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該視頻討論了各種創新和環保的移動解決方案。 它突出了索道工程公司多貝瑪亞格拉文托 (Doppelmayr Garavento) 的一個新概念,該概念具有可拆卸的纜車,可以從電纜到懸索鐵路再到街道。 該視頻還展示了廣汽空間氫概念車和曼塔飛機,這是一家用於區域空中機動的混合動力電動垂直短距起降飛機的設計和製造公司。 NYK Super Eco Ship 2050,一艘由太陽能和可再生能源產生的氫提供動力的無排放船, 以及 WorldView Enterprises,一種將人們帶到平流層的基於氣球的系統,也是特色。

Q:什麼是 NYK Super Eco Ship 2050?它如何融入行業的脫碳工作?
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NYK Super Eco Ship 2050 是一種無排放船舶的概念, 由太陽能和可再生能源產生的氫氣提供動力。 它符合該行業旨在到 2050 年減少溫室氣體排放的脫碳工作。 通過船體改造、減重和使用燃料電池進行電力推進,將船舶運行所需的功率減少 70%,該船將能夠 實現零排放。 總體而言, NYK Super Eco Ship 2050 是減少航運業排放並為應對氣候變化做出貢獻的創新解決方案。

Q:Manta Aircraft 計劃在未來如何轉向全電動垂直起降飛機?
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Manta Aircraft 計劃在未來轉向全電動 VTOL 飛機, 其目標是在電池技術成熟時提供遠程高速點對點飛機。 目前,該公司正在為他們的飛機使用混合電源。 通過使用渦輪發動機為電動機和機載電池發電,飛機可以承載更高的有效載荷和更遠的航程。 該公司相信,一旦電池技術成熟,他們的飛機將能夠在不需要混合動力源的情況下實現高速和長距離飛行。 屆時,該公司計劃改用全電動垂直起降飛機。

Q:WorldView Enterprises是什

Chat YouTube: WorldView Enterprises 是一家縮在氫氣球上的旅遊公司, 它計畫讓旅客到達平流層(地球大氣層的一個部分)的高度。 乘客可以在氫氣球上乘坐,觀察地球的景色和美景。 旅遊行程通常會持續2至6個小時,這種旅遊方式被稱為太空旅。 該公司旨在成為全球最大的太空遊覽公司之一, 讓任何人都可以體驗到這種畫面壯麗的旅遊方式。

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根據WorldView Enterprises官方網站所載的資料, 乘坐其氫氣球可到達平流層的高度,大約需要2小時的時間。

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氫氣球的控制. 主要靠風向和高度的變化。 由於氫氣球的移動速度和方向. 主要取決於当前的氣象條件, 所以經驗豐富的控制員. 需要密切關注氣象條件的變化,通過升降氣球以達到控制其高度和方向的目的。 此外, 如果需要進行更精確的控制和導航,還需要搭載全球定位系統等現代技術設備來幫助控制員定位氫氣球的位置和運動狀態。

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氫氣球的載人量取決於氫氣球的大小和設計。 一般來說, 氫氣球具有較大的載人容量,可以載運數十人甚至上百人, 因此氫氣球在旅遊、運輸等領域中被廣泛應用。 然而, 由於氫氣球需要大量的氫氣膨脹, 其載人量也受到氫氣產生和儲存技術的限制, 在設計氫氣球時需要考慮氫氣的重量和體積, 以確定其載人量和載重能力。

0:00 [Music] 0:00 foreign 0:13 [Music] 0:18 is set to remain a mega Trend in the 0:21 future in ropeways will definitely play 0:23 a key role when it comes to implementing 0:25 sustainable and eco-friendly Mobility 0:27 Solutions within a short space of time 0:29 whether it's on the Mountainside or in 0:31 cities 0:32 this is a bold concept from ropeway 0:34 engineering world leader doppelmir 0:36 garavento featuring a detachable Gondola 0:38 that can go from cables to suspension 0:40 Railway to the streets 0:42 very Innovative concept and extremely 0:44 interesting from a technical point of 0:46 view the combination of cable cars and 0:49 the rail-guided gondolas alone is great 0:51 but combining the whole thing with 0:53 autonomous chassis for the road are a 0:55 very exciting concept for the future 0:57 cable cars are very environmentally 0:59 friendly and above all safe means of 1:02 Transport Urban cable cars are much more 1:05 than a practical addition to cars buses 1:07 and trains 1:09 as an economical means of Transport they 1:11 have enormous potential with their small 1:14 only selective space requirements for 1:16 supports and stations ropeways 1:18 complement an urban infrastructure and 1:20 at the same time open up a new level of 1:22 Transport the next level of Mobility 1:25 [Music] 1:42 in keeping with gac's commitment to 1:45 forward-facing development and 1:47 Technology Innovation and energy saving 1:49 GAC has unveiled its new hydrogen 1:52 concept car the space suggesting a new 1:54 development Paradigm for future mobility 1:56 in China the GAC space features a clean 2:00 body surface sculpted with light and 2:02 Shadow from the round fluid front end to 2:05 the angular tail the space has truly a 2:08 one-of-kind special presence 2:10 having been engineered with level 4 2:12 autonomy in mind the GAC space largely 2:16 takes the burden off drivers by doing 2:18 all the hard work in most scenarios 2:20 without any manual input 2:25 Manta aircraft is a design and 2:27 Manufacturing Company of hybrid electric 2:29 vertical short takeoff and Landing 2:31 aircraft for Regional Air Mobility the 2:34 company is only working a hybrid 2:36 electric power source for their aircraft 2:38 based on the goal of providing a 2:40 long-range high-speed point-to-point 2:41 aircraft when Battery Technology matures 2:45 allowing the aircraft to have high 2:46 speeds in a long range is when the 2:49 company will be able to switch over to 2:50 an all-electric VTOL aircraft the an2 is 2:54 a two-passenger aircraft used for 2:56 Regional Air mobility and cargo service 2:58 where VTOL and high-speed forward flight 3:01 is needed the company States their 3:03 aircraft can take off and land 3:05 vertically and with its Canard Wings the 3:07 aircraft can take off and land on very 3:09 short runways and Achieve high speeds 3:11 during forward flight 3:13 by using a hybrid electric power system 3:16 using a turbine engine to produce 3:18 electricity for the electric motors and 3:19 onboard batteries the aircraft can carry 3:22 a higher payload and have a longer range 3:29 Japanese shipping major NYK group has 3:33 given the maritime World a taste of 3:34 things to come as it unveils A New 3:36 Concept of an emission-free ship dubbed 3:38 the NYK super eco ship 2050. the design 3:42 fits well the industry decarbonization 3:44 efforts aimed at having greenhouse gas 3:46 emissions by 2050. NYK said the power 3:50 needed to operate the ship has been cut 3:52 by 70 percent by remodeling the hull to 3:54 decrease water friction reducing the 3:56 weight of the hull introducing fuel 3:58 cells for electric propulsion and 4:00 relying on other highly efficient 4:02 propulsion devices instead of fossil 4:05 fuels the ship would be powered by solar 4:07 energy and hydrogen produced from 4:09 renewable energy sources all of which 4:11 would lead to a reduction of CO2 by 100 4:13 and thus result in a zero emission 4:16 vessel the vessel is equipped with 4:18 pontoons that can be deployed if 4:20 required 4:21 this allows it to remain stable during 4:23 blackouts and other abnormal situations 4:26 these developments will allow Hull shape 4:29 optimization to be done differently with 4:31 a greater focus on Resistance 4:33 overall the reduction in vessel 4:35 resistance is 35 percent 4:40 [Music] 4:43 worldview Enterprises is developing A 4:46 balloon-based system that will carry 4:47 people to the stratosphere with the 4:49 first commercial flights 4:51 the typical ride will last six to eight 4:53 hours and take passengers to an altitude 4:55 of at least one hundred thousand feet or 4:57 thirty thousand meters where they'll be 4:59 able to see the curvature of Earth 5:00 against the Blackness of space but the 5:03 overall experience will last five days 5:05 which will be spent in and around sites 5:08 of natural beauty and cultural and 5:09 historical significance e ID on the 5:12 company's pressurized eight passenger 5:14 Explorer capsule sells for fifty 5:16 thousand dollars significantly less than 5:19 any other major space tourism outfit is 5:21 charging and the ride to the 5:23 stratosphere will be smooth and gentle 5:25 enough to accommodate people of widely 5:27 varying ages and fitness levels the 5:30 mission is to expand access to space to 5:32 all and in doing so support the 5:34 transformation of our world's most 5:35 ambitious leaders so they can use their 5:37 experience in space to create positive 5:39 change here on Earth 5:43 the Lincoln model l-100 concept is a nod 5:47 to the company's first luxury vehicle 5:49 the model L of 1922 the model l-100 is a 5:53 massive machine that prioritizes 5:55 personal luxury Above All Else 5:58 the model l-100 concept instead presents 6:01 itself as a vision of a future Lincoln 6:02 hopes it and to some degree Society will 6:05 be able to achieve there's no steering 6:08 wheel or pedals instead those within the 6:11 model l-100 let the car do the driving 6:14 the passengers can use a miniature model 6:16 of the car what Lincoln calls a chess 6:18 piece that rests on a center console 6:21 screen or the chessboard to accelerate 6:23 stop and steer the vehicle with driving 6:25 largely removed from the equation 6:27 Lincoln's design team was able to create 6:30 a cabin that caters primarily to the 6:32 passenger experience 6:33 this includes a front seating space 6:36 capable of switching between a typical 6:38 forward-facing position or a more 6:39 sociable but also potentially more 6:42 nauseating rearward facing position that 6:44 allows front and rear passengers to face 6:46 one another 6:51 [Music] 7:05 thank you

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