10. Hagfish (Extreme Survival Capability)
9. Platypus (Accurate Prey Locator)
8. Electric Eel (Stunning Volts of Electricity)
7. Mantis Shrimp (Knockout Power Punch)
6. Cuttlefish (Perfect Underwater Camouflage)
5. African Hairy Frog (Freaky Wolverine Claws)
4. Planarian (Infinite Regeneration)
3. Archerfish (High-Speed Accuracy)
2. Sea Cucumber (Healing Ability and a Possible Cure for Cancer)
1. Salmon (Remarkable Navigation Skills)

==========Google 翻译==========

0:03Top 10 Water Animals with Amazing Superpowers 0:0710. Hagfish (Extreme Survival Capability) 0:15Hagfish may look like weak creatures that can be easily preyed upon by bigger animals 0:19like seal sharks, but do not let their appearance deceive you, as they are highly skilled in 0:23preserving their lives. When attacke2d by predators like conger eels and sharks, hagfish 0:28release a slime that clogs their enemies’ gills and mouths, causing them to retreat. 0:32With this superpower, hagfish can easily defeat animals that are ten to a hundred times bigger 0:36than them! 0:37Aside from this simple-yet-effective defense mechanism, hagfish are also known for their 0:41unusual eating habits. These sea creatures do not only feed with their mouths, but also 0:46eat with their gills and skin. Hagfish are the only vertebrates known to eat in this 0:50bizarre manner. They usually go inside the bodies of dead animals where they feast on 0:54the flesh through their mouths, skins, and gills. 0:579. Platypus (Accurate Prey Locator) 1:00What makes the peculiar platypus a superhero is its amazing ability to determine the exact 1:05location of its prey. It does this by detecting the electric impulses and pressure changes 1:10its prey creates when moving underwater. Unlike most animals, the platypus does not use its 1:15ears and eyes when hunting for food, since they automatically close when it dives underwater. 1:20Instead, it solely relies on its bill to help it determine the location of its prey. This 1:24bill is filled with 60,000 mechanoreceptors and 40,000 electroreceptors. With the help 1:30of these hyper-sensitive nerve endings, the platypus can easily determine the exact location 1:34of its prey. 1:358. Electric Eel (Stunning Volts of Electricity) 1:40Electric eels got their name from their super ability to discharge electricity from their 1:44bodies. When an eel feels threatened or sees a prey, it discharges 600 volts of electricity, 1:49strong enough to knock down a horse or leave a man unconscious. 1:52Electric eels owe their superpower to their electrical body parts, which contain special 1:56kinds of cells called electrolytes. These electrolytes function like small batteries,

2:01enabling eels to emit electricity underwater. As proof of their power, some institutions 2:06are harnessing the electricity produced by electric eels to power simple electrical equipment 2:10like light bulbs. Also, theoretically speaking, the electricity emitted by electric eels is 2:15sufficient enough to power electric vehicles. 2:187. Mantis Shrimp (Knockout Power Punch) 2:22The mantis shrimp may be small, but it sure is remarkably strong and fast. This animal 2:26can easily shatter an aquarium glass and break the hard shells of certain animals like snails. 2:32If that isn’t enough to make you believe in the supershrimp, then consider this: by 2:35using a high-speed camera, researchers have discovered that this incredible animal is 2:38capable of striking its forelimbs at speeds of 31 – 52 miles per hour. Batman couldn’t 2:44hit you that quickly! 2:476. Cuttlefish (Perfect Underwater Camouflage) 2:50The cuttlefish is a squid-like creature considered by many scientists to be the ultimate master 2:55of disguise. It possesses the ability to alter its appearance in the twinkling of an eye, 2:59and adapt to its surroundings very easily. It can create the perfect camouflage, one

3:04that would put the chameleon to shame. It can easily imitate the appearance, and even 3:08the texture of anything that it sees such as rocks. It can even produce zebra-like patterns 3:12on its skin. 3:13So how does the cuttlefish pull off such a feat of magic? The answer lies on the pigment 3:18cells found on its skin, called chromatophores. Scattered all over the animal’s body, these 3:23chromatophores enable the cuttlefish to alter its color and overall appearance very quickly. 3:28All this while it itself is color-blind. 3:305. African Hairy Frog (Freaky Wolverine Claws) 3:35African hairy frogs, commonly found in Cameroon, are the Wolverines of the wild in that they 3:40can break their toe bones and transform them into claws when they feel threatened. Just 3:44like the X-Man, the African frog’s claws bursts from its skin, ready to attack. 3:49Sadly, there are those who would gun down these frogs, just to make sure that they are 3:52incapable of unleashing their painful weapon. Some even use machetes or spears when hunting 3:57these animals, since they can cause such serious injury. Every hero must have an archenemy,

4:02after all. 4:034. Planarian (Infinite Regeneration) 4:07Planarians may seem insignificant compared to other animals, but they possess one special 4:11ability that makes them highly valuable to scientists and even to some of us. Namely, 4:16that these small flatworms hold the key to immortality. 4:20Researchers have discovered that these tiny creatures have the god-like ability to regenerate 4:24themselves infinitely. If a planarian loses its head or tail, it can easily regrow it 4:30back. This uncanny ability is also common in other animals like lizards, cockroaches, 4:34and starfish, but what makes the planarian extra special is that it can also clone itself. 4:40If you cut a planarian into two, the two divided parts will regenerate and become two new different 4:45planarians. No matter how many times you cut them, planarians will never die. Instead, 4:50they will just regenerate and clone themselves over and over again. 4:53How do they do it? The answer may lie in the fact that they are made up of cells quite 4:57identical to stem cells. Planarians can transform their stem-like cells into any specific type

5:02of cell needed by a damaged or lost body part. 5:063. Archerfish (High-Speed Accuracy) 5:09The archerfish has what amounts to a gun buried in its body. Of course, it doesn’t shoot 5:14bullets, but instead emits high-speed streams of water, strong enough to knock down and 5:18kill its prey. Once the insect falls into the water, the archerfish then immediately 5:23swallows it. 5:24The archerfish is a very accurate shooter, and can usually hit its targets during the 5:28first try. Also, its water shots can reach a height of five feet. The archerfish intuitively 5:33takes into consideration some complex physics when hitting its target, such as gravity, 5:38refraction, and even the Plateau-Rayleigh instability. 5:412. Sea Cucumber (Healing Ability and a Possible Cure for Cancer) 5:46Just like planarians, sea cucumbers can heal and regenerate themselves too. It is interesting 5:51to note that their regenerative and healing mechanisms closely resemble that of the human 5:55body. But unlike the seemingly immortal planarians, these sausage-looking sea creatures cannot

6:01heal all kinds of wounds, and they cannot clone themselves. 6:04However, despite some limitations in their powers, sea cucumbers still deserve to be 6:09in this list due to a recent remarkable discovery made by scientists—sea cucumbers can cure 6:14cancer. Researchers have found out that these aquatic creatures can kill cells that cause 6:19prostate, liver, breast, pancreatic, and skin cancer, thanks to a built-in chemical compound 6:24called Frondoside A. Furthermore, they can boost the body’s immune system, helping 6:28the body fight and stop the spread of cancer cells effectively. 6:311. Salmon (Remarkable Navigation Skills) 6:35Most of us know that salmon go back to the place they were born, just to spawn. That 6:39means travelling more than 2,485 miles, navigating through strong currents, jumping over various 6:45environmental obstacles, and passing through predators like grizzly bears. It’s the remarkably 6:50mysterious and arduous journey that salmon take for the purpose of mating and spawning 6:55that make them superheroes in the animal kingdom. 6:57For many years, no one knew how salmon can navigate their way back to the places where

7:01they were born. These animals start their lives in fresh water, but spend most of their 7:05adulthood wandering in the ocean. Just recently, researchers have discovered that salmon use 7:10the Earth’s magnetic field to help them determine the exact location of their birthplace. 7:14When it’s time to spawn, they navigate the sea, looking for the areas that have the same 7:18magnetic fields imprinted in their brains. This ability helps them to distinguish the 7:23right area from hundreds, if not thousands, of possible locations from where they could 7:27have entered the ocean.

0:03十大水兽以惊人的超级大国 0:07 10.盲鳗(至尊生存能力) 0:15盲鳗可能看起来像可经体型较大的动物捕食轻松弱小 0:19象海豹鲨鱼,但不要让自己的外表欺骗了你,因为他们是高度熟练的在 0:23维护他们的生命。当像海鳗鳗鱼和鲨鱼,盲鳗大鳄attacke2d 0:28释放堵塞他们的敌人'鳃和嘴,使他们退却煤泥。 0:32有了这个超级大国,盲鳗可以轻松击败动物有十百倍更大 0:36比他们! 0:37除了这个简单又有效的防御机制,盲鳗也知道他们的 0:41不寻常的饮食习惯。这些海洋生物不仅与他们的嘴喂,还 0:46吃他们的鳃和皮肤。盲鳗可以用这种吃的唯一的脊椎动物 0:50离奇的方式。他们通常去死动物的尸体里面,他们大饱眼福 0:54通过他们的嘴,皮肤和鳃肉。 0:57 9.鸭嘴兽(精确猎物定位器)

1:00是什么让独特的鸭嘴兽超级英雄是其惊人的准确判断能力 1:05猎物的位置。它通过检测电脉冲和压力的变化执行此 1:10它的猎物在水下移动时造成的。不像大多数动物,鸭嘴兽没有使用其 1:15耳朵和狩猎食物时,因为当它潜入水下自动关闭的眼睛。 1:20相反,它完全依靠它的票据,以帮助它确定其猎物的位置。这个 1:24法案充满60,000机械感受器40,000电感受器。借助 1:30这些超敏感的神经末梢,鸭嘴兽可以很容易地确定确切位置 1:34它的猎物。 1:35 8.电鳗(电力令人惊叹伏特) 1:40电鳗从他们的超级从放电电力的能力得到了他们的名字 1:44身体。当鳗鱼感觉受到威胁或看到一个猎物,其放电电600伏, 1:49强大到足以击倒一匹马或留下一人昏迷。 1:52电鳗欠他们的超级大国的带电体部分,其中包含特殊 1:56种细胞称为电解质。这些电解质的功能就像小型电池,

2:01使鳗鱼发出的电力水下。由于他们的权力的证明,一些机构 2:06正在利用由电鳗产生的电力来驱动简单的电气设备 2:10像灯泡。此外,从理论上讲,通过电鳗所发出的电力是 2:15足以电动车辆提供动力。 2:18 7.虾蛄(淘汰赛电源冲床) 2:22虾蛄可能很小,但它肯定是非常强而快。这种动物 2:26可以很容易打碎的玻璃鱼缸,打破某些动物的硬壳像蜗牛。 2:32如果这还不足以让你相信supershrimp,然后再考虑这一点:通过 2:35使用高速摄像机,研究人员已经发现了这个令人难以置信的动物 2:38能够以31的速度撞击它的前肢 - 每小时52英里。蝙蝠侠不能 2:44打你迅速! 2:47 6.墨鱼(完美水下迷彩) 2:50墨鱼是许多科学家认为是鱿鱼一样的动物是最终的主人 2:55的伪装。它拥有改变其外观在瞬息的能力, 2:59并适应周围环境变得非常容易。它可以创造出完美的伪装,人们

3:04这将使变色龙羞愧。它可以很容易模仿的外观,甚至 3:08任何事物的质感,它认为如岩石。它甚至可产生斑马状图案 3:12它的皮肤。 3:13那么,如何墨鱼决绝的魔力如此骄人的成绩?答案在于对色素 3:18其皮肤中的细胞,叫做色素细胞。散落各地的动物的尸体,这些 3:23色素细胞使乌贼非常迅速地改变它的颜色和整体外观。 3:28所有这一切,而它本身是色盲。 3:30 5.非洲壮发蛙(辣妈金刚狼爪) 3:35非洲壮发蛙,在喀麦隆常见,是野生的本地人在他们 3:40可以打破他们的趾骨,并将其转化成爪,当他们感到威胁。只是 3:44像X人,其皮肤的非洲青蛙的爪子阵阵,准备攻击。 3:49可悲的是,也有一些谁也枪放下这些青蛙,只是为了确保他们 3:52无法施展他们痛苦的武器。打猎有些甚至使用砍刀或矛 3:57这些动物,因为它们可能会导致如此严重的伤害。每一个英雄必须有一个大敌,

4:02毕竟。 4:03 4.涡(无限再生) 4:07相比其他动物涡虫看起来可能微不足道,但他们具有一种特别的 4:11能力,使他们对科学家,甚至我们一些非常有价值的。也就是说, 4:16这些小扁虫按住该键不朽。 4:20研究人员发现,这些微小的生物必须重新生成神一样的能力 4:24自己无限。如果涡虫失去了它的头部或尾部,它可以很容易再生它 4:30背部。这不可思议的能力,也可用于其他动物,如蜥蜴,蟑螂常见, 4:34和海星,但使涡虫格外特别的是,它也可以克隆自己。 4:40如果你切涡虫一分为二,一分为二部分将重新成为两个新的不同 4:45涡虫。不管你有多少次降息,涡虫永远不会死。代替, 4:50他们只是再生和克隆自己一遍又一遍。 4:53他们怎么做到的?答案可能在于一个事实,即它们是由细胞组成了相当 4:57相同干细胞。涡可以改变他们的干细胞样细胞为任何具体类型的

5:02由一个损坏或丢失的身体部位所需要的细胞。 5:06 3,射水鱼(高速高精度) 5:09射水鱼有什么相当于埋在它的身上有枪。当然,它不会拍 5:14子弹,而是发出的水高速流,强大到足以击倒和 5:18杀死猎物。一旦昆虫然后立即落入水中,射水鱼 5:23吞下它。 5:24射水鱼是一个非常准确的射手,并在通常可以达到其目标 5:28第一次尝试。此外,它做主水可达到五英尺的高度。射水鱼直观 5:33击中目标时,如重力考虑到一些复杂的物理, 5:38折射,甚至高原 - 瑞利不稳定。 5:41 2.海参(自愈能力和癌症的可能的治疗) 5:46就像涡虫,海参可以治愈,并重新生成自己太。挺有趣的 5:51需要注意的是他们的再生和愈合的机制非常相似,人类的 5:55身体。但不同的是貌似神仙涡虫,这些香肠的前瞻性海洋生物不能

6:01治疗各种创伤,他们无法克隆自己。 6:04然而,尽管他们的权力一定的局限性,海参仍然应该得到 6:09在此列表中,由于科学家,海参制成可治最近的重大发现 6:14癌症。研究人员发现,这些水生生物能杀死引起细胞 6:19前列腺癌,肝癌,乳腺癌,胰腺癌,皮肤癌,由于内置的​​化学化合物 6:24所谓Frondoside A.此外,他们还可以提高人体的免疫系统,帮助 6:28身体对抗和有效阻止癌细胞的扩散。 6:31 1.鲑鱼(卓越的航海技能) 6:35我们大多数人都知道,鲑鱼回到他们出生的地方,只是产卵。那 6:39意味着飞行超过2485英里,通过强大的电流导航,跳过各种 6:45环境障碍,并通过像灰熊天敌。它的显着 6:50神秘而艰苦的旅程,鲑鱼采取交配和产卵的目的 6:55这使他们在动物王国中的超级英雄。 6:57多年来,没有人知道鲑鱼是如何定位自己的方式回到地方

7:01他们出生。这些动物开始他们在淡水中生活,但把大部分 7:05成年漂泊在海洋中。就在最近,研究人员发现,使用鲑鱼 7:10地球的磁场,以帮助他们确定自己的出生地的确切位置。 7:14当它的时间来产卵,它们导航海,寻找具有相同的地区 7:18磁场在他们的大脑印迹。这种能力帮助他们区分 7:23数百位,他们可以正确的区域,如果不是数千,可能位置 7:27已经进入了海洋。

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