界上最大的塔是830米高的哈利法塔。它可以是 8:12在失去它的标题两个提议塔为武汉市,中国的危险。这些 8:17塔将站在1000米,将成为清洁当地的空气和水的污染。 8:22该塔会从周围的湖泊吸在水中,通过一系列的发送 8:26过滤器,然后背出来了湖里。此外,该塔将与衬 8:30污染吸收涂层和垂直花园从连拉更多的污染 8:35空气。在塔中间的烟囱将成为整个自然拉风 8:39湖泊和含氧它。该塔将完全自持由于风 8:43涡轮机,太阳能电池板,这将在建筑物的浪费运行氢燃料电池。 8:48这些元素不仅会产生所有的能量塔的需要,而且还产生 8:52一点点额外的能量周边地区。该塔目前正在等待 8:55市长的批准,但它预计这个艰巨的任务的那建设将 8:56到2017年或2018年完成。 8:57 1.天津 8:57大多数绿色技术是简单的产品,帮助现有的城市变得环保

9:02友善。中国是通过简单地构建整个走得更远了一步环保 9:06城市从头开始。被誉为天津,这种可持续发展的社区35万居民 9:12预计到2020年完成,将跨越30平方公里。整个 9:17复杂的将太阳能和风能技术,以及功能的雨水供电 9:22回收,废水处理,海水的淡化。碳排放量将基本 9:27不存在90%的流量是公共交通。 9:30全市将分为七个区,每一个都有自己的可持续发展的主题。该 9:33生活景象区将在天津的心脏,并设有土冢突破到 9:35对比周围的高层建筑。生态谷将作为所述一个走廊 9:35新的轻轨系统操作和连接区。 Solarscape将作为 9:37行政和市民中心。城市布局将作为城市的核心,并利用 9:41垂直层叠,以减少排放和有效利用的垂直空间。它的 9:43建筑将被组织利用天桥蜂窝和互连。 Windscape 9:44将作为休闲和放松的地方。地球表层将作为住宅 9:46郊区充满绿意盎然。最后,生态走廊将平分城市 9:48并提供了一​​个路径,动物移动有关城市,无需人工干预。如果成功的话, 9:49天津可以成为更绿色城市的垫脚石。

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