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放置在海洋中以創建波浪農場,產生可再生和穩定的能源。 由總部位於以色列的 Eco Wave Power 開發的這種波浪能轉換器技術已成功通過測試在多個位置。最大的波浪農場項目之一,位於直布羅陀,預計將與 EDF Renewables 合作於 2021 年建造。Eco Wave Power的技術不僅提供清潔能源,而且對環境的視覺影響小周圍環境,對捕魚和航道的干擾最小。通過這些創新,可再生能源生產和可持續發展的潛力不斷增長。

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Wave Line Magnet 是由 Sea Wave Energy Limited (SWEL) 開發的一種波能轉換器 (WEC)。 它由通過脊柱動力系統連接在一起的柔性組件組成。 當波浪穿過 WEC 時,柔性組件會上升和下降,通過脊柱動力系統產生動力。 然後將這種能量轉移到產生壓力的蓄能器中。 蓄能器中建立的壓力用於旋轉連接到發電機的液壓馬達,並將產生的電能傳輸到電網。 波浪線磁鐵可以通過波浪的不斷運動產生能量,使其成為一種高效的可再生能源形式。 此外,它可以作為漂浮式製氫廠運行,並可以產生必要的壓力和動力來淡化船上的海水。

Q:Eco Wave Power 的波浪能轉換器技術有哪些優勢?預計將建設的最大波浪農場項目之一在哪裡?
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Eco Wave Power 的波浪能轉換器技術具有多項優勢。 首先,它可以從海浪中產生可再生和穩定的能源,提供替代化石燃料的清潔能源。 其次,該技術的設計對周圍環境的視覺影響較小,不會對漁道和航道造成明顯干擾。 此外,它對環境的影響極小,可以整合到現有的沿海基礎設施中,進一步減少其足跡。 最大的波浪農場項目之一計劃在直布羅陀建設,預計將與 EDF Renewables 合作建設。 波浪農場項目將成為歐洲最大的可再生能源項目之一,有可能為數以千計的家庭和企業提供清潔能源。 總的來說,Eco Wave Power 的創新技術為可再生能源生產提供了一個有前途的解決方案,並有可能支持未來幾年的可持續發展。

Q:那些地區正使用Wave Line Magne
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目前尚未找到使用Wave Line Magnet技術的實際案例或地區。 該技術的開發公司SWEL正在尋求戰略聯盟和合作夥伴,以使Wave Line Magnet技術成為世界可再生能源生產的前沿,解決當前的能源危機。 因此, Wave Line Magnet技術可能還沒有大規模應用於某些地區。

11 [Music] This is the most powerful tidal turbine in the world. It generates clean power from 0:17 flowing water. Orbital's unique floating platform is moored via anchors in powerful tidal streams or 0:24 river currents. Underwater rotors capture the dense flowing energy. Legs lift to the water surface for 0:30 maintenance. Manufactured and launched in Dundee, Orbital Marine Power's O2 was towed up to Orkney, 0:37 which has some of the strongest tidal currents in the world. It has commenced grid connected 0:43 power generation at the European Marine Energy Center or EMEC in Orkney. The innovative floating 0:50 turbine is anchored in the Fall of Warness where tidal speeds can exceed 3 meters per second. 0:56 A subsea cable connects the 2 MW offshore unit to the local onshore electricity network. The 1:03 74 meter long turbine is expected to operate in the waters off Orkney for the next 15 years with 1:09 the capacity to meet the annual electricity demand of around 2,000 UK homes with clean predictable 1:16 power from the fast flowing waters. Orbital mentions that their platform can be scaled down 1:22 to capture power from river flow, which can support off-grid demands from communities, households 1:27 and electric vehicle charge points. Orbital is now setting its sights on commercializing its 1:33 technology through the deployment of multi-MW arrays. With a global capacity estimate of 1:39 100 gigawatts, tidal energy harvesting has the potential to power 80 million homes. What are your 1:46 thoughts on the powerful O2 tidal turbine? If you want to stay updated on the latest in the world 1:52 of startups, innovation and technology, please subscribe to our Channel and hit the Bell icon. 1:58 This spine-like floating device converts wave energy into electricity. The spine is able to flex 2:05 and adapt with the motion of the waves rather than having waves crash into it. Developed by Sea Wave 2:11 Energy Limited or SWEL, based in Cyprus and UK, the Wave Line Magnet is composed of flexible assemblies 2:18 that are all linked together by the spine power system. The unique technology allows for waves to 2:25 pass through the system and generate power as waves rise and fall. The wave energy converter 2:31 is designed to be one with the surface of the sea; one moving mass with the waves themselves. SWEL 2:37 claims that the Wave Line Magnet's raw mechanical output is down to one pence per kWh. That 2:43 output puts this amazing technology up to par with fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources. 2:50 SWEL mentions that the Wave Line Magnet also has the ability to harness energy for hydrogen 2:56 production. The versatile technology can be adapted to operate as a floating hydrogen 3:01 production plant. It is also capable of producing the necessary pressures and power to desalinate 3:08 water on board, providing water solutions to even the most remote and harsh areas. SWEL is 3:15 now seeking strategic alliances and partnerships to place the Wave Line Magnet technology on the 3:21 forefront of renewable energy production for the world to benefit, solving the current energy crisis. 3:28 This machine turns the constant power of waves into electricity. 3:34 It uses a system of floaters. As the waves come, they create an up and down movement. The movement of the 3:42 floaters compresses and decompresses hydraulic pistons, which transmit biodegradable hydraulic 3:48 fluid into land located accumulators. Pressure is built in the accumulators. This pressure rotates 3:56 a hydraulic motor, which rotates the generator, and then the electricity is transferred into 4:02 the grid via an inverter. Hundreds of commercial scale floaters could power whole towns. Floaters 4:10 also protect themselves from swell by rising out of the water during a storm. Once the storm 4:16 passes, they automatically resume energy conversion. The simple but smart design allows the floaters 4:24 to be attached to existing man-made structures, thereby simplifying installation, maintenance and 4:31 accessibility. Wave power could play a major role in the ongoing clean energy transition. 4:40 If you like the video, please hit the like button and share 4:43 the video. Let us know your thoughts on the video in the comments section below.

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