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該視頻展示了針對各種運輸安全問題的創新解決方案。 它強調了市政當局和城市 為應對導致城市洪水的暴雨事件增加而採取的新戰略。 該視頻還展示了各種交通管理解決方案, 例如遙控自動路障、blinker V 形動態曲線警告系統和滾輪路障系統。 正在提議的一項新的安全功能是在人行道上嵌入 LED 燈,當可以安全過馬路時,LED 燈會閃爍綠色,確保人們不會走進車流。 最後, 太陽能螺柱或貓眼的好處被強調為改善道路安全的有效方法。

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迴聲排水箱的目的 是緩解強降雨事件造成的城市洪水。 它的工作原理是將線排水和點排水結合起來,通過中空路緣渠道的進水口橫向吸收和排放地表水,並通過街道排水溝按常規方式吸收和排放地表水。 該系統通過一個進水箱連接,這顯著提高了其水力性能,可以輕鬆快速地擴散關鍵溢流點。

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觸覺鋪路(Smart Tactile Paving) 是一種新型的道路鋪設材料,旨在提高路邊安全性能,尤其是對行動不便或視力有障礙的行人更加友好。 這種道路鋪設材料能夠通過觸覺和視覺提示方式向行人傳遞信息,促使他們減少觸碰危險物品、警惕危險行為。 例如, 當行人行走時,如果路面上有障礙物,這種鋪路材料可以通過不同的凸起和凹陷來提醒行人要注意前方可能存在的障礙物。 此外, 它還可以根據需要設置不同的顏色和形態,以便向行人傳遞不同的指示信號,增強道路通行的安全性和便捷性。

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可以設計和安裝智能觸覺鋪路,通過結合腳下容易感覺到的各種設計和圖案,在用戶縮小的視野內突出交通信息。 這些模式可以設計為向用戶提供特定信息或警告,例如存在人行橫道、人行橫道或即將到來的十字路口。 此外, 觸覺鋪路可以與音頻信號一起安裝,為有視覺或聽覺障礙的用戶提供額外級別的警告。 通過結合這些設計元素,智能觸覺鋪路可以成為確保所有行人安全的有效工具,尤其是那些有感官障礙的行人。

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滾輪路障系統(Roller Barrier System) 是一種新型的道路安全設施,旨在降低高速公路和其他道路上車輛的撞擊風險,從而減少道路交通事故的發生。 這種系統在危險的彎道、高速公路入口和出口等區域安裝,由一系列相互連接的滾輪單元組成,每個滾輪單元都能在車輛撞擊時起到緩沖和減速的作用。 相比傳統的道路護欄,滾輪路障可以減輕撞擊產生的衝擊力,從而減少車輛損壞和次生碰撞的發生。 此外, 滾輪路障的材料具有耐用性和抗老化性能,能夠在戶外長時間使用。

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太陽能螺柱(也稱為貓眼)為道路安全帶來多項好處, 包括: 1. 提高夜間能見度:當夜幕降臨或惡劣天氣時,太陽能路標會自動發出明亮閃爍的 LED,比傳統路標更早地向駕駛員提供高度可見和有效的警告。 2. 減少事故:太陽能螺柱有助於減少區域鐵路道口和交叉路口的事故,並在黑暗和惡劣天氣條件下為司機提供指導和危險警告。 3.電源效率:太陽能螺柱利用太陽能電池板吸收太陽光並將太陽能轉化為能量,白天儲存在儲能裝置中。 這種儲存的能量會自動轉化為光能,並在夜間由 LED 燈發出,使其成為一種環保且節能的解決方案。 4. 減少環境影響:太陽能路釘減少了道路建設對環境的影響,因為不需要外部供電或佈線,並且減少了傳統路標的使用,從而減少了浪費。 總的來說, 太陽能螺柱是一種有效且環保的解決方案, 可以幫助改善道路安全並最大限度地減少事故。

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太陽能螺柱 是指一種能夠收集太陽能並將其轉化為電能的道路標誌。 它通常被稱為Cat's eye(貓眼),因為它看起來像一隻貓的眼睛。 這種標誌由一個太陽能電池板、一個充電電池、一個LED燈和一個保護外殼組成。 在白天, 太陽能電池板收集陽光並將其轉化為電能,同時也為充電電池充電。 在晚上或黑暗的天氣裡, LED燈會被點亮,作為路燈和道路標誌,提高道路安全性。 它們被廣泛用於標記路邊、斑馬線和交叉口等道路標記。

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VR技術可以在道路設計和規劃中發揮重要作用, 提高設計和建造道路的效率和準確性。 通過使用VR技術,建築師和設計師以創建逼真的虛擬環境,以模擬交通和行人流量、天氣條件和道路變化。 這可以幫助設計師在設計過程中檢測和糾正任何潛在的安全問題,並確定需要採取的最佳解決方案。 此外, VR技術還可以使設計師更容易地創建和測試新概念,例如新的雨水排放系統、環保設計和可持續交通解決方案等,以確保道路設計符合現代的交通和環境標準。 在實際施工過程中,VR技術還可以用於提供工人的培訓和指導,以確保道路建設項目的安全和高效進行。 因此, VR技術已經成為許多現代道路設計和建設團隊的必備工具,能夠幫助他們創造更安全和環保的道路系統。

0:00 [Music] 0:00 foreign 0:15 global climate change is changing 0:17 Regional precipitation patterns there 0:20 are already increasing numbers of heavy 0:22 rain events which lead to flooding in 0:24 cities and cause major damage 0:26 to counteract this many municipalities 0:29 and cities are developing 0:30 water-sensitive infrastructure 0:31 strategies a new approach is now coming 0:34 with the combination of line and point 0:36 drainage as the echo drain box 0:38 the surface water is taken up and 0:41 drained both laterally via the inlet 0:42 openings of the hollow curb Channel and 0:44 via the conventional Street drain the 0:47 system which is connected to each other 0:49 via an inlet box thus significantly 0:51 increases the hydraulic performance 0:53 this allows critical flooding points to 0:56 be diffused easily quickly and with 0:58 conventional building practices 1:04 traffic Tech's remote controlled 1:06 automated rapid movable barrier is an 1:08 Innovative traffic management solution 1:10 the armb can be moved at speeds up to a 1:13 maximum of 0.4 meters per second in 1:16 ideal conditions 1:17 the operating speed is adjustable to 1:20 suit the user's requirements and allow 1:22 passing motorists time to react 1:24 the armv is easy to install and offers a 1:27 robust design with a customized 1:29 operating interface 1:33 engineered to fit the uniqueness of any 1:36 curve blinker Chevron Dynamic curve 1:38 Warning Systems are custom built with a 1:40 combination of flash activations flash 1:42 patterns and detection methods 1:44 systems consist of any number of solar 1:47 powered LED enhanced blinker Chevron 1:49 signs that flash sequentially or 1:51 simultaneously guiding drivers through 1:54 the length of the Curve 1:55 the blinker Chevron Dynamic curve 1:57 warning system features wirelessly 1:59 connected LED enhanced signs to reduce 2:01 and curve speeds keeping drivers on the 2:04 road 2:05 reinforced with two additional layers of 2:07 material the ruggedized blinker sign is 2:10 engineered to take on heavy winds Cloud 2:12 snow and falling debris radar sensors 2:15 are mounted on the first system Pole to 2:17 trigger the system to activate based on 2:19 predetermined criteria 2:21 triggers system activation when vehicle 2:23 approaches curve or exceeds 2:25 predetermined speed threshold and can 2:27 adjust speeds based on vehicle 2:29 classification 2:34 foreign 2:34 [Music] 2:44 Studies have shown that around one in 2:46 three people get distracted by their 2:48 phones when crossing the street 2:49 Australian Design Studio Bureau North is 2:52 proposing a new system to make sure 2:54 people don't walk into ongoing traffic 2:56 while looking down neuro North wants to 2:59 embed LED lights into the sidewalk that 3:01 flash green when it's safe to cross the 3:04 street by utilizing existing 3:06 infrastructure smart tactile paving 3:08 keeps pedestrians using mobile phones 3:11 safer by highlighting traffic messaging 3:13 within their diminished field of vision 3:19 foreign 3:21 South Korean firm ETI is offering a 3:24 novel roller barrier system designed to 3:26 reduce crash risks 3:28 the roller system is best suited to 3:30 installation at high risk sites on 3:32 curves or at the entrances or exits to 3:34 highways 3:35 it also can be supplied with an end 3:37 treatment the manufacturer said the key 3:40 is in the absorbent material that 3:42 reduces the impact forces 3:44 the rollers are made from an ethyl vinyl 3:46 acetate material that is highly shock 3:48 absorbent a key design feature 3:51 this material is also said to be durable 3:53 long lasting and chemically resistant 3:55 while not suffering aging due to UV 3:58 exposure 3:59 following an impact with the roller 4:01 barrier the vehicle speed is reduced due 4:03 to the impact absorbent properties of 4:05 the rollers 4:06 the system also deflects vehicles at a 4:09 shallower angle while causing less 4:10 damage than conventional barrier types 4:13 this means vehicles are more 4:15 controllable after an impact and less 4:17 likely to be involved in secondary 4:18 collisions as a result 4:19 [Music] 4:31 solar stud also knows as cat eyes can 4:34 help to reduce accident at Regional Rail 4:36 Crossing intersection and provide 4:38 guidance and Hazard warning to drivers 4:40 in darkness and bad Weathers 4:42 the solar system of solar road marker is 4:45 conducive for reducing environmental 4:47 impact and saving costs 4:50 during the day solar panels absorb 4:53 sunlight and convert solar energy which 4:55 is stored in energy storage devices 4:58 at night the electrical energy in the 5:00 energy storage devices is automatically 5:02 converted into light energy and emitted 5:04 by LEDs 5:05 bright light outlines the road and 5:08 induces the driver's site solar Road 5:10 studs will start automatically to flash 5:12 when night falls or with the onset of 5:14 inclement weather the bright flashing 5:17 LEDs are highly effective at getting 5:19 attention of drivers much earlier than 5:21 conventional Road stones 5:26 foreign 5:31 [Music] 5:41 smartphone controlled parking barrier 5:43 that protects a parking place and 5:45 enables real-time parking reservation 5:47 digital key sharing vehicle detection 5:50 Eco batteries and other Park Leo 5:52 benefits enrich the communities and help 5:54 to create the Smart City the unique 5:57 modular design of parklio brings 5:58 additional value to all stakeholders and 6:01 makes parking a worry-free experience 6:03 this parking barrier is operated through 6:06 an app on your smartphone what is 6:08 special is that in the settings of the 6:09 app you can activate the Auto close 6:11 function so that the bracket itself 6:13 detects when you leave your parking 6:15 space and then automatically erects 6:17 itself you do not have to close it via 6:19 the app when you drive away the 6:22 intelligent parking barrier parklio is 6:24 made of sturdy steel and withstands up 6:26 to six tons of Point load it has a 6:29 built-in protection that makes it 6:30 impossible to open the bracket while a 6:32 vehicle is parked above the barrier 6:34 as soon as the bracket feels the 6:36 resistance of the vehicle it will 6:38 automatically lower itself without 6:40 damaging the car above 6:43 [Music] 6:47 portable speed bumps have all the 6:49 benefits of stationary speed bumps but 6:52 can be rolled up and moved from location 6:53 to location 6:55 perfect for calming traffic during 6:57 certain hours of the day such as 6:59 immediately before and after school 7:01 the removable speed bumps weigh less 7:03 than 15 kilograms and are easily handled 7:06 by one person made from Impact resilient 7:09 HD polyethylene this folding temporary 7:11 speed ramp is quick and easy to deploy 7:13 making it ideal for the blue light 7:15 Services events sites and Etc where a 7:19 temporary speed restriction or Lane 7:20 separation is required 7:23 [Music] 7:27 the Caddo emergency gate aims to provide 7:30 fast access for emergency services on 7:32 motorways and in tunnels the Caddo is a 7:35 steel fabricated emergency gate that is 7:37 designed to be installed in a concrete 7:39 jersey barrier when opened by the TMC 7:42 are First Responders provides quick 7:44 access for emergency vehicles between 7:46 separated traffic channels 7:48 the Caddo can provide an opening of up 7:51 to 15 meters in the New Jersey Barrier 7:53 by opening vertically within 30 seconds 7:55 of activation it is ideal for emergency 7:58 vehicles and First Responders to get to 8:00 an accident without being impeded by 8:02 traffic 8:03 [Music] 8:04 foreign 8:06 bicycle Lanes should feel safe and 8:09 inviting wave delineators accommodate 8:11 this by quickly and easily creating 8:13 protected bike Lanes 8:15 ideal for temporary pop-up bike Lanes 8:17 during day or week-long events or when 8:19 communities want to Pilot a location for 8:21 a longer term protected Bikeway 8:23 with their unique wave aesthetic they 8:25 provide a much more visually appealing 8:27 solution compared to the construction 8:29 site visuals of the traffic cones or 8:31 Flex posts typically used in these 8:33 applications 8:34 The Continuous a rolling rhythm of a 8:37 wave conveys a feeling of motion 8:38 calmness and engagement that is 8:40 Amplified by the slower speeds at which 8:42 cyclists are traveling 8:43 [Music]

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