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世界上最大的漂浮太陽能發電廠位於 Duryong Kong 水庫,佔地近 4,000 英畝,位於新加坡。 該工廠被稱為 Sunseap 太陽能農場,它有助於克服傳統太陽能農場佔用大量空間並減少可用於其他生產目的的土地的缺點。 漂浮太陽能發電廠的好處. 包括提供放置太陽能電池板的地方.而不減少可供人類使用的土地,幫助保持太陽能電池板涼爽,從而提高效率,產生更多電力,並幫助保持湖泊涼爽並改善水中的氧氣含量。 該項目預計每年將產生超過 2.2 吉瓦的峰值功率, 並抵消超過 180 萬噸的排放量。

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傳統太陽能農場的好處包括生產清潔和可再生能源,對環境幾乎沒有負面影響。 然而,傳統的太陽能農場佔用大量空間,這會減少可用於農業、住房或工業等其他生產目的的土地。 此外,在新加坡和中國等人均二氧化碳排放量較高的國家,無法建設傳統發電廠,因此傳統太陽能發電場的利用受到限制。

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漂浮的太陽能發電廠通過為水面提供遮蔭來幫助保持湖泊涼爽並提高水中的氧氣含量。 漂浮的太陽能發電廠上的面板在湖面上方形成了一個天篷,減少了陽光穿透到水中的量,減緩了藻類和其他水生植物的生長。 這些植物在分解時會消耗氧氣,在沒有浮動太陽能電池板的情況下,藻類或其他水生植物的繁殖會降低水中的氧氣含量,導致水生生物缺氧。 通過提供遮蔭,漂浮的太陽能植物大大減少了進入水中的陽光量,從而減少了這些植物的生長,進而提高了水中的氧氣含量。

Q:Sunseap 太陽能農場的預期碳補償是多少?這對新加坡有何好處?
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Sunseap 太陽能農場的預期碳抵消每年排放量超過 180 萬公噸。 這意味著該太陽能發電場每年將有助於減少 180 萬噸二氧化碳排放量,相當於 40 萬輛汽車的年排放量。 這種碳抵消對新加坡有利,因為該國是世界上最小的國家之一,但在亞洲二氧化碳生產國名單中名列前茅。 通過減少二氧化碳排放,新加坡可以減少其碳足跡並為應對氣候變化做出貢獻。 此外,Sunseap 太陽能發電場將有助於滿足新加坡的能源需求,同時減少對化石燃料的依賴,使該國在能源上更加獨立和更具彈性。

Chat YouTube: 目前全球多個地區正在使用或計劃建設漂浮太陽能發電廠,其中一些地區包括:
1. 新加坡的 Duryong Kong 水庫上的 Sunseap 太陽能農場<
2. 中國的富平太陽能發電廠,在陝西省富平縣建成。
3. 日本的萬頃 DCF 太陽能発電所,位於山口縣周南市的一個人造水庫上。
4. 泰國坤敬水庫上的 SPCG 漂浮太陽能發電廠。
5. 美國加州的 Logan Landfill 太陽能發電站,建在一個退休的垃圾掩埋場上,包括許多漂浮平台。
6. 印度的 Kerala 和 West Bengal 等地的一些水庫和池塘上的漂浮太陽能項目。
7. 荷蘭的鹿特丹漂浮太陽能發電廠,建在一個航運港口的塘上。

0:02 you know what's the cleanest way to 0:04 produce electricity after dams and wind 0:07 farms most of you would probably answer 0:10 solar panels and technically you're not 0:12 wrong and they produce almost no 0:14 negative effects to the environment 0:16 so why not 0:18 solar panels are at the top of the list 0:20 of clean energy sources currently 0:22 available to mankind well what if we 0:24 told you that the largest solar panel 0:27 farm on earth isn't on land but on water 0:30 would you be surprised in today's video 0:33 we'll be looking at the world's largest 0:35 floating solar power plant 0:37 but before we begin make sure you like 0:39 and subscribe to our channel so you 0:41 never miss another video behold roughly 0:45 150 kilometers south of singapore the 0:48 biggest floating solar farm on the 0:51 duryong kong reservoir that's spanning 0:53 nearly 4 000 acres it's known as sun 0:57 seep solar farm causing international 0:59 ripples in many ways 1:01 if we do a quick size comparison it 1:03 would be five times as big as 1:05 manhattan's central park you might ask 1:08 what are the main benefits of a floating 1:10 solar plant this doesn't make any sense 1:13 well you see while solar farms are a 1:15 great way to produce clean and renewable 1:17 energy they also have some cons too like 1:20 they take up a lot of space 1:23 in countries where the population is 1:25 rapidly growing like singapore and china 1:28 building solar farms lessens the land 1:30 available for other productive purposes 1:33 such as farming housing or industry not 1:36 to forget that these areas also have 1:38 some of the highest per capita carbon 1:40 dioxide emissions in the world which 1:42 means you can't really build traditional 1:44 power plants there the solution to the 1:47 electricity problem is only solar but 1:50 now the question is 1:51 where do we put them easy throw them on 1:54 a lake and we've got multiple reasons 1:57 first of all they provide a place to put 1:59 the solar panels without reducing the 2:01 land available for human use 2:03 second of all they also help keep the 2:05 solar panels cool which increases their 2:07 efficiency isn't that fitting efficiency 2:10 is a big factor in the success of solar 2:12 panels because they're usually not that 2:14 efficient most of the energy they gain 2:17 is lost as heat however with a huge body 2:20 of water beneath them the efficiency 2:22 will skyrocket and they can produce a 2:24 lot more electricity and it's not just 2:27 good for the solar panels themselves the 2:29 lakes also benefit because the shade 2:32 provided helps to keep the lakes cool 2:33 and improve the oxygen level in the 2:35 water now you might be thinking how does 2:38 all this get started where's all the 2:40 motivation to build such a floating 2:42 plant 2:43 sun seat power plant will be built by a 2:45 singaporean energy company that is 2:48 committed to helping singapore achieve 2:49 its target of becoming a country 2:51 completely dependent on only renewable 2:54 energy the project is expected to 2:56 produce more than 2.2 gigawatts of peak 2:59 power this farm's output will be used to 3:01 power the nearby houses of baatam island 3:04 where the rest of the electricity is 3:05 planned to be exported to singapore by a 3:08 deep-sea cable this electricity will be 3:10 constant the supplier will continue 3:13 supplying the energy all around the 3:15 clock contrary to what some people 3:17 believe this solar farm doesn't stop 3:19 supplying energy at night 3:21 sure they stop producing electricity but 3:23 the supply doesn't stop once the sun 3:25 goes down why you ask well it's simple 3:29 solar panels have batteries these 3:31 batteries are charged during the day and 3:33 then they are used to continue supplying 3:35 energy during the night or on cloudy 3:37 days when the production of new 3:39 electricity stops or slows down 3:41 the sunset project is planned for 3:43 completion in 2024 approximately two 3:46 billion dollars will be spent on the 3:48 project if everything goes as planned 3:50 and it will move forward in two phases 3:53 one of which has already started in fact 3:56 the plant currently supplies energy to 3:58 some houses in bantam island phase two 4:01 is due to begin in 2022 and the plant 4:03 will be completed in 2024 as mentioned 4:06 now if we look at the carbon footprint 4:08 of the sun seat project it's expected 4:10 that the project will offset more than 4:12 1.8 million metric tons of emissions 4:15 annually that's equivalent to 400 000 4:18 cars worth of emissions per year that's 4:22 pretty dang amazing this will be super 4:24 beneficial for singapore as well because 4:26 the country currently is one of the 4:28 smallest countries in the world and sits 4:30 at the top of the list of carbon dioxide 4:32 producing countries in asia in fact sun 4:36 seep has over 2 thousand megawatt 4:38 producing solar farms spread throughout 4:40 asia they even made another plant in 4:42 singapore just a short while ago 4:44 although that project was a smaller one 4:46 only producing five megawatts of 4:48 electricity it was completed in march 4:50 and is located along the passages of 4:52 johor in singapore do you think solar 4:55 farms on the water are the energy 4:57 solution of the future let us know in 5:00 the comments below 5:01 we're itech see you on our next video 5:05 [Music]

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