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該視頻討論了人工智能對工作的潛在影響,專家表示,人工智能可以取代大約 80% 的現有工作。 專家認為,人工智能是一種好處而不是威脅,一旦人們不再需要為謀生而工作,他們將不得不尋找更多有成就感的事情去做。 一個聊天機器人能夠提供一份清單,列出 20 個它可能取代的工作,包括客戶服務、校對員、律師助理、撰稿人、市場研究分析師,甚至記者。 該視頻最後提出了一個問題,即如果所有工作最終都被 AI 接管,人類將做什麼。

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AI 聊天機器人被問及可能被AI取代的工作列表, 列出了大約20種工作, 包括客服、校對人員、律師助理、文案撰寫人員、市場研究分析師,甚至包括記者在內的一些工作。 然而,這並不是一個詳盡的、窮盡所有可能被取代的工作的清單。 AI 對許多工作的影響及準確性仍是有爭議和不確定的話題。

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1. 製造業:AI技術可以應用在智能化機器人和自動化生產線上,可以提高生產效率和品質,並降低成本。r> 2. 零售業:AI技術可以應用在智能化售貨機和智能化庫存管理系統上,可以提高銷售效率和客戶服務質量。
3. 金融業:AI技術可以應用在智能化風險管理和交易分析系統上,可以提高銀行的審批效率和風險管理能力。
4. 醫療保健:AI技術可以應用在醫療圖像分析、疾病預測和治療推薦等方面,可以提高醫療保健的效率和質量。
5. 交通運輸業:AI技術可以應用在自動駕駛汽車和智能交通管理系統上,可以提高交通安全和交通流量效率。
6. 教育業:AI技術可以應用在智能化教育平台和智能化教育評估系統上,可以提高教學效果和學習質量。
雖然AI技術的應用可以提高效率並創造新的商業機會,但也會帶來一些可能的負面影響,例如失業和隱私問題。 因此,應該積極探索和規劃AI技術的應用,同時與相關方面合作解決可能出現的問題。

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but since the beginning of artificial intelligence the biggest question that's been dominating the discourse is Will artificial intelligence make humans replaceable and if this happens then what kind of jobs will be the ones that will go first now according to an expert on artificial intelligence AI could replace nearly about 80 percent of all jobs that we know that exist the researcher Ben godzill has said that AI is not a threat but a benefit as people will have to find better things to do with their life than work for a living that is if you can afford and already have a lot of money it's also added that pretty much every kind of work is now going to be taken up by AI negotel was speaking to a news agency AFP where he detailed the developments in the field of AI when the AI chatbot GPT was asked to give a potential list of jobs which it could replace it provided nearly about 20 jobs just off the back of its hand which included stuffs at his customer service such as proofreaders paralegal copywriters market research analysts and also to a very large extent most journalists now in summary AI is proving to be the latest tool in the race for human efficiency the human efficiency which may be productive or destructive much like the atomic power artificial intelligence is likely to be an inflection point in human history but the question of course is this if AI takes all the jobs then what will humans of course do [Music]

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