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該視頻是關於垂直農業的,特別是關於 Bowery,這是一家在新澤西州工業園區種植農產品的初創公司。 該設施的大部分是自動化的,機器控制著作物的生長條件。人類農民凱蒂·莫里奇 (Katie Morich) 解釋說,她的工作是由運行該操作的軟件決定的。精確的生長條件允許用更少的水和無農藥更快地生長。凱蒂的角色,以及農場中其他人的角色,是填補機器還不能完成的任務。該視頻強調了垂直農業在技術取代舊工作時提供新工作的潛力,儘管它也引發了人們對機器人是否可以完全取代人類農民的擔憂。

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- 通過垂直種植作物節省空間
- 使用更少的水
- 不需要殺蟲劑
- 更精確的生長條件
- 與傳統耕作方法相比,作物產量可能更高。

Q:Bowery 對技術的使用與傳統農場有何不同?
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Bowery 對技術的使用在幾個方面不同於傳統農業,例如:
- 大部分農場是自動化的,依靠機器和計算機來控製作物的生長條件。
- 傳感器用於收集有關作物的數據,這些數據由軟件進行分析以確保最佳的生長條件。
- 精確的生長條件允許用更少的水和無農藥更快地生長。
- 人類農民,如 Katie Morich,填補了機器無法完成的任務,但是,他們的任務也由運行整個操作的軟件決定。

Q:人類農民在 Bowery 的垂直農場中扮演什麼角色?
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Bowery 垂直農場中的人類農民在填補機器無法執行的任務方面發揮著關鍵作用。 雖然大部分農業過程是自動化的,但像 Katie Morich 這樣的人類農民負責種植農作物、收割農作物、確保機器和傳感器正常工作,並對農產品進行質量控制檢查。 人類農民的任務也由運行整個操作的軟件決定,這意味著他們與自動化協作以確保最佳的作物生長和質量

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現今許多地區都開始興建垂直農場, 例如美國、日本、新加坡、荷蘭、中國等。垂直農場是一個解決城市食品種植問題的方法,因此未來可能會在更多的城市出現。


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現今設計並建設垂直農場的公司有很多,以下列舉一些: 1. AeroFarms:美國新澤西州的一家垂直農場公司,使用了垂直種植技術。
2. BrightFarms Inc.:美國一家專門種植新鮮蔬菜的垂直農場公司
3. Plenty:位於美國舊金山的一家創新型農業公司,提供水培植物種植的方案。
4. Farm One:美國紐約市的一家垂直農場公司,專門種植各種香草和微型蔬菜。
5. Sky Greens:新加坡的一家垂直農場公司,使用了垂直種植技術,生產蔬菜供應當地市場。

0:01 (electronic music) 0:05 It might look like we're inside a spaceship, 0:08 but this is actually a farm. 0:10 (buzzing) 0:11 The crops here are grown mostly by machines 0:14 with the help of just a few humans, like this woman. 0:18 Her life offers an early peek at a new kind of farming. 0:22 It's a promising twist to an ancient career, 0:25 but only if the robots don't replace her altogether. 0:29 (upbeat music) 0:33 As technology replaces old jobs, 0:35 it's also creating new ones. 0:37 I'm Aki Ito, and I'm here to 0:39 show you the jobs of the future. 0:42 (upbeat music) 0:47 My name is Katie Morich, and I'm a vertical farmer. 0:57 Katie works for a three year old 0:58 startup called Bowery. 1:00 (intercom buzzes) 1:02 Its farm is here, in this industrial park in New Jersey. 1:06 How are you? 1:07 It's the last place you'd 1:08 expect to find any sign of life. 1:12 We take extra precaution to make sure we're 1:13 not bringing any contaminants into the farm, 1:15 so we're gonna wear hairnets, and then this 1:17 is just gonna cover all your street clothes. 1:22 Katie wears a clean uniform every day. 1:24 Visitors like me are handed a non-negotiable jumpsuit. 1:31 Alright. 1:35 Step inside and you'll see a cross 1:37 between a factory and a lab. 1:41 (shimmering notes) 1:46 Trays of produce are vertically stacked to save space, 1:49 and each of them is given just the right amount of 1:51 light, water and nutrients at the 1:54 optimal temperature and humidity. 1:57 It's an incredible level of precision, 1:59 which is why Katie can grow more faster with 2:02 less water and no pesticides. 2:04 (shimmering notes) 2:07 It's also what let's her grow things that 2:09 taste like nothing you've ever had before. 2:11 What's this? 2:12 This is the sorrel. 2:14 Mmm. 2:15 That tastes like candy apple. 2:17 Whoa! That's good, right? 2:19 It's so sour. I know. 2:24 The majority of this facility is automated. 2:27 (electronic notes) 2:31 The data is collected by sensors 2:33 and a computer controls growing conditions for the crops. 2:37 For the things that the machines can't do yet, 2:39 Katie and her fellow human farmers fill in, 2:41 and even those tasks are dictated by 2:45 the software that runs this whole operation. 2:48 It lets me know what I have to do, 2:49 what time I should be doing it by, 2:51 and that's how I get my day done. 2:54 Do you ever, like, rebel against the computer's orders? 2:56 Uh, once in a while, if we're trying to do 2:58 a little experiment of our own, we'll be like, 3:00 okay, is the system telling us the correct things? 3:03 Most of the time it is. 3:04 All the time it's right. (laughs) 3:14 After a full day at the farm, 3:15 Katie likes to bring home samples to her husband, Jase, 3:18 (blender whirrs) and her cat, Burt. 3:23 (blender stops) 3:25 Salt, pepper? 3:26 Maybe a little more... Garlic? 3:28 On the menu are two items from Katie's farm. 3:31 Basil, for pesto pasta. 3:34 That's so good. 3:36 And mixed greens for a salad. 3:38 I'm terrified, everyone's judging. 3:40 Cheers, guys. 3:41 Cheers. Cheers. 3:43 (bottles clink) 3:46 Katie fell in love with environmental 3:47 science in college, but after graduating 3:49 she struggled to find a full-time career in the field. 3:55 Jase had to deal with me a lot (laughs), 3:58 you know, coming home to me crying 3:59 and trying to figure out if I'm making the right decisions. 4:05 And then, somehow, online, Bowery popped up. 4:12 She told me about this job, like, Bowery Farming, 4:14 it's like an indoor, vertical farm, and I was like, 4:17 alright, this sounds like total BS. 4:20 So, I took my work truck and I said, "You know, 4:22 let me swing around and see what this is all about." 4:24 So I drove up to it, 4:26 doesn't look like there's a farm in there at all. 4:28 So I called her and I was like, "Listen, I know you're 4:31 psyched about this job, but it seems super sketchy." 4:35 But I figured I'd go and check it out for myself 4:38 and I pulled up and it was exactly as how he described, 4:41 but I gave it a shot. 4:44 And so in 2017, Katie joined Bowery. 4:49 She became employee number nine. 4:53 (door shuts) 4:54 This is really my first real, full-time, big-girl job. 4:59 (indistinct chatter) 5:02 And it was a little intimidating at first, 5:04 coming into this company with people that have like, 5:06 their PHD and I don't necessarily have that background, 5:09 so I constantly doubted myself when I 5:13 first started at Bowery. 5:15 I wasn't worried about her at all, you know. 5:18 She said to us, "Can I do this?" 5:19 And I used to tell her to have a little faith in herself. 5:25 Katie grew up in a typical New Jersey suburb 5:28 with two working parents. 5:33 They've tried to stay away from putting too much pressure 5:35 on their only child. 5:37 When we heard about what she was doing and 5:40 realized that this is something that didn't exist 5:42 when we were younger and I thought back from my generation, 5:47 you know, PC's came out when I started working 5:51 and my parents probably would've said I was crazy 5:53 if I went into an IT field at the time, 5:56 but now look what happened. 5:58 So, it's not a good idea for us to try to tell her 6:00 what to do because it's a different world. 6:05 (beeping) 6:11 Bowery is backed by some of 6:13 Silicon Valley's top investors. 6:15 And with almost $30 million dollars of funding, 6:18 the startup is expanding fast. 6:21 And in May, after all that time she spent doubting herself, 6:25 Katie got promoted to lead a team of her own farmers. 6:29 The produce she grows supplies a few nearby grocery stores 6:34 as well as this restaurant in Manhattan. 6:38 (pan sizzles) 6:39 It's less than 10 miles away from the Bowery farm. 6:47 What do you think? 6:49 It's delicious! (both laugh) 6:51 You made that. 6:52 It's like, crazy to see stuff I grew on a plate. 6:56 Alright, let me get some of... 6:57 But for Katie, it's not just about making 6:59 premium vegetables for people who can afford them. 7:03 I want people to have the purest produce imaginable, 7:06 and I want that to be readily available to anybody. 7:10 (electronic music) 7:16 The world's population is set to reach 7:18 9.8 billion people by 2050. 7:22 Two-thirds will live in cities. 7:25 And we're gonna need all kinds of new technology 7:27 to sustainably feed everyone. 7:30 The key to making that food affordable 7:32 is to continue to make more with fewer farmers. 7:36 But no matter how high-tech all this gets, 7:39 Katie thinks there will still be a place for her. 7:42 I just think there's something about the 7:43 human mind that you can't really replicate. 7:45 So I think we could still work closely with technology, 7:48 but I still think it's nice to have a human there. 7:51 It'll also be pretty lonely for the robots 7:52 if they don't have anybody to talk to. (laughs) 7:58 (beeping)

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