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太平洋西北國家實驗室開發了一種圓柱形摩擦納米發電機,他們稱之為 FMC-TENG,可以將能量從波浪轉化為電能,為海上設備提供動力。 波浪能被認為是最有前途的可再生能源形式之一,並且是具有有毒碳排放的化石燃料的驚人替代品。 海洋科學家和技術使用了大量的電力,使海洋能源成為天賜之物,為海上發電提供了巨大的優勢。 利用波浪能的過程包括在海洋表面放置發電機以利用波浪運動產生的能量。

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太平洋西北國家實驗室的FMC-TENG是一種圓柱形摩擦納米發電機,可以將能量從波浪轉化為電能,為海上設備提供動力。 它旨在克服其他摩擦電納米發電機 (C-TENGS) 的問題,並且依賴於科學家稱之為摩擦電效應的相同過程。 它被設計成看起來像圓柱體中的圓柱體。 較小圓柱體的外部和較大圓柱體的內部都有人造毛皮塗層。 它還塗有一種稱為氟化乙烯丙烯 (FEP) 的類似聚四氟乙烯的材料。 當內筒相對於外筒自由轉動時,產生靜電並被電極收集。 FMC-TENG 是獨一無二的,因為很少有高效的波能轉換器能夠從低頻海浪中產生大量能量。

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波浪能被認為是最有前途的可再生能源形式之一。 它是排放有毒碳的化石燃料的絕佳替代品。 與其他形式的可再生能源相比,波浪能具有一些優點和缺點。 波浪能比太陽能和風能等其他可再生能源更可預測,後者會因天氣條件而異。 與太陽能和風能不同,波浪能也是全天 24 小時可用的。 然而,波能也有一些缺點。 它是一項新興技術,利用波浪能的技術仍處於起步階段。 它還需要很大的空間,而且利用這種能量所需的設備也很昂貴。 總體而言,波浪能有可能成為可再生能源的重要來源,研究人員正在努力克服它面臨的一些挑戰,以使其成為未來能源生產的更可行選擇。

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1. 為海洋安裝設備供電:波浪能可用於為海洋安裝設備供電,例如用於水下勘探、導航和數據收集的浮標、傳感器和通信系統。 利用波浪能為這些設備提供動力,它們可以不間斷運行並提供持續監控和數據收集。
2. 減少對電池的依賴:許多安裝在海洋上的設備依靠創新的電池技術來儲存和供應能量。 通過使用波浪能,設備可以減少對電池的依賴,因為電池需要昂貴的維護和更換,而且在最需要的時候可能會發生故障。
3. 節約成本:由於設備運輸困難,維護和更換成本高,海上發電明顯更加複雜和昂貴。 海洋能源可以為海上發電提供更具成本效益的解決方案。
總的來說, 波浪能的使用可以通過提供可靠的能源、降低成本、提高效率以及實現更先進的數據收集和探索,使海洋科學家和技術受益。

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目前似乎還沒有公開的消息顯示哪些地區正在使用FMC-TENG。 FMC-TENG是目前處於研發階段的新技術,Pacific Northwest National Laboratory正在進行各種測試和優化, 以確保其在實際應用中的可靠性和有效性。 一旦FMC-TENG被證明是可行和可靠的,它可能會在全球各地有許多不同的應用領域,特別是那些需要在海洋或其他水域環境下使用電力的領域,例如海洋監測,海上交通,公共事業和科學研究等領域。

Q:Wave Line Magne與FMC-TENG.有何差別
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Wave Line Magne與FMC-TENG有一些區別,它們是不同的技術。
Wave Line Magne是一種利用水波能源的發電設備,
它是一根柔性長桿,在水中懸掛並被釣在海底。它具有磁力發電機、高壓和低壓室以及一個水泵。隨著海浪的起伏,長桿彎曲並產生能量,該能量被傳遞給發電機並被轉換為電能。 Wave Line Magne是一種低成本、低維護、長壽命、高效率的新型波動動力發電技術。

而FMC-TENG則是一種利用靜電產生電能的新型發電機, 它是由兩個圓筒組成的,外層圓筒採用人造毛皮塗層,內層採用塗有氟乙烯丙烯(FEP)等材料的電導材料塗層。當內部圓筒自由旋轉相對於外部圓筒時,靜電電荷被產生並被電極收集。 FMC-TENG整個發電過程都是基於靜電的發電原理,而且只能利用水面上震動和運動的波浪能量來引導內部圓筒的旋轉,從而產生電能。
Wave Line Magne和FMC-TENG缺點和優缺點不同,
Wave Line Magne適用於需要在水中進行電力發電的應用場景,

0:00 When it comes to renewable energy, you must have been hearing a lot about wind, solar 0:04 power and of course lithium-Ion batteries. 0:07 Did you know, wave energy is quite a rage among industrialist looking for improved sources 0:12 of sustainable energy? 0:14 I’m not speaking about the Mexican wave here; I’m talking about the waves in the 0:18 ocean and one company is currently making waves on the renewable energy scene with wave 0:22 power. 0:23 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) researchers have now developed a new cylindrical 0:30 triboelectric nanogenerator that is one big powerhouse that will power devices at sea 0:35 by converting the energy from waves into electricity. 0:38 Sounds cool right? 0:40 But before I tell you more, why don’t you click on the notification and subscribe to 0:43 this channel. 0:45 Now let’s get it on. Wave energy, the new carbon free source for renewable energy 0:51 Pacific Northwest National Laboratory is one of the leading research centers for R&D in 0:55 sustainable energy, analytical data, chemical discoveries and Earth science. 1:00 The new cylindrical triboelectric nanogenerator which they like to call FMC-TENG, is one awesome 1:06 baby that is about to redefine the way humans use wave energy. 1:11 Powering devices at sea to collect data will be a no brainer for this new process, and 1:15 besides that, researchers say that larger versions of the generator can also be built 1:20 to power ocean observation and communications systems, including acoustic and satellite 1:25 telemetry. 1:26 It has great potential to improve the process of wave energy and make it even more eco-friendly. Ocean Instrumentation, A billion-dollar industry 1:31 Now wave energy is considered one of the most promising forms of renewable energy. 1:35 It is an amazing alternative to fossil fuel energy that releases all that toxic carbon 1:41 emissions into the atmosphere, it’s really hurting mother earth. 1:45 Humans desperately need to find more and more ways of generating eco-friendly energy or 1:49 else climate change is going to be driving us crazy one day, in fact it already is if 1:54 you ask me. 1:55 Natural resources like heat, wind, solar and now wave energy need to become the in thing, 2:01 the trend of the day. 2:02 Marine scientists use a huge amount of electricity to power up data devices and for sophisticated How Does Wave Energy Work? 2:08 marine technology. 2:09 Ocean instrumentation is quite an important part of life. 2:12 Without such devices, we would never be able to monitor the movements of the oceans, ocean 2:17 currents, tsunamis, water levels and the like. 2:20 You wouldn’t be getting whether updates or when there is a hurricane approaching. 2:24 The problem is that ocean devices lie unattended and depend on battery capacity for data storage, 2:29 and transmission to shore. 2:31 If marine energy were to meet the needs of powering these devices, that would be a godsend. 2:37 Marine energy could provide a huge advantage at-sea power generation including colocation 2:42 with ocean. 2:43 Heck, Marine energy could also be used for generating power to small devices used in 2:47 defence applications too. 2:49 There is world of possibilities and that’s where PNNL’s new generator will make a phenomenal 2:54 impact, now do you see the connection? 2:56 But how exactly will wave energy be harnessed? 3:00 The process is not a complex one and is similar to all processes using the vigorous movement 3:04 or intensity of earth’s natural elements to generate energy. 3:08 Wave energy involves harnessing the energy from the movement of waves by placing electrical 3:13 generators on the surface of the ocean. 3:15 Let’s take a look at how wave energy works. Wave energy is always there, it will never be non-existent 3:18 In the ocean, it is tides that causes waves and that depends on lunar cycles, yes!! 3:22 it’s the moon that determines if you’re going to have a good day or a rough day at 3:26 the beach, unless you’re a pro surfer and love the rough surf. 3:29 The intensity, strength and size of tides, winds, weather, and waves all depend on lunar 3:35 cycles. 3:36 Through movement, waves rolling in the ocean create kinetic energy. 3:39 It is this kinetic energy that can be again converted into electricity and power. 3:45 Waves also move up and down as they roll along the ocean. 3:48 Energy can be harnessed from this up and down movement to power pistons and in turn generators. 3:52 Depending on the lunar cycles, tides, winds, and weather, waves can vary in size and strength. 3:53 As waves roll through the ocean, they create kinetic energy, or movement. 3:54 This movement can be used to power turbines, to create energy that can be converted into 3:55 electricity and power. 3:56 There are also several ways of harnessing wave energy that utilize the up and down motion 3:57 of the waves to power pistons and turn generators. 3:58 Wave energy is also a renewable source of energy and in fact, quite a valuable one at 3:59 that because it is a permanent resource that can never dry up. 4:01 For example, even a lithium-ion battery depends on lithium deposits in the earth but as long 4:07 as the moon moves around the earth and the earth tracks around the sun, waves re gonna 4:11 be there. 4:12 We’re never going to deprive the earth of anything and neither is wave energy going 4:16 to produce deadly carbon emissions like oil and coal. PNNL’s FMC TENG: redefining ocean technology 4:19 Now you know about wave energy so how will PNNL new wave generator take the entire process 4:25 up a notch? 4:26 The PNNL team have designed what they call an FMC-TENG or "frequency-multiplied cylindrical 4:33 triboelectric nanogenerator." 4:35 This is device built to draw power from low frequency waves out in the open ocean. 4:40 There are similar devices that use wave energy like the Cylindrical triboelectric nanogenerators 4:45 or C-TENGs which has been designed for low frequency wave energy harvesting. 4:50 But it has its challenges. 4:52 To operate, a C-TENG needs uniform , low amplitude, and low frequency water waves even in the 4:58 middle of the ocean. 4:59 PNNL’s FMC TENG has been designed to overcome the problems with C-TENGS and depends on the 5:06 same process of what scientists call the triboelectric effect. 5:09 Sounds complex to you? 5:10 Well, to put it in simple language, it’s the same effect that causes static shocks 5:15 after you walk on certain carpets. 5:17 Current theory says this occurs when two dissimilar materials exchange electrons at the molecular 5:22 level, resulting in an electrostatic attraction. 5:25 When two materials are rubbed together, their electrons are efficiently separated before 5:29 they can return home, leaving a charge. How the FMC TENG works 5:32 The FMC-TENG has been designed to look like a cylinder within a cylinder. 5:37 The exterior of the smaller cylinder and the interiors of the larger one has an artificial 5:42 fur coating. 5:43 It is also coated with a Teflon-like material called fluorinated ethylene propylene (FEP). 5:49 These are materials that re selected to optimize the triboelectric effect when rubbed together. 5:54 When the inner cylinder rotates freely relative to the outer cylinder, static electricity 5:59 is generated and collected by electrodes. 6:02 Now as I mentioned before, such machines have been built, but what the PNNL team needed 6:07 was to amplify the output by magnifying the motion between two cylinders. 6:11 It accomplished this by magnetically slowing the inner cylinder's movement, preventing 6:15 it from rotating until it reached the crest of the wave. 6:18 The maximum potential energy at this point then releases the cylinder causing it to roll 6:23 back much faster than usual. 6:25 Thus, the triboelectric effect can be maximised by transforming a single slow-moving wave 6:30 into several faster revolutions between the two cylinders. 6:34 This improved the process increasing output to enable the machine to be more effective 6:38 operate successfully with slower, more uniform waves, such as those found in the open ocean. What makes the FMC-TENG unique 6:44 Now it is this process that makes the TENG more efficient and capable of generating more 6:48 energy from slower moving waves. 6:51 PNNL laboratory fellow Daniel Deng, who has co-authored the research study for the new 6:55 generator says ““The FMC-TENG is unique because there are very few wave energy converters 7:01 that are efficient and able to generate significant power from low-frequency ocean waves.” 7:07 With renewable energy, the FMC-TENG could power integrated buoys with sensor arrays 7:12 to track open ocean water, wind, and climate data. 7:16 For now, the PNNL team aren’t concerned with megawatt devices that will deliver energy 7:21 back to the grid, although the new technology could be blown up to do so. 7:25 The FMC-TENG has been designed specifically to draw power from low-frequency waves out 7:30 in the open ocean. 7:31 It is being projected as a low cost, lightweight and practical power generator for ocean monitoring 7:37 platforms such as satellite communication systems, and ocean sensors. Several sophisticated applications now possible with the FMC-TENG 7:42 The FMC-TENG could also replace the need for cabled power to even more sophisticated marine 7:47 tech like High-definition camera systems, mass spectrometers, environmental sampling 7:52 processors and robotic systems. 7:55 Not only will the new generator help man in being more aware of how the oceans impact 7:59 life, it could save life too with valuable data constantly being fed into systems on 8:04 shore. 8:05 The new generator shows promise to change the oceanic technology scene.

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