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英國已經安裝了迄今為止最大的電池——一個400兆瓦時的電池儲能係統,以平衡海上風能的輸出,使該國更接近其100%可再生能源的目標。該電池將成為國家電網 INOA Stability Pathfinder 計劃的一部分,並將由總部位於蘇格蘭的電動汽車車隊和電池存儲專家 Zenobe 運營。 該電池預計將於 2024 年夏季投入使用,是英國因經濟原因關閉燃煤電廠而建造的眾多電池之一。 牛津大學的專家預測,如果到 2050 年世界轉向使用可再生能源,世界可以節省 10 萬億美元。

Q:英國最大電池的主要用途是什麼?它將如何幫助該國實現 100% 可再生能源的目標?
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英國最大電池的主要目的是平衡海上風能的輸出,使該國更接近其 100% 可再生能源的目標。 該電池將成為國家電網 INOA Stability Pathfinder 計劃的一部分,並將由總部位於蘇格蘭的電動汽車車隊和電池存儲專家 Zenobe 運營。 通過儲存風力渦輪機產生的多餘能量,電池將有助於確保向電網穩定持續供電,從而減少對不可再生能源的依賴。

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由於靠近北海附近的海上風能項目,該電池位於蘇格蘭東北部的位置具有戰略意義。 當風力渦輪機產生的電力超過需要時,電池將通過存儲多餘的能量來平衡海上風能的輸出,然後在風力低或需求高的時期將這些能量釋放回電網。 無論風力渦輪機的輸出如何變化,這都將確保向電網提供穩定和一致的電力供應。 因此,電池將起到緩衝器的作用,充分利用海上產生的可再生能源,提高該地區可再生能源系統的整體效率。

Q:南澳大利亞的電池如何為該國邁向 100% 可再生能源做出貢獻,計算機技術在這個例子中扮演什麼角色?
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南澳大利亞的電池是一個 250 兆瓦的一小時電池,在全球向可再生能源過渡期間在提供穩定的電力供應方面發揮著關鍵作用。 它通過儲存風能和太陽能等可再生能源產生的多餘能源,並在需求高或供應低時將其釋放回電網,為該國實現 100% 可再生能源的目標做出貢獻。 這確保了一致和可靠的能源供應,即使天氣條件不利於可再生能源發電。 計算機技術是南澳大利亞電池項目的重要組成部分。 電池使用先進的計算機技術來管理其操作並優化其性能。 電池系統的軟件不斷監控電網中的能源需求和供應,確保電池在正確的時間釋放存儲的能量以平衡電網並避免任何停電。 電池軟件還執行預測分析和高級建模以預測能源需求和供應,幫助網絡運營商更有效地長期規劃和管理電網。 總之,南澳大利亞的電池及其計算機技術在實現向可再生能源的過渡同時為消費者維持穩定可靠的能源供應方面發揮著關鍵作用。

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1. 電池儲能係統要盡量靠近停電發生的地方,以減少能量在輸電過程中的損失。
2. 電池儲能係統需要建在平穩且堅固的地基上,以確保安全。
3. 電池儲能係統需要有遮陽設施,防止太陽直射所帶來的熱量影響電池效能。
4. 電池儲能係統需要有冷卻系統,以維持電池的穩定工作溫度。
5. 電池儲能係統需要考慮防火措施和安全機制,以確保人員和設備的安全。
總體而言, 電池儲能係統的建造需要綜合考慮多方面的因素。根據具體的應用場景,需要制定相應的建造要求和安全措施。

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以下為一些可能的方法。 1. 人工島:人工島是人工建造的固定平台,可以在海底搭建電池儲能系統和風力發電機等能源設備。透過人工島的建造,可以實現在遠離陸地的區域,利用海洋風力來發電。人工島需要在建造過程中考慮防浪、風力和海水侵蝕等因素。
2. 浮式平台:浮式平台是一種浮在水面上的平台,可以在上面建造電池儲能系統。通過浮式平台的設置,可以快速進行建設,並可以迅速移動到需要的地方以供使用。但浮式平台在風浪較大的海域易受振動和破壞。
3. 海底管道:海底管道可以將電池儲能係統和相應的設施(如風力發電機、光伏發電機等)與陸地的電力系統連接。此類項目需要在海底挖掘出沉管洞道,然後再進行管道的敷設和架設,需要考慮海底沙礫和海水的腐蝕等問題。


Chat YouTube: 智能電網可以透過電池儲能系統來提高能源效率,增強電網穩定性和供需平衡能力,促進清洁能源的發展。
1. 間歇性發電的平滑:太陽能和風能都是間歇性的發電方式,無法穩定地供應能源。當太陽能板或風力發電機產生過多的能源時,可以將這些能源儲存到電池儲能系統中,供日後需要時使用,透過電池的平滑技術使能源供給更穩定。
2. 能源儲存的累積:電池儲能系統可以將多餘的能源儲存起來,待需求增加時用於供應電力,不僅可提高能源利用效率,還可以減少對傳統能源的依賴,實現能源的可持續使用。
3. 異地電力傳輸:電池儲能系統可以進行異地電力傳輸,將風力、太陽能等清洁能源從產源地輸送到用戶地區,實現寬帶能源運輸和能源的條件化使用。
4. 能源配電的強化:電池儲能系統能夠快速提供電源,以應對用戶高峰期的電能需求,降低用電高峰期對電網的影響和負擔。
總之, 電池儲能系統可以提升電網的靈活性、穩定性和可靠性,實現清洁能源的高效利用,並有助於實現智能電網的發展目標。

0:00 not long ago Tesla's massive battery 0:02 that saved the South Australian grid 0:06 from going dark was the biggest battery 0:09 in the world that was only a few years 0:10 ago well now it's not even close 0:14 now when we talk about big batteries 0:16 we're talking about hundreds of gigawatt 0:19 hours 0:20 and the UK has just installed its 0:23 biggest battery in history this is 0:27 actually quite an historic event so is 0:31 the fact that the United Kingdom is 0:32 decarbonizing at an incredible Pace I 0:34 mean they're moving towards solar wind 0:36 especially wind massive amounts of wind 0:39 being built offshore and batteries at 0:42 the fastest Pace in the history of the 0:44 country 0:44 coal power plants are shutting down as a 0:47 result because they're simply not 0:49 economically viable and whilst all this 0:51 is happening experts at Oxford 0:53 University I'm talking a group of 30 0:56 experts got together and worked out that 0:58 the world will save at least 10 trillion 1:01 dollars if we can move towards renewable 1:03 energy by 2050. we can do it by 2040 it 1:07 will be 20 trillion dollars that's a lot 1:10 of money finish Technology Group what 1:13 CLR says it has built a first of its 1:16 kind 400 megawatt hour battery energy 1:19 storage system that will balance the 1:20 output of enormous amounts of offshore 1:23 wind and take the United Kingdom closer 1:26 to its Target of 100 1:28 renewable energy the huge battery one of 1:30 the biggest proposed in the UK is being 1:33 built for Scottish based electric 1:35 vehicle Fleet and battery storage 1:36 specialist 1:38 zenobi which will operate the facility 1:40 that is to be part of the National Grids 1:42 in OA stability Pathfinder program what 1:46 sealer expects the project to be 1:48 operational by the northern summer of 1:49 2024 and it claims the battery will be 1:52 the first in the world to deliver 1:53 stability services from a transmission 1:56 connection it may have already been 1:59 beaten to it by the Victorian big 2:00 battery in Victoria and the wall Grove 2:03 battery in New South Wales the Victoria 2:05 big battery is actually from my home 2:08 state in Victoria in Australia it's a 2:11 bit of an embarrassment the name 2:13 Victorian big battery they couldn't 2:15 think of anything more creative than 2:16 that so they just caught a big battery 2:17 anyhow the point is here it's actually 2:20 massive it's even bigger than this 2:21 battery being built in the UK it 2:23 provides 450 megawatt hours of storage 2:26 and as of December 2021 when it first 2:29 came into operation it was the biggest 2:32 battery pack in the southern hemisphere 2:34 that battery was made by Tesla foreign 2:38 but not using Tesla's new Mega packs 2:41 which I think are a significant 2:42 improvement over the previous battery 2:44 packs that Tesla was installing this is 2:46 a massive step for the UK this battery 2:49 will manage supply and demand power 2:52 stability and constraints it's going to 2:54 help provide Power to millions of people 2:57 in the UK 2:59 its location in Northeast Scotland means 3:02 it can help 3:03 integrate nearby offshore energy wind 3:06 projects in the North Sea into the UK's 3:08 energy grid What Stiller expects the 3:10 project to be operational by the 3:11 northern summer of 2024 so in about 12 3:14 months from now here's what they said 3:17 we're proud to deliver this pioneering 3:19 energy storage project alongside zinobi 3:21 this is a first of its kind project that 3:23 will help balance the UK grid as it 3:25 targets 100 percent renewable energy 3:27 generation said Andy Tang the vice 3:29 president for energy storage and 3:31 optimization at the company speaking of 3:33 big batteries back in my home country of 3:35 Australia whatzilla are also building a 3:38 250 megawatt one hour big battery at 3:42 Torrance Island in South Australia on 3:44 behalf of AGL 3:46 they say that the energy storage is 3:48 playing a critical role in delivering a 3:51 stable supply of electricity during the 3:52 global transition to renewable energy 3:54 but the point is here this is actually 3:55 even more interesting because this 3:57 battery in South Australia they're also 3:59 completing this 250 megawatt battery it 4:02 will join the Tesla Mega Battery in 4:05 South Australia South Australia is the 4:07 basically the world's only grid that's 4:09 capable of running 100 on renewable 4:11 energy and in fact it's actually done it 4:13 for weeks at a time proving that the 4:16 concept does work a lot of the naysayers 4:19 say there's all these different reasons 4:20 for 100 renewable energy cannot work but 4:24 they've all been proven wrong a lot of 4:26 the reason that that grid works though 4:28 is because of the computer technology 4:30 that Tesla has deployed with the big 4:32 battery here's what they had to say the 4:35 battery at black hillock brings together 4:36 the very latest in Grid scale battery 4:38 technology that will be crucial to lower 4:40 consumer bills and enable more renewable 4:43 energy into the grid with wattsilla and 4:45 other project partners we look for 4:47 delivering this significant grid 4:49 infrastructure project that will be an 4:51 important milestone in the UK's 4:53 transition to Net Zero 4:57 I believe the UK will hit Net Zero by 4:59 around 2032. 5:01 and as they're saying here it's going to 5:03 bring prices of energy down not up a lot 5:06 of people think renewable energy it 5:07 means prices go up it's actually not 5:09 true sometimes transitioning from one 5:11 fuel energy source to another has that 5:13 result but in the long term consumers 5:16 will actually save a huge amount of 5:18 money not only in Australia but also in 5:21 the UK and it you'd think the UK I mean 5:24 Sun they don't get any I was there in 5:26 summer but it didn't feel like summer to 5:29 me but doesn't really matter because one 5:32 thing the UK has is massive offshore 5:35 wind now if you haven't seen my video 5:36 about that wind dog a bank the largest 5:40 wind farm in the world is utterly 5:43 mind-blowing I'll put a link in the 5:45 description below to that video thank 5:47 you for watching my friends bye

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