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計劃在 2023 年推出幾款新型先進武器,計劃發射十種主要的美國製造設備。 其中包括 F-16V Block 70/72、F-16 戰隼的新版本,以及為美國空軍提供卓越能力的 F-15EX Eagle II。兩款無人駕駛飛行器 Bellv-247 Vigilant 和 MQ-9 Reaper 以及 M88A3 Hercules 也將發布,這是一種重型回收車,旨在從戰場上營救殘廢的坦克。

Q:F-15EX Eagle II 有哪些獨特之處,與同類飛機相比有何不同?
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F-15EX Eagle II 採用了所有最新技術,能夠攜帶 22 枚 AIM-9X 響尾蛇導彈和 AMRAAM 中程空對空導彈。 它還可以運載世界上任何飛機中最大的有效載荷,能夠運載 30,000 磅或 13,607 千克的彈藥。 截至 2022 年 5 月,美國空軍訂購了 80 架 F-15EX。 就其級別而言,F-15EX Eagle II 憑藉其先進的技術、高有效載荷能力和武器能力為美國空軍提供了卓越的能力。 它被設計成一種有效的空對空和空對地戰鬥機,預計將成為美國空軍的重要資產。

Q:Bellv-247 Vigilant 傾轉旋翼無人機與美軍使用的其他無人機有何不同?
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Bell V-247 Vigilant 是德事隆子公司貝爾直升機公司為美國海軍陸戰隊開發的新型多用途傾轉旋翼無人機。 V-247 Vigilant 預計將於 2023 年進入生產階段。它旨在提供遠程監視和跑道獨立性,以便在海域執行任務。 V-247 Vigilant 與其他無人機的不同之處在於其傾轉旋翼設計,這使得它可以像直升機一樣垂直起降,也可以像飛機一樣水平飛行。 與美國軍方使用的其他無人機相比,這使其具有更強的多功能性和射程。 它還配備了模塊化有效載荷系統,可以攜帶各種武器系統,包括 MK-50 魚雷、地獄火導彈或 JAGM 導彈。 Bell V-247 Vigilant 可用於一系列任務,包括電子戰、機載預警 (AEW)、V-22 飛機護航、持續火力支援、戰術補給以及指揮、控制、通信和計算機情報, 監視, 偵察.

Q:M88A3 Hercules 在哪些方面改進了以前的同類回收車,它如何部署在戰場上?
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M88A3 Hercules 是下一代重型回收車,旨在通過多種方式改進以前的 M88A2 回收車。 它提供更好的機動性、更大的馬力和扭矩、改進的裝甲保護以及增強的戰場響應能力。 它擁有現代化的動力傳動系統以增加馬力和扭矩,它還具有先進的裝甲保護功能以提高生存能力,同時執行將報廢的坦克和其他裝甲車輛從危險中拉出來的任務。 M88A3 Hercules 的其他功能包括功能更強大的液壓系統和升級的電氣系統,兩者都比以前的型號提供了改進的性能。 M88A3 Hercules 將部署在戰場上,通過運輸或恢復已損壞或無法移動的履帶車輛來支持裝甲部隊。 它可以快速到達戰場,穿越困難的地形並恢復盟友在火力下受損的裝備。 除了回收損壞的車輛外,M88A3 大力神還可以清除碎片並在必要時拖曳其他重型設備。 其增強的能力將幫助士兵獲得所需的支持,並確保裝甲部隊在面對敵人威脅時保持作戰能力。 M88A3“大力神”計劃於2023年服役,有望成為美軍在戰場上的寶貴資產。

0:06 United States is the main country that has committed to developing large-scale weapons 0:11 programmes. 0:12 A number of US weapons have entered service in 2022, and there’s a lot more to achieve 0:17 initial operating capability in 2023. 0:20 Let’s check out the 10 US weapons that will enter service in 2023. 0:26 F-16V Block 70/72: This is the most advanced version of the F-16 Fighting Falcon. 0:33 On 15 February 2012, Lockheed Martin unveiled a new version of their F-16 at the 2012 Singapore 0:40 Airshow. 0:41 On 16 October 2015, the F-16V flew for the first time with an APG-83 Scalable Agile Beam 0:50 Radar AESA, a new Center Pedestal Display, a modernized mission computer, Automatic Ground 0:55 Collision Avoidance System, and many other upgrades. 0:59 The new variant is dubbed the "Viper", which is intended to better operate with fifth-generation 1:04 fighters. 1:06 The upgrade of its 144 aircraft fleet started in January 2017 and is expected to complete 1:13 by 2023. 1:15 In 2019, Taiwan and the United States of America signed an 8 billion US dollars deal that would 1:20 deliver 66 new-build Block 70 aircraft. 1:25 F-15EX Eagle II: This is a two-seat all-weather, multi-role fighter that offers enhanced capabilities 1:32 that are completely unique to the U.S. Air Force. 1:35 It will replace the F-15C/Ds. 1:38 The F-15EX made its maiden flight on 2 February 2021. 1:43 The first F-15EX was delivered to the USAF in March 2021, and was flown to Eglin Air 1:49 Force Base in Florida for further testing. 1:52 The F-15EX features all the latest technology, as well as the capacity to carry 22 AIM-9X 2:00 Sidewinder and AMRAAM medium-range air-to-air missiles. 2:05 This fighter can carry most payload amongst all aircraft in the world. 2:09 It is capable of carrying 30,000 pounds or 13,607 kg of ordnance. 2:17 As of May 2022, the USAF had orders for 80 F-15EX's. 2:21 Bellv-247 vigilant: The Bell V-247 Vigilant is a new multi-role tilt-rotor unmanned aerial 2:30 vehicle being developed by Textron subsidiary Bell Helicopter for the US Marine Corps. 2:36 The V-247 Vigilant is expected to enter its production phase by 2023. 2:42 It is designed to offer long-range surveillance and runway independence to conduct missions 2:47 in maritime zones. 2:48 The Bell V-247 Vigilant can be deployed in a range of missions including electronic warfare, 2:54 airborne early warning (AEW), escort for V-22 aircraft, persistent fire support, tactical 3:00 resupply, and command, control, communications and computers intelligence, surveillance and 3:06 reconnaissance. 3:08 The unmanned aircraft will be equipped with a modular payload system. 3:11 The payload bays are designed to accommodate a range of weapon systems, including an MK-50 3:17 torpedo or Hellfire or JAGM missiles. 3:20 The tilt-rotor UAV can carry an internal mission payload of 2,000 pounds and sling-load of 3:26 9,000 pounds. 3:28 M88A3 Hercules: This is a next-generation heavy recovery vehicle. 3:34 The prototype was unveiled in October 2018 at the Association of the United States Army's 3:39 annual meeting and is scheduled to enter service in 2023. 3:44 The recovery vehicle is the latest variant of the M88 family, and it is used to effectively 3:50 rescue disabled tanks from the battlefield. 3:53 It outperforms the previous M88A2 recovery vehicle in terms of performance, responsiveness, 3:59 improved armour protection for survivability and many more. 4:03 The recovery vehicle will have a number of upgraded features, including a modernised 4:07 power-train to increase horsepower and torque. 4:11 Up next is the ACV-R. 4:12 The US Marine Corps has awarded BAE Systems a contract for the first phase of the Amphibious 4:20 Combat Vehicle (ACV) programme. 4:22 The $34.9 million contract has a 20-month performance period and the company will focus 4:27 on the design and development of the ACV Recovery variant. 4:32 The variant will provide recovery, maintenance, and repair capabilities to the existing USMC’s 4:37 ACV family of vehicles. 4:40 Its development started in 2019 and is expected to join the USMC by 2023. 4:50 AGM-158D JASSM-XR: In March 2016, Lockheed Martin began analysis on an enhanced wing 4:55 design to further increase range. 4:58 The corporation was granted a contract in September 2018 to produce a "Extreme Range" 5:03 variant of the AGM-158. 5:06 This is called the JASSM-XR, formally known as the AGM-158D. 5:11 The weapon would weigh around 2,300 kg and have a range of 1,900 kmwith a 910 kg payload. 5:21 At a unit cost of $1.5 million, the missile features a new missile control unit, changes 5:27 to the wings, a different paint coating, an Electronic Safe and Arm Fuze, a secure GPS 5:32 receiver, and programme protection requirements. 5:36 Maritime Strike Tomahawk: This is a modified variant of the Tactical Tomahawk land assault 5:42 cruise missile designed to destroy surface ships at ranges of up to 1,600 km. 5:49 The missile's principal mission is to keep the Chinese Navy's surface force at bay in 5:53 the South China Sea. 5:55 It will have increased navigation and homing capabilities, allowing it to take out targets 6:00 at vast ranges with exceptional effectiveness. 6:03 By 2023, the US Navy plans to deploy the new missile onboard surface ships and submarines. 6:11 The hard-target kill variant will be equipped with an upgraded warhead capable of eliminating 6:16 densely built enemy assets. 6:19 Up next is The Precision Strike Missile which is a next-generation, low-risk, long-range 6:24 surface-to-surface missile designed for the U.S. Army’s PrSM program. 6:29 The new ballistic missile will give armies the ability to neutralise a variety of enemy 6:33 threats, including missile launchers, air defence systems, troop assembly/staging areas, 6:39 and command and control (C2) centres, and will be capable of destroying targets using 6:43 missile-delivered indirect fires out to more than 499 kilometres. 6:49 The Precision Strike Missile (PrSM) is expected to achieve early operating capability in 2023 6:55 AGM-88G AARGM-ER. 6:59 This is a new variant of the AGM-88E missile which features several upgrades focusing on 7:05 extending its operational range and survivability. 7:09 It reportedly double the range and speed of AGM-88E which would result in the AGM-88G's 7:16 range being around 300 km and speed of Mach 4. 7:19 The USAF later joined the AARGM-ER program, involved in internal F-35A/F-35C integration 7:27 work, and selected the AARGM-ER to serve as the basis for their land-attack Stand in Attack 7:34 Weapon. 7:35 It is expected to attained initial operational capability is planned for 2023 7:40 USS John F. Kennedy (CVN-79): This is the second Gerald R. Ford-class aircraft carrier 7:48 being built for the United States Navy. 7:50 It is scheduled to enter service in 2023 if everything goes as planned. 7:55 Kennedy will continue the legacy of highly capable nuclear-powered aircraft carrier platforms. 8:01 Ford-class enhancements incorporated into the design include flight deck changes, improved 8:07 weapons handling systems. 8:09 This class also features new nuclear power plants, increased electrical power-generation 8:14 capacity, allowance for future technologies, and reduced workload for sailors, translating 8:19 to a smaller crew size and reduced operating costs for the Navy.

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