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該視頻討論了武器裝備的演變,從鋒利的木棍到核彈,並探討了未來可能開發的潛在可怕武器。 到 2030 年,技術已經進步,可以製造出可以遠程控制的更智能的子彈和無人機。還有納米無人機和高超音速噴氣式飛機,它們可以高速飛行並在一小時內襲擊地球上的任何地方。激光技術改進了導彈防禦系統,基於能量的武器越來越受歡迎。 到 2030 年,波音公司已經創建了一個類似力場的系統,可以抵禦炸彈衝擊波。

Q:什麼是 exacto 狙擊步槍,它是如何工作的?
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exacto 狙擊步槍,也被稱為極高精度任務法令,使用激光和射彈制導技術在半空中調整其路線,即使是新手狙擊手也能精確定位。 它是一種包含尖端技術的子彈,它可以根據環境因素(例如風或目標的移動)調整其路線。 這項技術使狙擊手能夠以極高的精度擊中目標,即使距離很遠。

Q:exacto 狙擊步槍靠何種能量發射.
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要產生電磁脈衝,可以使用磁通量線交叉的原理。通過在一個不同大小的螺旋狀導體中通過電流來產生一個強大的磁場,然後突然斷開電流,就會產生一個突然改變的磁場,這就是所謂的電磁脈衝。這種方式被稱為自感性儲能式電磁炮(inductively stored electromagnetic gun),簡稱為緊湊型電磁炮。 除了自感性儲能式電磁炮以外,還有電容存儲式電磁炮(capacitive stored electromagnetic gun),這種方式使用高電容量的電容器儲存能量,然後在需要的時候將全部電容能量釋放成電流,從而產生電磁脈衝。這種方式比自感性儲能式電磁炮更為緊湊,但是需要更多的電源能量。 電磁脈衝也可以通過磁化爆破來產生。磁化爆破是一種使用高強度磁場來瞬間爆破導體的技術。通過將一個短路環放置在一個導線上,然後讓電流在短路環和導線之間流動,就可以產生一個高強度的電磁脈衝。

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無人機和人工智能在當今的軍事行動中被廣泛用於監視、偵察和有針對性的打擊。 人工智能驅動的自主無人機可用於通過掃描敵方領土和識別潛在威脅來收集情報。 這些無人機還可用於有針對性的空襲,以外科手術般的精度消滅特定目標,同時最大限度地降低對人類生命的風險。 人工智能還用於分析和解釋無人機和其他監視設備收集的大量數據。 機器學習算法可以幫助識別數據中的模式、預測潛在威脅,並為軍事領導人提供可操作的情報以做出明智的決策。 此外,無人機越來越多地被用於物流業務,為偏遠和危險地區的部隊運送物資和設備。 在人工智能和先進傳感器的幫助下,無人機可以在復雜的環境中航行並避開障礙物,從而更安全、更高效地運輸關鍵物資。

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波音公司創建的類似力場的系統旨在抵禦炸彈衝擊波。 該系統使用先進的快速傳感器,能夠在短短幾毫秒內預測傳入的炸彈衝擊波的速度和形狀。 該系統部署了一個電磁弧,將周圍的空氣加熱成等離子體。 這種等離子體具有與周圍空氣不同的密度,這有助於它從傳入的衝擊波中吸收大部分能量。 通過這樣做,它可以防止系統保護泡內的人受到嚴重傷害。 當該系統在 2020 年代末首次部署時,它體積太大,無法用作個人力場,主要用於車輛。 然而,正在研究製作該技術的更多便攜版本,並且由於套裝的使用越來越多,它變得更加容易。 這些套裝讓士兵可以用很少的力氣舉起巨大的重量,這對於整合不同類型的防禦性和進攻性武器裝備特別有用。 這個想法是,在未來,地面上的士兵可能能夠攜帶該系統的便攜式版本來保護自己免受爆炸的傷害。

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能量盾(Energy Shield)是一種虛構的軍事裝備,被廣泛地應用在科幻作品中。它是一種能夠像實體盾牌一樣阻擋敵人攻擊的裝備,通常是由高科技能量場實現的。 能量盾可以防禦各種攻擊,如射擊、能量武器和近身攻擊等,讓其使用者免受傷害。 現實中,能量盾還沒有實現。 但是,一些科學家和研究人員正在研究如何利用高能量場技術實現類似能量盾的裝備。例如,一些實驗室通過使用離子束來產生高能量場,成功實現了在實驗條件下阻止高速粒子信息傳輸的功能。 但是,要將這種技術應用到實際的應用場景中,還需要克服很多問題,包括能源供應、材料選擇、電子控制等方面的問題。因此,現實中實現能量盾還需要更多的時間和努力。

0:00 ever since the dawn of mankind we have 0:02 slowly but surely conceived of more 0:04 destructive and efficient ways of 0:06 killing one another the first weapons 0:08 were simple sharpened sticks but as 0:11 humanity became more intelligent so did 0:14 our weapons sharpened sticks developed 0:16 into sharpened stones and sharpened 0:19 stones evolved into sharpened pieces of 0:21 metal ways of launching a projectile 0:24 also greatly improved over time instead 0:26 of throwing spears the bow and arrow 0:28 were developed eventually this was 0:30 replaced with gunpowder leading the way 0:33 for cannons and handheld guns and at the 0:36 end of world war ii humanity invented 0:38 the most ingenious but also the most 0:40 stupid weapon of all time the nuclear 0:43 bomb 0:44 the march of technological development 0:46 has led to the rise and fall of empires 0:49 and there's no reason to think that this 0:51 won't be the case in the future today we 0:54 will take a trip into the future and see 0:56 what possible terrifying weapons we 0:58 might go on to develop within the known 1:00 laws of physics 1:02 by 2030 weaponry has become a lot 1:05 smarter even bullets themselves contain 1:07 sophisticated technology one advancement 1:10 that began development in the late 2010s 1:13 is the exacto sniper rifle otherwise 1:16 known as the extreme accuracy tasked 1:18 ordinance this bullet uses lasers and 1:20 projectile guidance technologies to 1:22 adjust its course mid-air gifting 1:24 pinpoint accuracy even to a novice 1:26 sniper technologies like this one have 1:29 also been successfully integrated into 1:31 drones allowing snipers to remotely pick 1:34 off targets from hundreds of feet in the 1:36 air drones have also been integrated 1:38 into the military in other ways 1:40 thousands of interlinked remote drones 1:42 are used to overwhelm enemy defenses 1:45 equipped with explosives these suicide 1:47 drones are designed to be far cheaper 1:49 than the air defense missile slowly 1:51 wearing an enemy down through sheer 1:53 numbers 1:54 swarms of nano drones controlled by an 1:56 ai hive mind use facial recognition 1:59 technology to locate targets and quickly 2:02 neutralize them on the battlefield some 2:04 larger drones are jet propelled and are 2:06 able to travel at hypersonic speeds once 2:09 reaching a target they deliver an 2:11 overwhelming airstrike escaping before 2:14 the enemy has a chance to know what hit 2:16 them hypersonic technology like this is 2:18 now highly integrated into the air 2:20 forces of most major nations missiles 2:23 jets and drones can all travel at many 2:25 times faster than the speed of sound and 2:28 are able to strike anywhere on the 2:29 planet in under an hour some theorists 2:32 in the early 2020s believe that this new 2:34 technology would make mutually assured 2:36 destruction a thing of the past as 2:39 whoever struck first would be able to 2:41 destroy the enemy's nuclear missile 2:42 silos and decision-making centers before 2:45 they had a chance to even react however 2:48 this did not come to pass developments 2:50 in laser technology has significantly 2:53 improved over the past 10 years 2:55 multi-megawatt lasers located in space 2:58 and on the seas can shoot down 3:00 hypersonic missiles in mere seconds 3:02 however military analysts are still 3:04 unsure if these missile defense systems 3:06 could prevent a nuclear attack in the 3:08 case of an all-out war between the 3:10 nuclear powers on the ground 3:13 energy-based weapons are slowly growing 3:15 in popularity 3:16 non-nuclear emps are frequently deployed 3:19 to disrupt critical infrastructure and 3:22 other electronic devices active denial 3:24 systems using non-lethal microwaves heat 3:27 up the skin of an enemy although weapons 3:30 like this have been used in crowd 3:31 control situations since the early 2000s 3:35 scaled up versions of this system 3:37 effectively work as a force field 3:39 preventing anyone from entering a 3:41 specific location speaking of force 3:44 fields by 2030 boeing has successfully 3:47 completed and rolled out his 3:48 force-field-like system to defend 3:50 against bomb shock waves using advanced 3:53 and fast-acting sensors the system is 3:56 able to predict the velocity and shape 3:58 of an incoming bomb shock wave in just a 4:00 few milliseconds the system deploys an 4:03 electromagnetic arc that heats the 4:05 surrounding air up into plasma this 4:07 plasma has a different density to the 4:09 surrounding air and would absorb much of 4:11 the energy of the incoming shock wave 4:14 preventing those insiders protective 4:16 bubble from being seriously injured when 4:18 they were first deployed in the late 4:20 2020s systems like this were too bulky 4:23 to be used as personal force fields and 4:25 were mainly used on vehicles however 4:28 research into making more portable 4:30 versions of this technology is ongoing 4:32 and made significantly easier by the 4:34 rising use of exosuits these exoskeleton 4:37 suits allow soldiers to lift enormous 4:39 amounts of weight with very little 4:41 effort this is especially useful for 4:44 integrating different kinds of defensive 4:46 and offensive weaponry for example the 4:48 exosuit may be equipped with heavy 4:50 bulletproof armor that would be too 4:52 heavy for an ordinary soldier other 4:55 systems could also be integrated into 4:57 the suit such as thermal camouflage 4:59 systems although soldiers are not quite 5:01 invisible yet they're certainly getting 5:03 quite close exo suits such as this also 5:06 allow soldiers to carry around heavy 5:08 batteries with very little effort and 5:10 with the introduction of electronic 5:12 powered guns even more power is required 5:15 gors rifles using electromagnetic coils 5:18 are able to accelerate low-cost 5:20 projectiles at high speeds without the 5:22 need for traditional ammunition 5:24 bolts screws and bits of metal debris 5:26 are now perfectly good projectiles other 5:29 electric guns rely on centrifugal forces 5:32 to accelerate their projectiles with 5:34 firing rates up to 240 000 rounds per 5:38 minute as these weapons use force to 5:40 expel projectiles they are much less 5:42 noisy and have no flash a major 5:45 advantage in a covert operation 5:47 man and machine are now much more 5:49 integrated than they were in the past 5:52 soldiers are able to detect and track 5:54 targets at long distances while also 5:56 providing them access to spectrums of 5:58 light that the naked eye cannot see in 6:01 countries with less rigorous moral codes 6:03 technology is being integrated directly 6:06 into the human body rudimentary brain 6:08 machine interfaces are now being used by 6:10 the military to help speed up reflexes 6:13 and aid soldiers in the heat of battle 6:15 scientists have also worked out how to 6:17 reduce soldiers fear through the use of 6:20 hormones and electronic implants it is 6:22 hoped that this will decrease desertions 6:24 and allow military personnel to solely 6:27 focus on the mission at hand however the 6:29 effectiveness of this kind of 6:30 augmentation is yet to be seen by the 6:34 year 2075 many of the weapon systems 6:37 first introduced in the late 2020s have 6:40 reached maturity however perhaps the 6:42 greatest change is the mass usage of 6:45 space-based and ground-based lasers 6:47 major powers such as the soviet chinese 6:50 alliance and nato are essentially able 6:52 to deflect any incoming hypersonic 6:54 missiles this dramatic shift has meant 6:57 the mutually assured destruction from 6:59 large-scale nuclear war is largely a 7:01 thing of the past this has led to some 7:04 dramatic developments 7:06 countries armed with these missile 7:08 defense systems are now more likely to 7:10 use nuclear weapons while superpowers 7:12 are much more likely to go to war with 7:14 one another but the greatest shift has 7:16 come in the form of space-based warfare 7:19 space-based satellites with the ability 7:21 to fire kinetic and energy-based weapons 7:23 are now widespread to combat this 7:26 advanced ai quantum computer viruses 7:28 have been developed in the hopes of 7:30 hacking and disabling military or 7:32 civilian satellites further afield the 7:35 moon and mars have now become the next 7:37 frontier of warfare various nations from 7:40 across the planet are finding ways to 7:42 exploit natural resources in space with 7:45 many deploying missiles and lasers to 7:47 protect their interests one thing you'll 7:49 notice about warfare in 2075 is the lack 7:52 of tanks with the rise of drone swarms 7:55 hypersonic weapons and advanced exo 7:57 armor there is little strategic 7:59 advantage in developing such expensive 8:02 weapons instead a wide range of fast 8:05 cheap and stealthy drones wage war each 8:07 drone has a very specialized role and is 8:10 perfectly designed for one particular 8:12 use human soldiers are now much less 8:15 common advanced robotics take their 8:17 place with some being fully autonomous 8:20 while others are wirelessly piloted from 8:23 thousands of miles away 8:25 advances in the fields of material 8:27 science has allowed for the widespread 8:29 production of super materials like 8:31 graphene this has led to the creation of 8:33 much more efficient solar panels 8:35 batteries and electrical systems meaning 8:37 that any drone or robot can fight for a 8:40 very long period of time with the help 8:42 of solar panels some can effectively run 8:44 indefinitely other materials like carbon 8:47 nanotubes have paved the way for 8:49 extremely lightweight but bulletproof 8:51 armor force fields have also come a long 8:53 way too named after the physicist michio 8:56 kaku who first proposed this idea the 8:59 kaku shield deploys a high-powered tesla 9:02 coil induced plasma field and laser 9:04 bursts to vaporize incoming bullets and 9:06 neutralize bomb shock waves through a 9:09 process called teslaphoresis first 9:11 discovered in 2016. any remaining debris 9:14 is diverted away from the target leaving 9:17 it completely unharmed with regular 9:19 bullets becoming much less effective 9:22 research into high energy beam weapons 9:24 and more powerful explosives is a top 9:26 priority for the militaries of 2075. 9:31 humanity has truly reached a new era by 9:34 2150. 9:35 compact nuclear fusion has become 9:37 commercially viable and safe based off 9:40 research that was first theorized in the 9:42 early 2020s compact fusion reactors no 9:45 larger than 5 inches produce enough 9:47 energy to power an entire street of 9:50 course this has had massive effects on 9:52 the military problems surrounding 9:54 battery storage and energy use are a 9:56 thing of the past direct energy weapons 9:59 sonic weapons and plasma based weaponry 10:02 are now significantly more effective and 10:04 portable in space giant lasers are 10:06 produced that can pinpoint targets on 10:08 earth and quickly annihilate them while 10:11 lasers that could theoretically destroy 10:13 entire cities are currently under 10:15 development in the outer reaches of the 10:17 solar system incredibly powerful ai is 10:20 now used extensively although not 10:22 self-aware they are able to use 10:24 conventional and quantum computing 10:26 technologies to simulate battlefields 10:28 and quickly react to threats 10:30 using advanced 3d printing and genetic 10:33 engineering the ai have been given free 10:35 reign to design and create a wide 10:37 variety of different drone creatures 10:39 that look completely alien to planet 10:41 earth some are colossal dragon like 10:44 creatures designed to attack cities and 10:47 instill fear others are microscopic and 10:50 can be used to stealthily enter the 10:52 bloodstream of an enemy where they can 10:54 undertake spying operations or wreak 10:56 havoc upon the body all military 10:58 personnel are required to be immunized 11:00 by nanobots to defend against any 11:03 hostile machines or genetically altered 11:05 pathogens by 2150 it has become feasible 11:09 that these machines could self-replicate 11:11 a swarm of out-of-control ai controlled 11:14 nanobots and larger drones could 11:16 theoretically ravage the surface of the 11:18 planet from resources and replicate 11:20 exponentially military analysts fear 11:22 that the entire planet could be 11:24 destroyed by an out of control ai in a 11:26 process known as the grey goo hypothesis 11:29 however so far humanity has been lucky 11:32 and it is planned that these 11:33 self-replicating machines will 11:35 exponentially replicate across the solar 11:37 system harvesting resources to build 11:40 humanity's future 11:42 by the mid-millennium humanity is 11:44 undergoing yet another energy revolution 11:46 physicists have been working out ways of 11:48 mass producing and containing antimatter 11:51 when antimatter makes contact with 11:53 ordinary matter it instantly annihilates 11:56 releasing all energy in a violent 11:58 explosion for comparison a kilogram of 12:01 antimatter produces an explosion 12:03 comparable in size to the tsar bomba the 12:05 most powerful nuclear weapon ever tested 12:08 in the 20th century due to the fact that 12:11 antimatter can annihilate with any 12:13 ordinary atom it must be kept inside an 12:15 electromagnetic field within a vacuum 12:18 attempts at weaponizing antimatter are 12:20 already underway although experiments 12:22 into large-scale weaponry have mostly 12:24 been avoided however smaller weapons 12:27 have been developed and are highly 12:29 destructive bullets containing minuscule 12:31 amounts of electromagnetically contained 12:33 antimatter have been developed when 12:36 hitting a target the antimatter is 12:37 released from the electromagnetic field 12:40 and instantly annihilates producing an 12:43 explosion comparable to a few tons of 12:45 tnt theoretically these self-guided 12:48 bullets could be placed onto a weapon 12:49 with a high rate of fire effectively 12:52 making a machine gun rocket launcher 12:54 fortunately for earth's inhabitants 12:56 advancements in ai fusion antimatter and 12:59 nanobots have made war on earth pretty 13:01 much unthinkable however this does not 13:04 mean there is no warfare countries 13:06 compete fiercely for resources in space 13:09 and with all of the heavy fighting done 13:10 by robots space warfare is effectively 13:13 just part of any country's economic 13:15 policy on mars and in the asteroid belt 13:18 huge swarms of competing robots wage 13:21 apocalyptic warfare on one another on 13:23 behalf of the various powers on earth 13:26 by the year 3000 most of the world's 13:29 governments have resolved their 13:30 differences and have begun to work 13:32 together advanced telescopes have 13:34 detected life on new worlds and it has 13:37 dawned on many that some of earth's 13:39 neighbors may not be so friendly by this 13:41 point most of the solar system is in the 13:43 process of being colonized or used for 13:46 resources ai and nanobots are 13:48 efficiently working to disassemble 13:50 mercury and venus using their resources 13:52 to produce many billions of space 13:54 habitats and solar panels in the sun's 13:56 orbit 13:58 united humanity hopes to one day capture 14:00 the entire power of the sun in a 14:02 configuration known as a dyson swarm for 14:04 civilian and of course military purposes 14:08 by the year 5000 united humanities dyson 14:11 sphere has been completed using a 14:14 process known as starlifting humanity 14:16 uses giant magnets to eject huge amounts 14:19 of matter from the sun not only does 14:21 this prolong the sun's lifespan it 14:23 provides militaries and governments with 14:25 the resources to construct huge fleets 14:27 of warships by using colossal particle 14:30 colliders humanity is able to use 14:32 nuclear transmutation to turn the helium 14:35 and hydrogen collected from the sun into 14:37 heavier elements of course a sizeable 14:40 amount of these resources were converted 14:42 into fleets of starships to defend 14:44 against any future alien invasion using 14:47 just 10 percent of the sun's power 14:49 output humanity is able to starlift the 14:51 equivalent of eight percent of the 14:53 moon's mass per year theoretically 14:55 humanity is able to produce 1.3 trillion 14:59 starships similar in size to a star 15:01 destroyer seen in star wars or around 44 15:04 000 space stations the size of the death 15:07 star each and every year 15:09 as well as a vast fleet humanity is able 15:12 to use the dyson sphere itself as a 15:14 weapon in a multitude of different ways 15:17 the first is a nickel dyson beam pretty 15:19 much a death star by focusing all of the 15:22 sun's energy into one point humanity is 15:24 able to use all of the star's power to 15:26 create a giant space laser capable of 15:29 ripping the atmosphere off a planet in a 15:31 very short amount of time unlike science 15:34 fiction of the 20th century a super 15:36 weapon like this would take a very long 15:38 time to completely destroy a planet 15:40 however it would likely be able to 15:42 sterilize a planet in almost no time at 15:44 all 15:45 another option is to use your nickel 15:47 dyson beam to speed up an asteroid or 15:49 projectile using solar sails to create a 15:52 relativistic kill missile over a long 15:55 enough period of time a projectile like 15:57 this can be sped up to close to the 15:59 speed of light if this was to hit a 16:01 planet it would be devastating a one 16:04 kilogram relativistic kill missile 16:06 traveling at 99 of the speed of light 16:08 would release almost three times more 16:10 energy than the tsar bomba the potential 16:13 yield can be enlarged by increasing the 16:15 mass or speed of the projectile a swarm 16:18 of many tens of thousands of these 16:19 projectiles or one large 100 000 16:22 kilogram relativistic kill missile could 16:24 quite easily sterilize a planet and 16:26 would be almost impossible to defend 16:28 against 16:29 many of the more hawkish governments of 16:31 humanity have proposed preventative 16:33 strikes against every planet in the 16:35 galaxy hoping to eliminate any potential 16:38 alien threats before they can strike 16:40 humanity first it is estimated that in 16:42 just over a hundred thousand years 16:44 pretty much every planet in the galaxy 16:47 could be rendered uninhabitable however 16:49 others have argued in favor of a smarter 16:51 approach they propose that humanity 16:54 sends out many billions of 16:55 self-replicating machines known as von 16:57 neumann probes traveling near the speed 17:00 of light these probes would arrive at 17:02 their target destinations and 17:04 exponentially self-replicate 17:06 theoretically every star in the galaxy 17:08 could be turned into a dyson swarm in 17:11 just a few hundred thousand years and 17:13 any potential alien threats could be 17:15 studied monitored or eliminated by a 17:18 grey goose swarm and maybe more 17:20 importantly this would make humanity a 17:22 kardashev 3 civilization giving humanity 17:25 access to ever more energy which means 17:28 even more powerful weaponry 17:31 by the year seven thousand humanity in 17:33 its original form no longer exists the 17:36 most complicated object in the universe 17:38 the human brain is now completely 17:41 understood ai is so developed there is 17:43 essentially no difference between robots 17:46 and humans as the vast majority of 17:48 humans no longer live in the material 17:50 universe 17:51 instead people live inside a virtual 17:54 reality while their minds are augmented 17:56 to be orders of magnitude more powerful 17:58 than a regular human new humans are 18:01 simply created by the replication of 18:03 code pretty much all of the sun's power 18:05 output is now used for computational 18:08 power in a mega structure known as a 18:10 matriarchal brain theoretically this 18:12 could provide enough computation for 10 18:15 billion trillion trillion simulated 18:17 minds 18:18 since humanity's departure into 18:20 cyberspace the vast majority of weapons 18:23 exist within the matrioska brain but 18:25 this doesn't make them any less 18:27 terrifying powerful ai viruses trap 18:30 human minds in cyberspace slowing down 18:32 their perceived time so it feels like a 18:34 million years has passed in only a 18:36 fraction of a second all the while every 18:39 pain receptor in the brain could be lit 18:41 up while simultaneously making the 18:42 victim believe that everyone they love 18:44 is being tortured in front of them and 18:46 that the universe is ending although 18:48 weapons like this are outlawed this 18:50 hasn't stopped super powerful a 18:52 malevolent ai from creating virtual 18:54 health in the dyson swarms dark web 18:58 in 15 000 ad artificial black holes are 19:02 now being developed for civilian and 19:04 military purposes known as kugelblitz 19:06 black holes these are developed by 19:08 focusing insane amounts of light into an 19:11 extremely small amount of space 19:13 producing a miniature black hole unlike 19:16 films of the early 21st century black 19:18 holes cannot be used to implode a planet 19:21 to do that you would need a black hole 19:22 with the mass of a large star 19:25 in fact it would take a small black hole 19:27 many billions or even trillions of years 19:29 to consume a planet as black holes 19:32 simply don't consume matter fast enough 19:35 however black holes are still extremely 19:37 effective weapons due to the effects of 19:39 hawking radiation black holes shrink 19:42 over time converting their considerable 19:44 mass into energy contrary to what you 19:47 might think the smaller the black hole 19:49 the more energy it releases this could 19:51 be used to create a near perfect master 19:53 energy converter whereby mata is fed 19:56 into a black hole and energy emitted via 19:58 hawking radiation this would provide 20:00 humanity with even more energy for 20:02 computation or for giant space lasers 20:05 that can sterilize planets at this point 20:08 in time it is believed that there may be 20:10 other civilizations as powerful or maybe 20:12 even more powerful than humanity 20:14 humanity has realized that while 20:16 relativistic kill missiles are powerful 20:19 vast swarms of robots orbiting a star at 20:21 close to the speed of light may be able 20:23 to intercept them with sophisticated 20:25 lasers and sensors 20:27 the discovery of a hundred percent 20:29 reflective mirrors has also panicked 20:31 many of the decision makers in 20:32 humanity's military 20:34 these mirrors can deflect any wavelength 20:36 of light including gamma rays produced 20:39 by humanity's nickel dyson beams however 20:42 kugel blitz black holes and perfect 20:44 mirrors provide humanity with ways of 20:46 combating these challenges a kugel blitz 20:49 black hole encased in a perfect mirror 20:51 would not shrink as the energy could be 20:53 redirected back into the black hole 20:56 pushed up to nearly the speed of light 20:58 these weapons would be almost impossible 21:00 to defend against a perfect mirror shell 21:02 would prevent any laser from 21:04 intercepting the target making 21:06 interception extremely difficult however 21:08 even if the projectile was somehow 21:10 intercepted and destroyed the black hole 21:12 itself would continue on black hole 21:15 singularities are many times smaller 21:17 than that of an atom and would simply 21:19 pass through the space between and 21:20 within the atoms freed from its mirror 21:23 casing the kugelblitz black hole would 21:25 essentially be like a small star 21:27 emitting more and more energy as it 21:29 evaporates away at this stage the black 21:32 hole bomb is essentially unstoppable any 21:34 defender would have to accurately 21:36 pinpoint an object many times smaller 21:38 than an atom travelling almost at the 21:40 speed of light eventually the black hole 21:43 would evaporate completely exploding 21:45 with the power of millions of atomic 21:47 bombs decimating even a dyson swarm 21:51 by the year 100 000 a.d humanity is a 21:55 kardashev 3 civilization the majority of 21:58 the galaxy's stars have now been 22:00 converted into dyson swarms and efforts 22:02 are underway to bring the galaxy's stars 22:04 closer together using powerful stellar 22:07 engines as well as the stars the 22:09 supermassive black hole at the middle of 22:11 the galaxy is also being utilized for 22:13 energy generation through the use of 22:15 giant and perfectly reflective gamma-ray 22:18 mirrors the supermassive black hole's 22:20 rotational energy has been utilized to 22:22 extract near unlimited power as was 22:24 explored in this brilliant video by 22:26 kyrgyzstan this could be used to create 22:28 an explosion comparable to a supernova 22:31 and scale or the energy could be used to 22:33 simply power humanity's ever more 22:35 complex and power hungry civilization 22:38 including an array of billions of nickel 22:40 dyson beams antimatter relativistic kill 22:43 missiles with kugelblitz black hole 22:45 warheads or swarms of quadrillions of 22:47 nanobots 22:49 however this colossal amount of energy 22:50 could also be used to create machines 22:52 that to someone in the year 2022 would 22:55 have seemed like magic perhaps this 22:57 energy could be used to create warp 22:59 drives and wormholes or maybe even 23:01 create new universes or perhaps weapons 23:04 will be created that alter the very 23:06 fabric of space-time putting the entire 23:09 universe at risk of annihilation however 23:11 that's a video for another day 23:14 thanks for watching guys if you enjoyed 23:15 this video please remember to like 23:17 subscribe and share and make sure to let 23:20 me know if you want me to expand on any 23:22 of the topics covered in this video

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