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隨著技術的不斷進步,城市變得更加智能、高效和可持續。 菲律賓的千禧城就是這方面的一個例子,它擁有超現代和新未來主義建築。 該市計劃開發一個垃圾焚燒發電設施,為整個城市供電。 克里斯托夫清潔城市概念還旨在促進生態友好的城市生活、減少污染、節約資源和促進負責任的廢物管理實踐。 產生可再生能源的漂浮烏龜形城市的 GEOS 概念. 是另一個可能在沙特阿拉伯實施的未來主義想法。 最後, Svetan Tashkov 設計的受蓮花啟發的城市和塞內加爾的 Audio Lake City

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GEOS 漂浮城市的設計. 採用先進技術提供動力,該技術由九台高溫超導全電動發動機組成, 可使船隻保持 5 節的穩定速度。 此外, 漂浮城市利用海浪運動阻力通過翅膀產生可再生能源, 在屋頂上配備了太陽能板以僅補充所需。 這些技術被設計為可以使GEOS漂浮城市生成足夠的能源來支撐整個城市。

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塞內加爾 Audio Lake City 的目的 是緩解首都達喀爾的住宅和商業混亂情況, 目前該國 1400 萬人口中有四分之一居住在達喀爾。 這座城市計劃將現代化作為一種變革性的體驗來實現,奢華的美學設計與簡約和巨大的變革性空間相結合。 這座城市旨在促進技術的發展, 並成為從現在到未來的建築過渡的象徵。 這座城市的建設面積為 150 萬平方米, 旨在容納第一個包容性金融區,周圍環繞著辦公、住宅、教育、零售、酒店和娛樂設施。

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建造海上城市需要考慮以下幾個步驟: 1.選擇合適的地點和合法許可證:必須選擇合適的海域和合法的港口或港灣來建造海上城市。同時必須遵守當地的建築法規和相關的許可證。 2.選擇適當的建築材料:海上城市需要選擇能夠適應海洋環境的建築材料。例如,需要考慮防鹽霧腐蝕、抗風暴、海水腐蝕等因素。 3.設計城市布局:建造海上城市需要設計城市的基礎設施,例如供水系統、污水處理系統、電力系統、醫療設施等。同時還需要設計居住區,商業區和公共區域。 4.建造基礎設施:需要先建造海上城市的基礎設施,例如防波堤、海底電纜、水下管道等設施。 5.興建建築物:當基礎設施完成後,可以開始興建建築物。例如,可以建造樓房、公園、體育場和商店等。 6.維護和管理海上城市:建造海上城市後需要定期進行維護和管理工作,以確保城市的安全和運作順利。

0:00 the future of urbanization is set to be 0:03 mind-blowing as technology continues to 0:05 advance and cities become smarter more 0:08 efficient and sustainable 0:10 the possibilities are endless and the 0:12 future of cities is exciting 0:22 Millennium City Philippines is a 0:24 bustling and dynamic urban center that 0:26 serves as a beacon of progress and 0:28 innovation in the country 0:30 the future city of Philippines include 0:33 the design of two major projects the 0:35 urban development of Millennium City and 0:37 a waste to energy facility that will 0:39 entirely power the city 0:41 it's populated by numerous structures 0:43 inspired by meta-modern and 0:45 neo-futuristic architecture 0:48 at the core of its planning and design 0:49 approach are the principles of 0:51 inclusivity futurism resilience and 0:54 sustainability 0:56 Millennium City offers a unique blend of 0:58 tradition and modernity that reflects 1:00 the country's Rich Heritage and its 1:02 promising future 1:03 the Millennium city is a bustling 1:05 Metropolis blending modernity and 1:08 culture in a vibrant Urban landscape 1:10 [Music] 1:12 foreign 1:15 [Music] 1:27 city concept is a Visionary initiative 1:30 aimed at promoting sustainable and 1:32 eco-friendly Urban living 1:34 it envisions a city where the air is 1:36 clean the streets are litter-free and 1:38 the environment is protected 1:40 the concept is built on the principles 1:42 of reducing pollution conserving 1:45 resources and promoting responsible 1:47 waste management practices 1:49 Kristoff clean city concept is not just 1:52 about making the city look clean it is 1:54 about creating a healthy and sustainable 1:56 environment for people to live in 1:59 by encouraging the adoption of green 2:01 technologies and practices this concept 2:03 aims to create a cleaner and Greener 2:05 World for future Generations 2:08 the ambitious plan brings together new 2:10 products and new energy resources 2:13 Cutting Edge technology gives 2:14 municipalities the ability to make a 2:16 significant contribution to the 2:18 environment and to the quality of life 2:20 of their populations 2:22 this makes it possible to create a 2:24 circular economy 2:29 GEOS is a futuristic concept of a 2:32 floating turtle-shaped city might soon 2:34 see the light of day in Saudi Arabia 2:37 designed by Pierre Paulo lazarini the 2:39 floating Turtle town is designed to be 2:41 powered by advanced technology 2:43 consisting of nine high temperature 2:45 superconductor fully electric engines 2:47 that will enable The Vessel to maintain 2:49 a steady speed of 5 knots 2:52 Additionally the ship will harness the 2:54 power of the Waves it encounters by 2:56 using its wings to generate renewable 2:58 energy and supplement it with solar 2:59 panels on the rooftops 3:01 the turtle town is proposed to be 650 3:04 meters wide and 600 meters long 3:07 lot sarini estimates that an investment 3:10 of 8 billion dollars over eight years 3:12 would be required to construct this 3:13 ambitious project 3:15 with total capacity of sixty thousand 3:18 people this would make it an actual City 3:20 on water 3:21 what do you think 3:22 [Music] 3:31 now let's take a look to a real good 3:34 example for a city in the sky of the 3:35 future by svetan tashkov a Visionary 3:38 architect who demonstrates the sky is 3:40 not the limit for his imagination as he 3:42 goes beyond it exploring new ideas and 3:44 features 3:46 the Lotus inspired City far above any 3:48 familiar skyscrapers is still under 3:50 development presents an imagery long 3:53 beloved sustainable Vision with steep 3:55 perspectives of a frictionless super 3:57 shiny and super clean City 3:59 in the city and the Sky live work 4:02 shopping entertainment and educational 4:04 spaces are all built into the layers of 4:07 this futuristic Urban Design 4:09 the cultural life of this self-contained 4:11 city is focused internally yet the 4:13 structural forms of the rising lotus 4:15 flower stalks which ring them speak to 4:17 and have views out to the surrounding 4:19 area 4:20 while on the top the Lotus leaves fuse 4:23 and expand over the everyday Buzz Smog 4:26 and City dirt turning this new Urban 4:27 Design into tranquil Oasis above the 4:30 polluted urban life 4:32 [Music] 4:41 Diane the audio Lake City is a 4:44 government-approved futuristic Township 4:46 based in diametio Senegal 4:48 the township is conceptualized to ease 4:51 the residential and Commercial clutter 4:53 in the capital of Dakar which is 4:55 currently the home to a quarter of the 4:57 country's 14 million people 4:59 the mega City delivers modernization as 5:02 a transformative experience where 5:04 luxurious aesthetic design meets 5:06 Simplicity and massive transformative 5:07 spaces 5:09 ELC designed to facilitate the evolution 5:12 of technology to become the symbol of 5:14 architectural transition from present to 5:16 the future use 5:18 DLC programmed at 1.5 million sqm 5:23 a buildup to accommodate the first 5:25 inclusive Financial District to be 5:27 surrounded by offices residential 5:29 educational retail hotels and 5:32 recreational facilities 5:34 environmental modeling programs used to 5:37 develop the building forms permitting 5:39 natural lighting and Views while 5:40 mitigating solar gain and energy 5:42 reduction 5:43 [Music] 5:47 the line is a planned Smart City in 5:49 Saudi Arabia as a part of neon project 5:53 it is a 170 kilometer linear City that 5:56 will house 9 million people 5:58 it will run from east to west across the 6:00 neon region 6:01 the city will consist of two parallel 6:04 500 meter high linear skyscrapers 6:06 standing 200 meters apart 6:09 the buildings will be clad with mirrored 6:11 facades 6:12 with estimated cost over 500 billion 6:14 dollars that is wholly owned by the 6:16 public investment fund the project may 6:19 include a huge artificial Moon 6:20 glow-in-the-dark beaches artificial rain 6:23 flying drone-powered taxis robotic 6:26 Butlers to clean the homes of residents 6:28 and a Jurassic Park style attraction 6:30 featuring animatronic lizards 6:36 do you know that two out of every five 6:37 people in the world live within 100 6:39 kilometers of the coast and ninety 6:42 percent of mega cities worldwide are 6:44 vulnerable to rising sea levels 6:46 oceanics Busan aims to provide 6:48 breakthrough technology for coastal 6:50 cities facing severe land shortages that 6:53 are compounded by climatic threats 6:55 it is the world's first prototype of a 6:58 resilient and sustainable floating 6:59 community 7:01 the interconnected neighborhoods total 7:03 6.3 hectares to accommodate a community 7:05 of 12 000 people 7:08 each neighborhood is designed to serve a 7:10 specific purpose living research and 7:13 lodging 7:14 there are between thirty thousand to 7:16 forty thousand square meters of 7:18 mixed-use programs per neighborhood 7:20 the floating platforms connect to the 7:23 land with link span Bridges framing the 7:25 sheltered Blue Lagoon of floating 7:26 Recreation art and performance outposts 7:32 acon city is a planned Community by 7:34 Senegalese singer and entrepreneur Akon 7:37 the mega city was inspired by the movie 7:39 Black Panther and he refers to acon city 7:42 as a real-life wakanda that uses the 7:44 latest Technologies of blockchain and 7:46 cryptocurrency 7:48 the city will use a Smart City's 7:50 approach a combination of The Internet 7:52 of Things devices software Solutions 7:54 user interfaces and communication 7:57 Networks 7:58 acon City describes itself as a 8:01 futuristic development to become the 8:03 beacon of innovation in human 8:04 development by providing the best 8:06 education solution to lead the economy 8:08 of the country creating the most 8:09 revolutionary industry 8:12 acon City will set the standard for all 8:14 future real estate development in 8:16 Senegal as a country and region as a 8:18 whole 8:18 [Music] 8:25 woven city is a test course for Mobility 8:28 to realize our dream of creating 8:29 well-being for all 8:31 envisioned as a living laboratory the 8:34 woven City will serve as a home to 8:36 full-time residents and researchers who 8:37 will be able to test and develop 8:39 Technologies such as autonomy robotics 8:41 personal Mobility Smart Homes and 8:44 artificial intelligence in a real world 8:46 environment 8:47 it is an exploratory mechanism an 8:50 integrated system of various elements 8:52 all working together to weave the future 8:54 fabric of life 8:56 this unique structure composed of Toyota 8:58 group developers partner corporations 9:00 startups entrepreneurs and residents of 9:03 all ages exists to develop inventions 9:05 that benefit all people in their 9:07 everyday lives 9:13 autonomous cars are no longer a sign of 9:15 the future 9:16 in the Saudi Arabian capital of Riyadh 9:19 plans are underway to build a massive 9:21 City within a city complete with race 9:23 tracks for flying cars and immersive 9:25 experiences that mimic visits to other 9:27 planets or worlds where people Tower 9:29 over regular-sized buildings 9:31 the moocab is a sprawling Mega project 9:33 that will act as the centerpiece to the 9:35 surrounding new maraba project which 9:37 aims to expand the footprint of the 9:39 capital to house an estimated 350 000 9:42 residents over 4 695 Acres 9:46 the giant Cube will reach 1 312 feet in 9:49 height and provide a mixture of 9:50 residences hotels office space and 9:53 open-air parks and walkways 9:55 indoors holographic projections such as 9:58 giant-sized people pictured above will 10:01 create the immersive futuristic 10:03 experiences of the space 10:06 foreign 10:18 [Music] 10:24 foreign 10:26 [Music]

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