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文字記錄討論了潮汐能作為清潔和可再生能源的潛力。 它解釋了潮汐能是如何產生的以及不同類型的潮汐渦輪機系統。 然而,它也凸顯了大規模實施潮汐能的挑戰, 包括環境破壞、高成本和有限的地點。 儘管存在這些挑戰,潮汐能仍具有優勢, 例如作為清潔和可再生能源,提供比風力渦輪機更多的能量,並且比太陽能電池板具有更長的使用壽命。 目前成功的潮汐發電廠例子包括. 蘇格蘭的 Magen Tidal Stream 項目和法國的潮汐發電站。

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潮汐渦輪機系統的三種主要類型是潮汐攔河壩、潮汐渦輪機和潮汐圍欄。 潮汐攔河壩需要類似大壩的結構,被認為是產生潮汐能最快的系統之一。 潮汐渦輪機被認為是獲得潮汐能的最便宜和最簡單的方法,類似於風力渦輪機,而渦輪機被放置在水下。 潮汐柵欄根據水的方向旋轉。 每種類型的渦輪機系統在其設計和捕獲潮汐能的方法上都不同。
2. 可預測和可靠:潮汐能是可預測的,能夠持續產生能量,不像風能和太陽能那樣依賴於天氣條件。
3. 壽命更長:潮汐能係統的壽命更長,可達75至100年,而太陽能電池板的壽命約為25至30年。
4. 最小的視覺和噪音影響:潮汐系統不會產生任何視覺或噪音影響,不像風力渦輪機會成為視覺障礙並產生噪音污染。
5. 更少的土地需求:潮汐渦輪機不需要像太陽能和風力發電場那樣佔用土地,因此空間效率更高。
6. 無排放:潮汐能是一種清潔的可再生能源,不會像化石燃料那樣產生排放物,對環境友好。

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1. 環境破壞:潮汐渦輪機可能會對海洋生物造成傷害,改變水流和波浪的運動,並釋放電磁輻射。
2. 成本高:建造和維護潮汐發電廠可能很昂貴,而且成本可能會阻礙私人投資者和政府對這些項目的投資。
3. 地點有限:潮汐能只能在潮汐條件良好的特定沿海地區利用,這限制了可開發地點的數量。
4. 技術挑戰:潮汐渦輪機系統的設計和工程可能會帶來技術挑戰。 示例包括需要有效的水下佈線,這可能既昂貴又復雜,並確保設備能夠承受惡劣的海洋條件。
1. 在建造潮汐發電廠之前進行徹底的環境影響評估,並確保緩解措施到位,以盡量減少對海洋生物的危害。
2. 投資研發以尋找降低潮汐發電廠建設和維護成本的方法。
3. 重點在潮汐條件最佳的地區開發潮汐能,同時繼續開發新技術以擴大可行
4. 改進潮汐渦輪機系統的設計和工程,使其更高效、更耐用。 5. 鼓勵國際合作與知識和資源交流,以加速全球範圍內潮汐能的開發和利用。

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1. 蘇格蘭的默甘潮流項目(Magen Tidal Stream Project):這個項目擁有高達49英尺的潮汐渦輪機和長達52英尺的葉片,現在為蘇格蘭地區約10萬個家庭提供全天候電力。同時,該發電廠還為整個歐盟提供25%的潮汐能資源。
2. 法國的潮汐發電站(Tidal Power Station):這個發電站成立於1966年,是地球上最古老的潮汐發電站之一。它獨自為法國提供了0.12%的電力供應。
3. 加拿大的貝爾斯灣潮汐發電廠(Bay of Fundy Tidal Energy Project):這是北美洲第一個商業潮汐能發電廠,總裝機容量為5兆瓦,足以為約3,000個家庭提供電力。
4. 韓國的束草潮汐發電廠(Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station):這是世界上最大的潮汐能發電廠之一,裝機容量達254兆瓦,可以為韓國約50萬個家庭提供電力。

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設置太陽能發電場在潮汐發電廠附近或相同的區域, 可以最大程度地利用這些地區的可再生能源潛力, 同時還可以減少對附近生態系統的影響。 事實上,一些國家已經開始將潮汐能和太陽能結合起來,形成所謂的混合能源發電系統,以進一步提高能源效率。 綜合利用這兩種能源可以為我們的能源轉型帶來更多的選擇和可持續性。

0:02 [Music] 0:03 every day thousands of people go to the 0:05 beach to feel the power of the oceans at 0:08 their feet 0:09 the vast ocean is more capable of 0:11 changing our lives than anyone could 0:13 imagine 0:14 and that's possible through its amazing 0:16 tidal energy which can power the entire 0:19 population of the earth without 0:20 depending upon any other form of energy 0:23 like wind hydroelectric and solar energy 0:27 but despite having it right under your 0:28 nose all this time 0:30 why is tidal energy not fully utilized REASONS WHY TYDAL ENERGY ISN'T EXPLOITED 0:33 to its maximum capacity yet well there 0:36 are some compelling reasons to 0:37 understand before jumping to any 0:39 conclusion but first let's understand HOW TIDAL ENERGY 0:42 how tidal energy is created 0:45 how is it produced 0:48 every hydroelectric power project needs 0:50 moving or falling water to generate 0:52 electricity in the same way the 0:54 gravitational pull created by the sun 0:57 and the moon on earth causes these 0:59 little tides at the beaches which 1:01 indirectly creates a perfect environment 1:03 for turning this kinetic energy into 1:06 electricity but before we bear the fruit 1:08 of this massive energy to light up the 1:11 entire city tidal energy needs turbines 1:14 that love to spin from the push and pull 1:16 of the water at these beaches 1:18 this brings us to the three main types 3 TIDAL TURBINE SYSTEMS. 1:20 of tidal turbine systems 1:23 tidal barrage 1:25 this type of turbine requires a dam-like 1:27 structure and is considered one of the 1:30 fastest systems to produce tidal energy 1:33 tidal turbines 1:35 these are considered the cheapest and 1:37 simple methods of achieving tidal energy 1:40 it is a lot similar to wind turbines 1:42 whereas in this system the turbine is 1:45 placed under the water 1:47 tidal fences 1:49 one of its major differences is that it 1:51 spins according to the direction of the 1:53 water 1:55 as we now know what tidal energy 1:57 actually means let's now dive into the 1:59 main reasons that are stopping it from 2:01 being used the way it should be 2:04 environmental damage ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE 2:06 the 2010 report by the u.s national 2:09 oceanic and atmospheric association 2:11 astonished the experts when they 2:13 discovered that these massive turbines 2:15 despite providing electricity to the 2:17 homes are also capable of altering the 2:20 current waves and damaging marine life 2:22 with its toxic coating of paints other 2:25 harmful effects including the high 2:27 possibility of marine life from being 2:29 hit by the turbines preventing them from 2:31 migrating creating heavy noise under sea 2:34 water that can damage the ecosystem 2:36 beyond imagination and releasing 2:38 electromagnetic emissions that can 2:40 confuse a salmon fish from escaping 2:42 itself from a predator 2:45 highly expensive 2:47 as tidal energy could face the wrath of 2:49 cyclones floods and other natural 2:51 phenomena from time to time it forces 2:53 the construction engineers to install 2:55 all the necessary equipment to ensure 2:58 its durability in such coastal areas 3:01 this in return demotivates the 3:03 government and other private investors 3:05 from putting their money in such highly 3:07 expensive projects 3:09 limited locations LIMITED LOCATION 3:12 another big factor is the location of 3:14 installing a tidal plant which is very 3:16 limited as per present coastal 3:18 conditions in most of the countries 3:21 as the height of the sea during low and 3:23 high tide plays a massive role in 3:25 running a tidal plant to its maximum 3:27 this condition makes it difficult for 3:30 installing such plants in every location 3:33 but by keeping the roadblocks in 3:34 installing these plants aside let's look 3:37 at some of the advantages of tidal 3:39 energy 3:40 clean energy CLEAN ENERGY 3:42 one of the biggest advantages of tidal 3:44 energy begins with not releasing any 3:47 form of pollution to the environment it 3:49 is pure renewable energy that loves 3:52 taking limited space to run itself as 3:54 compared to other plants 3:57 more energy 3:59 due to dense water tidal energy is 4:01 capable of providing around 800 times 4:04 more energy than a wind turbine 4:06 this makes it more capable of producing 4:08 a massive amount of energy from a single 4:11 plant 4:12 durable 4:14 as compared to solar panels whose 4:16 durability exists for around 25 to 30 4:19 years tidal power plants are more 4:21 durable than others because of their 4:23 average lifespan of 75 to 100 years in 4:26 total 4:28 current examples 4:30 despite its slow incorporation in 4:32 today's world there are some successful 4:35 title power plants around the world that 4:37 are pushing others to make this a 4:39 reality MeyGen-Tidal Power Project 4:41 magen tidal stream project scotland 4:44 with massive 49 feet tall tidal turbines 4:47 and 52 feet long blades this tidal 4:50 project is now providing all-day 4:52 electricity to around 100 000 homes in 4:56 scotland alone 4:58 surprisingly this plant is also 5:00 responsible for providing 25 of tidal 5:03 energy resources to the entire european 5:06 union 5:07 france title power station france Tidal Power Plant France 5:10 since its establishment in 1966 this 5:13 tidal power plant is considered one of 5:15 the oldest ones on earth 5:17 astonishingly it is alone responsible 5:19 for providing 0.12 of electricity to the 5:23 entire france 5:25 but it also faced criticism from 5:27 environmentalists for damaging nearby 5:29 estuaries that took around 10 years to 5:32 recover itself to a normal state 5:35 this was all about the amazing tidal 5:37 energy that could benefit the world on a 5:40 gigantic level with a slight touch of 5:42 damaging the environment 5:44 it is true that maintaining the marine 5:46 ecosystem because of the rising level of 5:48 global warming is one of the most 5:50 important tasks today but if we want to 5:53 catch up with the rising demand for 5:55 electric vehicles and other 5:57 electronic-related devices we must soon 5:59 find a way to use this enormous tidal 6:02 energy in a sustainable manner 6:05 so what do you think about tidal energy What Do You Think About It?- Tidal Power 6:08 do you think it should be adopted 6:09 immediately by every country tell us in 6:12 the comment section below and if you 6:14 have any questions or suggestions then 6:16 feel free to mention them in the comment 6:18 section and we will surely respond to 6:20 your request don't forget to press that 6:22 like button and subscribe to our channel 6:25 thank you so much for watching

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