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在這段視頻中, 解說員探索了一項由美國斯坦福大學的團隊開發的新技術,該技術可以讓光伏電池在夜間從太陽能電池板發電。 該概念基於熱電發電機和塞貝克效應,通過夜間太陽能電池冷卻引起的溫差發電,產生驅動電子流動並發電的電壓。 初步測試表明,每平方米太陽能表面的輸出為 50 毫瓦,隨著進一步的研究和開發,該輸出可能會增加 40 倍。 這項技術有可能全天候產生清潔的可再生能源,並減少對不可再生能源的依賴。

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斯坦福大學的概念是利用熱電發電機的能量和塞貝克效應,在夜間太陽能電池冷卻時通過溫差發電。 電池與其周圍環境之間存在溫差,這會產生電勢或電壓,驅動電子流過電路並產生電能。 塞貝克效應通過將溫差轉化為電勢,在此過程中起著至關重要的作用。 當由兩種不同金屬或半導體組成的電路在其兩端出現溫差時,就會發生這種效應,這會導致電子流動產生電壓。

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如視頻中所述,TEG 太陽能電池每平方米表面的電流輸出為 50 毫瓦。 然而,隨著進一步的研究和開發,該技術有可能將其產量提高 40 倍。 這意味著,經過改進,太陽能電池的輸出可以達到每平方米表面 2 瓦,這是可再生能源領域向前邁出的重要一步。

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斯坦福大學團隊開發的 TEG 太陽能電池板技術具有全天候產生清潔可再生能源的潛力,這意味著它可以全天 24 小時發電,包括在沒有太陽的夜晚。 儘管夜間的發電量仍低於白天,但這項技術可以顯著減少對不可再生能源的依賴。 隨著進一步的研究和開發,TEG 太陽能電池板技術可能會達到每平方米表面高達 2 瓦的輸出,這可能會對可再生能源領域產生重大影響。 這項技術可以幫助減少我們對化石燃料等不可再生能源的依賴,從而有助於減輕氣候變化的負面影響,使世界成為一個更清潔、更可持續的地方。

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0:00 in this video we'll be diving into the 0:02 fascinating world of photovoltaic cells 0:04 and exploring how a team from Stanford 0:07 University in America has developed a 0:09 groundbreaking new technology that makes 0:11 it possible to generate electricity from 0:13 solar panels at night even when there's 0:16 no light but how exactly does this 0:18 technology work and how much electricity 0:21 can be produced let's find out in 2020 0:24 photovoltaic cells produced an 0:26 impressive 760 gigawatts of energy which 0:30 is equivalent to almost 600 nuclear 0:33 power plants the potential of solar 0:35 power is enormous in fact recent 0:38 Research indicates that the entire 0:40 world's electricity demand can be met 0:42 with just the surfaces of house roofs 0:44 but when we think of solar cells we tend 0:47 to think of them as harnessing energy 0:49 from the sun's Rays during the day 0:51 however what happens when the sun sets 0:53 and the world around us is plunged Into 0:55 Darkness well that's where the Stanford 0:58 University concept comes into to play to 1:01 understand this concept let's first take 1:03 a look at how the conventional 1:04 silicone-based solar cell works these 1:07 cells consist of two layers one 1:09 positively doped and one negatively 1:11 doped in the presence of light the 1:13 electrons in the cell become excited and 1:16 tend to migrate back into the negatively 1:18 doped layer generating electricity 1:20 however without light the charge 1:22 difference simply equalizes resulting in 1:25 a voltage too low to power any devices 1:27 now here's where the Stanford University 1:30 concept comes in during the day the 1:33 solar cell heats up to a scorching 150 1:36 degrees Fahrenheit or 65 degrees Celsius 1:39 as nightfalls the lack of sunlight 1:41 causes the cell to cool down however 1:44 something peculiar happens the cell 1:47 becomes even colder than the surrounding 1:49 air this is due to the laws of 1:51 thermodynamics where heat always flows 1:54 from a hot source to a cold sink with 1:57 the temperature close to absolute zero 1:59 space become comes an ideal heat sink 2:01 the solar cell then radiates heat into 2:04 space in the form of infrared radiation 2:06 and this phenomenon can be harnessed to 2:09 generate electricity the Stanford 2:11 University concept harnesses the power 2:13 of the thermoelectric generator and the 2:16 seabec effect to generate electricity 2:18 through temperature differences when the 2:20 solar cell cools down at night there's a 2:22 temperature difference between the cell 2:24 and its surroundings this temperature 2:26 difference creates an electric potential 2:28 or a voltage which drives the flow of 2:30 electrons through a circuit and 2:32 generates electricity the cbec effect 2:34 plays a critical role in this process by 2:37 converting the temperature difference 2:38 into an electric potential this effect 2:41 occurs when a circuit made up of two 2:42 different metals or semiconductors 2:44 experiences a temperature difference 2:46 between its two ends which causes the 2:49 flow of electrons to generate a voltage 2:51 the thermoelectric generator then 2:53 converts this voltage into usable 2:55 electricity scientists have already 2:57 demonstrated an output of 50 ml watts 3:00 per square meter of the solar surface 3:02 indicating promising initial results now 3:05 you may be thinking 50 milliwatts per 3:07 square meter that doesn't sound like 3:09 much at all and you're right it's not in 3:12 fact it's only a fraction of what a 3:14 typical solar cell can produce but 3:16 here's the thing that's just the 3:18 beginning scientists predict that with 3:20 further research and development the 3:22 efficiency of this technology could be 3:24 increased by a factor of 40. that means 3:27 we could potentially see yields of 2 3:29 watts per square meter which is a huge 3:32 step forward in the world of solar 3:33 energy and the best part this solar cell 3:36 can produce electricity 24 hours a day 3:39 yes you read that right even at night 3:42 when the sun isn't shining this 3:44 technology can still generate power of 3:46 course the electricity yield at night is 3:49 still lower than during the day but it's 3:51 a start the possibilities are truly 3:54 endless imagine a world where we can 3:56 produce clean renewable energy Around 3:58 the Clock without an eruption a world 4:01 where we no longer have to rely on 4:03 fossil fuels or other non-renewable 4:05 sources of energy to power our homes and 4:07 businesses it's a dream that's becoming 4:10 more and more of a reality every day 4:12 thanks to the hard work and dedication 4:14 of scientists and researchers all over 4:16 the world if you're someone who cares 4:19 deeply about the state of our planet and 4:21 the future of renewable energy then you 4:23 won't want to miss out on the latest 4:25 updates and Innovations in this field by 4:28 subscribing to our Channel you'll gain 4:30 access to exclusive content and stay 4:32 informed about the latest breakthroughs 4:34 in renewable energy technology so hit 4:37 that subscribe button and don't forget 4:39 to share this with a friend who's also 4:41 interested in making a difference 4:43 together we can work toward a brighter 4:45 more sustainable future for generations 4:48 to come

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