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歐洲航天局正在考慮資助一項名為 Solaris 的為期三年的研究,以調查使用大型太陽能農場從太空無線發電的可行性和成本效益。 能量將轉化為微波並傳輸到地球,由天線收集並轉化為電能。慕尼黑一家航空航天公司的科學家們已經從太陽能電池板產生了兩千瓦的電力,並將其無線發送到房間另一端的接收器,以照亮一座模型城市。 挑戰在於將這一規模進一步擴大一百萬倍,並從太空發回太陽能。不過,如果能源衛星的概念研製成功,就有可能一天24小時不間斷地收集太陽能。

Q:Solaris 為期三年的研究調查了什麼,它的目的是發現什麼?
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Solaris 為期三年的研究正在調查使用大型太陽能農場從太空無線發電的可行性和成本效益。 它的目的是發現是否有可能從太空收集太陽能並使用微波將其傳輸到地球,並確定這種技術的潛在好處和挑戰。

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與在地面上收集太陽能相比,在太空中收集太陽能更加高效和有效,因為它可以全天候發電,而不會受到夜間或云層的干擾。 地面接收到的太陽能受天氣條件、一天中的時間和季節的影響。 然而,在太空中收集太陽能是可以連續進行的,因為沒有大氣擾動來阻擋太陽光線。 這意味著太陽能衛星產生的能量是地面上傳統太陽能電池板的六倍。

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第三,它有可能為未連接到電網的偏遠和交通不便的地區提供能源。 如果該技術開發成功,它可能會改變世界能源格局,減少我們對化石燃料的依賴,從而減少溫室氣體排放。 這可能有助於減輕氣候變化的影響,這是一個緊迫的全球性問題。 此外,從太空傳輸的能量可以為目前缺電的地區提供電力,改善數百萬人的生活。

Chat YouTube: 太空中架設太陽光反射鏡,並將陽光反射回地面上的太陽能板是一種可能的解決方案,但它的效果取決於多種因素。
此外,使用太空反射鏡需要在太空中架設大型基礎設施,這可能需要高昂的成本和技術挑戰。 然而,這種方案也有一些潛在的好處。
太空反射鏡是一種有潛力的解決方案, 但需要進一步的研究和評估,以確定其成本效益和技術可行性。 現在,太空發電技術主要關注通過太陽能電池板或太陽能帆板從太陽捕獲能量。

0:00 now a plan to beam electricity 0:02 electricity wirelessly from space to 0:06 power millions of homes could be edging 0:08 a step closer the European Space Agency 0:11 is to consider funding a three-year 0:13 study called Solaris to see if having 0:16 huge solar farms in space could work and 0:19 be cost effective our science 0:21 correspondent palab gauche sent this 0:24 report from Munich 0:26 it looks like science fiction 0:29 imagine robots building vast solar 0:33 arrays to capture the sun's power 0:36 its energy converted into microwaves and 0:40 beams to Earth 0:42 then collected by antennas over a huge 0:44 area and turned into electricity 0:48 it's not science fiction that it's not 0:50 just something on paper or in the lab 0:51 that it's ready to be deployed at a 0:55 small scale and of course the challenge 0:57 with applying this to space-based solar 1:00 power is extending that scale and That 1:02 Power by a dramatic amount and that will 1:04 take some time it's a huge challenge of 1:06 course 1:08 it's a challenge these scientists are 1:11 taking up here in Munich in an 1:14 experiment at the Aerospace firm Airbus 1:16 two kilowatts of power were collected 1:19 from solar panels and sent wirelessly 1:22 from this transmitter to a receiver at 1:25 the other end of the room 1:27 and that electricity lights up a model 1:30 City there's a long way to go from this 1:32 small demonstration here to sending back 1:35 solar energy from space a million times 1:38 more power needs to be transmitted and 1:40 it's got to be sent a million times 1:42 further 1:43 but the engineers here think it could be 1:46 done 1:47 if the energy satellite concept were 1:50 successfully developed that would 1:51 collect solar energy 24 hours a day 1:54 scientists have wanted to do this for 1:56 decades because unlike solar energy on 1:59 the ground which is interrupted by night 2:01 time and clouds it generates power 2:04 Around the Clock 2:06 ignition liftoff it's only now it might 2:09 become cost effective because Rockets 2:12 can be used over and over again 2:15 if you could do it from space and I'm 2:16 saying if you could because we are not 2:18 yet there then this would be absolutely 2:21 fantastic solar based uh uh Power from 2:25 space could really help enormously to 2:28 address our energy shortages and our 2:30 energy problem which which is about to 2:32 come uh in the next decades the U.S 2:36 China and the UK have their own research 2:38 programs 2:39 as Energy prices saw and the destructive 2:42 impacts of climate change are being felt 2:44 the pressure for the entire world to 2:47 develop a new reliable source of clean 2:49 energy is greater than ever 2:53 BBC News Munich

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