Coal, natural gas and other traditional fuels fill the atmosphere with gases that contribute to climate change. But renewable energy sources like wind turbines, solar panels and nuclear power have their own drawbacks in terms of cost and efficiency. Scientists have further developed their designs in order for these alternatives to be more cost-effective and generate much more power than they previously did. And that’s how we ended up with…
10. Buoyant Airborne Turbine (BAT)
9. Oyster
8. Algae Based Biofuels
7. Solar Windows
6. Volcanic Electricity
5. Betaray
4. Viruses
3. Thorium
2. The “Impossible” Microwave Thruster
1. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER)

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0:0010 Alternatives to Alternative Energy 0:0710. Buoyant Airborne Turbine (BAT) 0:13Countries like China, the United States, Germany, Denmark, Spain and India produce over 175,000 0:19MW of power with traditional wind turbines, but that number stands to double if they’re 0:24replaced with BATs. 0:26The technology is simple. Basically, a huge blimp with a wind turbine in the middle is 0:30secured to the ground and hoisted to altitudes of nearly 2000 feet. At that elevation, winds 0:35are blowing at much greater speeds and thus generate twice the power. These new turbines 0:39can withstand wind speeds of up to 43 miles per hour, after which the BAT can automatically 0:44duck for cover to whatever altitude is safe. The environmental impact is far less visible 0:48at such heights, not to mention the 90% cost reductions in terms of transportation and 0:53deployment. Unlike traditional turbines, BATs can easily be dismantled and redeployed elsewhere 0:58if needed. 1:009. Oyster 1:01With over 70% of the world’s surface covered in water, it’s a surprise that tidal wave 1:05energy was left behind in the race for renewable energy. Oyster is an attempt to bring this 1:10form of energy back to the forefront. 1:12Its design is that of a flap, pushed and pulled by the waves, 50 feet underwater and 1600 1:18feet offshore. Through this endless cycle, Oyster is able to pump energy all the way 1:22back to a standard hydro-electric power plant on the mainland. So far two flaps have been 1:27successfully tested off the coast of Scotland. Oyster 1 was able to produce 315 kW of power, 1:33while Oyster 800 (don’t ask us to explain their naming convention) managed a whopping 1:38800 kW, capable of bringing power to around 80 houses. 1:42Waves are a frequent phenomenon, unlike tides that only come and go a couple of times a 1:46day. The Oyster can also operate in stormy conditions. The first Oyster farm, capable 1:49of producing 40 MW, is currently being developed off the north-western coast of Scotland, with 1:54future plans for a larger 200 MW farm near the Orkney archipelago. 1:598. Algae Based Biofuels 2:02Biofuels are crop-derived ethanol or biodiesel made primarily out of rapeseed, corn, wheat, 2:08sugarcane, sugar beet, soy or other crops. But all of these crops need land to grow on, 2:12which is either acquired by replacing food production crops or by cutting down forests, 2:17neither of which is viable in the long run. 2:19A better approach is to use algae. Since some algae have a natural oil content of around 2:2475%, they can be easily processed into biofuel. The rest of the plant can be used as fertilizer 2:29to grow even more algae. It grows very quickly, and doesn’t need any farm land or fresh 2:33water to do so. On average, algae can produce around 5000 gallons of ethanol per acre in 2:38one year, as compared to only 800 gallons produced with sugarcane. 2:43Scientists at the Rochester Institute of Technology in New York have discovered that these biofuel 2:47producing algae can also clean wastewater. They consume nitrates and phosphates, and 2:52also reduce toxins and bacteria. The state of Alabama became home to the first algae 2:56biofuel system that also cleans wastewater. Because the entire traditional water treatment

3:01process is excluded, algae growing is carbon-negative. 3:047. Solar Windows 3:07Every second, the sun bombards the Earth with roughly 174 quadrillion watts of energy, and 3:13we’re only just beginning to tap into that immense power. The problem with standard solar 3:18panels is that they convert a maximum of only 20% of the sun’s energy into electricity, 3:23all the while being very costly in terms of production. 3:26But recently, scientists from the University of California have discovered how to make 3:29solar panels transparent. The material is a plastic-like substance which is transparent 3:34in the normal light spectrum, but is able to pick up infrared light. Because it’s 3:38made of plastic, it’s relatively cheap to manufacture compared to traditional solar 3:43panels. It can also double as an ordinary window in someone’s house. Every sun-bathed 3:47window in the world could convert solar energy into electricity. 3:516. Volcanic Electricity 3:53A geothermal plant is like a coal plant without the coal. They both work on the principle 3:58of heating water until it becomes steam, which in turn runs turbines that produce electricity.

4:03The difference is that instead of burning coal, a geothermal plant will use the heat 4:07of the Earth itself. By drilling holes into the ground some two to six miles deep, temperatures 4:12can reach 160 to 600 degrees F. Places with high volcanic activity are ideal for this 4:18type of renewable energy, since underground magma is much closer to the surface and holes 4:23don’t have to be dug so deep. 4:24Iceland recently drilled a hole and hit a pocket of magma by mistake. They decided to 4:29pour water down the shaft to see what happened. What they witnessed was something record breaking 4:33— steam gushed out at temperatures of above 842 F. For comparison, steam generated at 4:38geothermal plants usually hovers around 158 degrees F. These traditional plants produce 4:44around 40 MW of energy, good for roughly 11,500 homes. This discovery is still in its testing 4:50phase, but this type of power could multiply the amount of electricity produced by geothermal 4:55plants tenfold. 4:575. Betaray 4:59We just discussed the vast amount of energy the sun produces and the inefficiency of standard 5:03solar panels. Andre Broessel, a German architect, has come up with a simple yet brilliant idea 5:08to increase the energy output in photovoltaic cells. By incorporating a liquid filled glass 5:14sphere into the design of a solar panel, the energy output is increased by 34%. It’s 5:19fitted with a tracking device that’s able to follow the sun on its daily migration west, 5:23and the Betaray can also tap into the sun’s rays on overcast days, producing four times 5:28the energy of a normal solar panel. It can even draw energy from the moon on clear nights. 5:34The device is specially designed to work for individual houses or buildings, places with 5:38limited space for solar panel deployment. It can easily be fitted onto inclined surfaces 5:42and curtain walls. The project is still in its development stage, but once finished it 5:46might change the look of rooftops around the world. 5:494. Viruses 5:51A breakthrough took place at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in California, 5:55where scientists managed to create a virus that can produce an electrical charge when 5:59a material is mechanically deformed or stressed. This material is made out of the engineered

6:04M13 virus, which usually infects bacteria. Long story short, it’s a device that transforms 6:09a simple gesture like pushing a button or sliding your finger on a screen into electricity. 6:15Its practical applications are endless, with many being used on wireless technologies like 6:19mobile phones and laptops. This development will most certainly make other devices and 6:23appliances less dependent on the power grid, and even become more portable in the process. 6:28What’s even greater is that this virus can be sprayed on any surface, like the floor 6:32or a chair, and then produce electricity when it’s stimulated by movement or pressure. 6:36But we won’t get too far ahead of ourselves — in its current state, the maximum output 6:40generated was a quarter of that of a triple-A battery. 6:443. Thorium 6:46Thorium is a radioactive metal similar to uranium, but it can produce 90 times more 6:51energy at a fraction of the waste. It’s also three to four times more abundant in 6:56nature, and just one gram of the stuff is equivalent to 7400 gallons of gas in terms 7:02of energy. 7:03Because of this, Connecticut’s LaserPowerSystems Company has come up with a plan to create 7:07a thorium based engine for cars. By using a laser powered with only eight grams of thorium 7:12to heat up water and generate steam, a car can run for more than 100 years or one million 7:18miles without the need to reful. The engine only weighs around 500 pounds, making it able 7:23to replace a standard vehicle’s engine. 7:25The greatest challenge is the fact that thorium hasn’t proven its potential on a commercial 7:29scale. Because a focus was placed on uranium as the prime nuclear fuel for the last 60 7:33years, thorium based reactors are a lot more expensive to build. And the science, while 7:38sound, is mostly theoretical. 7:402. The “Impossible” Microwave Thruster 7:43As the need to travel into space increases in the coming decades, the technology of a 7:47microwave powered thruster couldn’t have come at a better time. If viable, this technology 7:52could radically change the design of future spacecraft, eliminating the need to carry 7:56fuel. With half of any given spacecraft’s mass being fuel, this is a big deal.

8:01This technology was labelled as impossible since it defies Newton’s third law, the 8:05law of momentum conservation. This law states that in order to move forward, an object must 8:10always leave something behind. In this case, rocket fuel is being ejected in order to propel 8:15a spacecraft. But by making microwaves bounce off reflectors inside a sealed chamber, scientists 8:20were able to achieve thrust without the use of a propellant. 8:24The idea was first exhibited in 2006 by scientist Roger Shawyer. It was again proven by a team 8:29of Chinese researchers in 2012, but the science wasn’t taken seriously since it went against 8:34fundamentals in physics. Only in July 2014 was the idea accepted, thanks to Guido Fetta 8:41from NASA. Even now, scientists aren’t really sure how it works, but they agree that it 8:46does. It still has a long way to go, though — the thrust generated wasn’t even enough 8:50to lift a penny off a table. 8:521. International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) 8:57Nuclear power has been the most reliable source of green energy we currently possess. Setting 9:02aside tragic accidents and the fact that it produces nuclear waste, this form of energy 9:06doesn’t pollute the environment nor cause any harm, if we’re careful. Further development 9:10has generated some amazing results, one of which is the Travelling Wave Reactor, which 9:15is capable of producing electricity from the waste left behind by traditional nuclear reactors. 9:20This technology could theoretically power the entire United States for the next seven 9:26centuries. 9:27The real prize, however, is ITER. It’s a project so important that China, India, the 9:33EU, Japan, South Korea, the United States and Russia have come together to make it work. 9:37It’s located in southern France, and it’s the equivalent of building a sun in our own 9:42backyard. 9:43ITER will be able to replicate the processes happening inside a star. Unlike fission, where 9:48atoms are torn apart to create energy, fusion binds two elements to generate even more power. 9:54This type of energy isn’t threatening, it doesn’t produce waste, and it’s the closest 9:58thing we could come to an endless source of power based on our current understanding of 10:03the universe. With every 50 MW it needs to work it gives 500 MW in return, enough to 10:08power 130,000 homes. 10:11The theoretical knowledge has been around for decades, but the problem was in building 10:14a reactor capable of withstanding temperatures above 150 million degrees. This will be achieved 10:20by using electromagnets to keep the hot plasma away from the reactor’s walls. The project 10:25began way back in 1985, but only in 2010 did the technology became available to start construction. 10:32Future predictions say that by the beginning of the 2030s, ITER will begin its operations 10:37and be integrated into the power grid as early as 2040.

0:00 10替代替代能源 0:07 10.浮空中涡轮机(BAT) 0:13像中国,美国,德国,丹麦,西班牙和印度等国家生产超过175000 0:19与传统的风力发电机功率兆瓦,但这一数字表示,如果他们将翻一番 0:24与蝙蝠所取代。 0:26该技术操作简单。基本上,在中间与风力涡轮机的巨大飞艇是 0:30固定在地面上,并悬挂了近2000英尺高度。在这海拔,大风 0:35在更大的速度被吹入从而产生两倍的功率。这些新的涡轮机 0:39可承受高达每小时43英里的风速在此之后,英美烟草可以自动 0:44鸭子覆盖到任何高度的安全性。对环境的影响远小于可见光 0:48在这样的高度,更何况在交通方面的90%,降低成本, 0:53部署。不同于传统的涡轮机,蝙蝠很容易被拆除,并重新部署在其他地方 0:58如果需要的话。 1:00 9.生蚝 1:01随着世界敷面在水中的70%以上,这是一个奇怪的浪潮 1:05能量在比赛中可再生能源的甩在身后。牡蛎是试图把这个 1:10能回到前列的形式。 1:12它的设计是一个皮瓣,推逐浪,50英尺水下1600拉 1:18脚近海。通过这种无休止的循环,牡蛎是能够泵能一路 1:22回到大陆上的一个标准的水力发电厂。到目前为止,两片已 1:27试验成功了苏格兰的海岸。牡蛎1是能够产生315千瓦的功率, 1:33而牡蛎800(不要问我们解释他们的命名约定)管理高达 1:38 800千瓦,能够将电源80左右的房子。 1:42波是一种常见的现象,不像潮汐,只有来来去去几次一 1:46天。牡蛎还可以在暴风雨条件下工作。第一牡蛎养殖场,能够 1:49生产40兆瓦,目前正在开发苏格兰的西北海岸,与 1:54未来奥克尼群岛附近的一个较大的200兆瓦的农场计划。 1:59 8.基于藻类生物燃料

2:02生物燃料是作物衍生乙醇或生物柴油制造主要出油菜,玉米,小麦, 2:08甘蔗,甜菜,大豆或其他作物。但是,所有这些作物需要土地来种植的, 2:12这要么是通过更换粮食生产的作物或砍伐森林获得的, 2:17这两者都不是,从长远来看是可行的。 2:19更好的方法是使用藻类。由于一些藻类具有大约天然油含量 2:24 75%,他们可以很容易地加工成生物燃料。该设备的其余部分可以用作肥料 2:29成长更藻类。它生长速度非常快,而且不需要任何农田或新鲜 2:33水这样做。平均而言,藻类能产生大约5000加仑每英亩乙醇 2:38一年相比,800只甘蔗生产加仑。 2:43在技​​术在纽约罗切斯特理工学院的科学家发现,这些生物燃料 2:47产藻类还可以清洁废水。它们消耗的硝酸盐和磷酸盐,以及 2:52还可以减少毒素和细菌。阿拉巴马州成为家里第一个藻类 2:56生物燃料系统,还可清理污水。由于整个传统的水处理 3:01处理被排除,藻类生长是碳基负极。 3:04 7.太阳能的Windows 3:07每一秒钟,太阳轰击地球,大约有174万亿瓦的能量,和 3:13我们才刚刚开始进军的巨大力量。与标准的太阳能电池问题 3:18板是它们最多只有20%的太阳的能量的转​​换成电能, 3:23所有的,同时在生产方面非常昂贵的。 3:26但最近,美国加利福尼亚大学的科学家已经发现如何使 3:29太阳能电池板是透明的。该材料是一种塑料状物质,是透明 3:34在正常的光谱,但能够拿起红外光。因为它是 3:38由塑料制成的,它是相对便宜的制造相比传统的太阳能 3:43面板。它还可以兼作在别人的房子一个普通的窗口。每一个阳光沐浴 3:47窗口在世界可能太阳能转换为电能。 3:51 6.电力火山 3:53一座地热发电厂是不一样的煤炭燃煤电厂。他们都基于这样的原理 3:58加热水的,直到它变成蒸汽,从而将运行产生电力的涡轮机。

4:03不同的是,代替燃烧煤,地热厂将使用热 4:07的地球本身。通过钻孔到地面的一些二至六英里深,温度 4:12可以达到160到600华氏度的地方具有较高的火山活动是非常适合这种 4:18类型的可再生能源,因为地下岩浆更接近表面和孔洞 4:23不必挖那么深。 4:24冰岛最近钻了一个洞,而错误击中岩浆囊。他们决定 4:29倒水倒杆,看看发生了什么。他们亲眼目睹了一些破纪录 4:33 - 蒸汽楼以上842下涌出为了便于比较,在产生的蒸汽 4:38地热发电厂通常徘徊在158华氏度这些传统的植物产生 4:44大约40兆瓦的能量,有利于大约11500家。这一发现仍然处于测试 4:50相,但这种类型的电源的可繁殖的电力通过地热产生量 4:55植物十倍。 4:57 5. Betaray 4:59我们只是讨论了能源的大量阳光生产和标准的低效率 5:03太阳能板。安德烈Broessel,一个德国建筑师,想出了一个简单而辉煌的想法 5:08增加光伏电池的能量输出。通过将一个装满液体的玻璃 5:14球体成太阳能电池板的设计中,能量输出增加了34%。它的 5:19配有一个跟踪装置,其是能够跟随太阳在其每日迁移西, 5:23和Betaray也能够领略到太阳的阴天的光线,产生四倍 5:28一个正常的太阳能板的能量。它甚至可以从月球上晴朗的夜晚汲取能量。 5:34该器件是专为个人房屋及建筑物,与地方工作 5:38太阳能电池板的部署空间有限。它可以很容易地装配到倾斜面 5:42幕墙。该项目仍处于发展阶段,但一旦它完成 5:46可能会改变全球屋顶的外观。 5:49 4.病毒 5:51一个突破发生在劳伦斯伯克利国家实验室在加利福尼亚州, 5:55科学家们成功地开发出能够产生电荷,当病毒 5:59的材料被机械变形或强调。此材料是由出工程化的 6:04 M13的病毒,通常感染细菌。长话短说,它是将一个装置 6:09一个简单的手势就像推一个按钮或滑动你的手指在屏幕上转化为电能。 6:15它的实际应用是无止境的,许多被无线技术,如使用 6:19手机和笔记本电脑。这种发展肯定会令其他设备和 6:23电器较少依赖于电网,甚至成为在这个过程中更便于携带。 6:28什么是更大的是,这种病毒可以在任何表面上进行喷涂,如地板 6:32或者当它是由运动或压力刺激了椅子上,然后产生电力。 6:36但我们不会让自己的遥遥领先太 - 在当前状态下,最大输出 6:40产生的是一个三A电池的四分之一。 6:44 3.钍 6:46钍是放射性金属类似的铀,但是它可以产生90倍以上的 6:51能量在废物的一小部分。它也是在三至四倍更丰富 6:56性质,和的东西只是一克相当于术语气体7400加仑

7:02能量。 7:03正因为如此,康涅狄格州的LaserPowerSystems公司想出了一个计划,以创建 7:07汽车基于钍引擎。通过使用激光仅8克钍的供电 7:12升温水,产生蒸汽,一辆汽车可以运行100年以上或百万 7:18无需英里reful。该发动机仅重约500磅,使得它能够 7:23替换标准车辆的发动机。 7:25最大的挑战是,钍并未证明在商业其潜在 7:29规模。由于重点放在铀作为首要核燃料最后60 7:33多年来,基于钍反应堆是贵了不少建设。和科学,而 7:38声音,主要是理论上的。 7:40 2.“不可能”微波推进器 7:43由于需要进入太空的增加在未来几十年,一个技术 7:47微波动力推进器不可能来得正是时候。如果可行,该技术 7:52可能会从根本上改变未来航天器的设计,省去了随身携带 7:56汽油。与任何给定的飞船的质量存在燃料的一半,这是一个大问题。 8:01这项技术被打成不可能的,因为它违背了牛顿第三定律, 8:05动量守恒定律。该法规定,为了向前推进,一个对象必须 8:10总是留下的东西后面。在这种情况下,火箭燃料被排出,以推动 8:15航天器。但是,通过微波反弹反射密闭室内,科学家 8:20能够实现推力不使用推进剂。 8:24当时的想法是由科学家罗杰Shawyer在2006年首次展出。它再次被一个成熟的团队 8:29中国研究人员在2012年,但科学并没有认真对待,因为它违背了 8:34基本面物理学。只有在2014年7月被接受的想法,感谢Guido Fetta 8:41从美国航空航天局。即使是现在,科学家们真的不知道它是如何工作的,但他们同意, 8:46确实。它还有很长的路要走,虽然 - 产生的推力甚至没有足够的 8:50解除一分钱掉表。 8:52 1.国际热核实验反应堆(ITER) 8:57核电已绿色能源的最可靠的来源,我们目前拥有。设置

9:02一旁的悲惨事故和它产生的核废料,这种形式的能量的事实 9:06不污染环境,也没有造成任何伤害,如果我们小心。进一步的发展 9:10已经产生了一些惊人的结果,其中之一是行波反应堆,其中 9:15能够从传统的核反应堆留下的垃圾发电的。 9:20这项技术理论上可以提供动力,整个美国在未来七年 9:26世纪。 9:27真正的奖,但是,是ITER。这是一个项目,所以重要的是中国,印度, 9:33欧盟,日本,韩国,美国和俄罗斯已经走到了一起,使其工作。 9:37它位于法国南部,它是在我们自己构建一个阳光相当于 9:42后院。 9:43 ITER将能够复制一个星内部发生的过程。不同于裂变,其中 9:48原子四分五裂创造能量,融合结合两个因素来产生更多的权力。 9:54这种类型的能量是不危险,也不会产生浪费,而且它是最接近 9:58我们可以根据我们目前的理解上台的无尽的事情 10:03宇宙。有了它需要工作,它每50兆瓦给出了500兆瓦的回报,足以 10:08动力130000家园。 10:11理论知识已经存在了几十年,但问题是在建设 10:14能够承受的温度超过150亿度的电抗器。这将实现 10:20利用电磁铁来保持热等离子体从反应器的城墙了。该项目 10:25开始,早在1985年,但只在2010年所做的技术成为可开工建设。 10:32未来的预测说,到21世纪30年代开始,ITER将开始运作 10:37并早在2040并入电网。

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