該視頻討論了每個人都必須知道的 10 大最可怕的未來技術趨勢。技術的進步為創新和進步提供了巨大的潛力,但它們也帶來了需要適當監管的道德和社會影響。十大趨勢包括:自主武器、監視和跟踪、無人駕駛汽車、大數據、虛擬現實、增強現實、生物技術、腦機接口、基因編輯和量子計算。

0:00 10 scariest future Tech Trends everyone 0:02 must know right now the rapid pace of 0:05 technological advancement has led to a 0:07 world of infinite possibilities 0:09 from artificial intelligence to 0:11 biotechnology the future seems to hold 0:13 endless potential for Innovation and 0:15 progress however with these advancements 0:18 come ethical and societal implications 0:20 that cannot be ignored 0:22 autonomous weapons surveillance 0:24 technology and brain computer interfaces 0:26 are just a few examples of potential 0:28 technologies that could have disastrous 0:30 consequences if not properly regulated 0:33 here we will explain the 10 scariest 0:36 future Tech Trends everyone must know 0:37 right now so let's start with number 10 0:40 autonomous weapons autonomous weapons 0:43 have ignited a debate about the 0:44 implications of using artificial 0:45 intelligence or military operations by 0:48 removing the human factor from Warfare 0:50 technology has given us an unprecedented 0:52 level of precision and accuracy perhaps 0:55 even necessary in principle to reduce 0:57 casualties and limit collateral damage 1:00 however opponents point out that if this 1:03 technology were to fall in the wrong 1:04 hands it could spell disaster 1:07 the ongoing conversation will no doubt 1:09 continue to evolve as Humanity continues 1:11 to coexist with increasingly 1:13 sophisticated autonomous systems in the 1:15 meantime there will certainly be some 1:17 interesting developments in this complex 1:19 field as more countries and 1:21 organizations explore the full potential 1:23 of AI driven weapons 1:24 number nine surveillance and tracking in 1:28 recent years we have seen a massive 1:30 shift towards the usage of surveillance 1:31 and tracking technologies that have 1:33 enabled governments corporations and 1:35 other groups to keep an eye on people's 1:37 movements activities and Communications 1:39 like never before 1:40 governments have used big data analytics 1:43 to identify potential threats and 1:45 predict military operations while 1:46 companies gather information to tailor 1:48 their services better but as convenient 1:51 as these practices may be they also 1:53 raise lots of questions about privacy 1:55 and security are we really comfortable 1:57 with being monitored constantly will our 1:59 private activities remain confidential 2:01 or will they be subject to abuse 2:03 everyone must decide for themselves 2:05 where they draw the line between 2:06 convenience and risk 2:09 number eight driverless cars driverless 2:12 cars are a key part of the modern 2:13 landscape and are revolutionizing 2:15 Transportation powered by artificial 2:18 intelligence these vehicles can safely 2:20 maneuver through complex traffic 2:21 situations without a human driver 2:24 companies such as waymo aim to make 2:26 driverless travel common in our daily 2:28 lives providing a service that is 2:30 simultaneously more efficient and 2:32 convenient than ever before 2:34 the capacity for driverless cars to 2:36 reduce pollution ensure safety on the 2:38 road and even provide flush amenities 2:40 such as onboard entertainment options 2:43 make them an attractive alternative to 2:45 traditional means of transportation with 2:47 the continued development of this 2:49 technology and its widespread adoption 2:51 it is safe to say that driverless cars 2:54 will become an essential part of our 2:55 daily lives in the near future 2:58 number seven Big Data between devices 3:01 that monitor our daily activities and 3:03 apps that track who interacts with us 3:05 it's no secret that the amount of data 3:07 being collected on us is staggering this 3:10 phenomenon known as Big Data is enabling 3:12 businesses researchers and governments 3:14 to build an entirely new understanding 3:16 of human behavior it's almost like a 3:19 tool for creating a socio-cultural 3:21 portrait of humanity 3:23 the implications of Big Data are 3:25 far-reaching it can help business Target 3:27 customers more accurately Healthcare 3:29 Providers personalize treatments more 3:31 effectively and scientists conduct 3:33 research on an unprecedented level 3:36 excitingly this technology has the 3:38 potential to revolutionize the way we 3:40 perceive and interact with the world 3:41 around us 3:43 number six virtual reality virtual 3:46 reality allows us to immerse ourselves 3:48 in a completely new world playing up 3:50 scenarios that we may never face in our 3:52 daily lives whether it's simulating an 3:54 ancient Battlefield exploring the depths 3:56 of outer space or simply enjoying a 3:58 tropical beach holiday without leaving 4:00 home virtual reality can do it all 4:04 perhaps most excitingly experimenting 4:06 with virtual reality gives us the chance 4:08 to experience what life is like when the 4:10 impossible isn't 4:12 nothing but imagination is limiting us 4:14 from creating and exploring whichever 4:16 landscape suits our fancy 4:18 with its incredible ability to transport 4:20 us elsewhere virtual reality technology 4:23 has generated a real Buzz in the tech 4:25 world and we can't wait to find out what 4:27 comes next 4:29 number five augmented reality 4:32 augmented reality versus AR is 4:34 revolutionizing the way we live work and 4:36 play by quickly becoming an integral 4:38 part of our everyday lives AR combines 4:41 virtual reality technology with the 4:43 physical world to create an immersive 4:45 experience like no other 4:47 from shopping apps that allow you to 4:49 virtually try on clothes before you buy 4:51 them to help your apps that give doctors 4:54 a full view of their patients medical 4:56 history the possibilities are endless 4:58 not only does it make complex tasks 5:00 easier and faster but it can also be an 5:03 educational tool giving us a new view of 5:05 our world or increasing access to 5:07 cultural experiences like never before 5:09 AR is thrilling and empowering opening 5:12 up a world of Limitless potential for 5:14 exploration Discovery and innovation 5:17 number four biotechnology 5:20 even with the numerous possibilities of 5:22 biotechnology there is also immense 5:24 responsibility for its use 5:26 biotechnology has the potential to 5:28 revolutionize medicine and other 5:29 scientific Fields it can even be used to 5:32 prolong life 5:33 but it could also lead to unethical 5:35 decisions such as genetic engineering 5:37 and creating designer babies which could 5:39 have disastrous consequences 5:41 additionally with the immense power of 5:44 modern biotech comes a heightened risk 5:46 of creating new diseases without meaning 5:48 to 5:49 scientists must be aware of this highly 5:51 sensitive nature when advancing 5:53 biotechnology and take extreme care in 5:55 using any discoveries for the betterment 5:58 of the society rather than abuse number 6:00 three cyber warfare with the advancement 6:03 of Technology individuals and Nations 6:05 alike have become increasingly 6:07 vulnerable to cyber attacks cyber 6:09 warfare is a sophisticated and dangerous 6:11 form of attack that has long lasting 6:13 implications for the targeted individual 6:15 or Nation 6:17 the ability to access networks remotely 6:19 and infiltrate in others systems has 6:21 made this form of warfare and alarming 6:23 reality in the modern world those 6:25 engaging in such activities can easily 6:28 and silently carry out malicious hacking 6:30 operations without ever leaving their 6:32 desk 6:33 cyber warfare one of the most intricate 6:35 weapons available today 6:37 No One Is Safe from these threats which 6:40 is why we must take every opportunity to 6:42 fortify our defenses and protect 6:44 ourselves against somber criminals only 6:47 if we remain alert informed and Vigilant 6:49 can we hope to ward off these attacks 6:51 and keep our networks secure 6:54 number two nanotechnology the 6:57 possibilities of nanotechnology are near 6:59 Limitless with developments that could 7:02 create indestructible materials alter 7:04 existing materials to improve their 7:05 properties and Beyond but as we continue 7:08 to investigate the use and practical 7:10 applications of nanotechnology it is 7:12 important to remember the potential for 7:14 these Innovations to wreck havoc on the 7:16 environment or cause health issues 7:19 consequently steps must be taken to 7:21 regulate nanomaterials and better assess 7:24 their effects doing so will help ensure 7:26 that nanotechnology can contribute 7:28 positively to our lives rather than 7:30 having a negative impact 7:32 number one Quantum Computing Quantum 7:35 Computing has the potential to 7:36 revolutionize the world of computing in 7:38 ways that we can only begin to imagine 7:40 with virtually Limitless processing 7:42 power it could open up new possibilities 7:45 in research artificial intelligence and 7:47 other technology 7:48 however this newly emerging technology 7:51 has a dark side as well current 7:53 encryption methods may not be able to 7:54 keep up with the potential of quantum 7:56 computers if security measures like RSA 7:59 encryption they can obsolete personal 8:01 data may not be secure anymore and there 8:04 could be serious implications for 8:05 countless Industries around the world 8:07 the development of quantum Computing is 8:09 both an exciting opportunity and a 8:11 terrifying challenge all at once and 8:13 scientists are racing to build systems 8:15 that bridge these two sides of this 8:17 revolutionary technology 8:19 as we can see the use of artificial 8:21 intelligence poses both exciting and 8:23 concerning implications that cannot be 8:25 taken lightly it is clear that AI will 8:28 continue to shape our future and it is 8:30 our responsibility to ensure that its 8:32 users are beneficial to society we must 8:34 Embrace its promise while vigilantly 8:36 examining its costs and risks such as 8:38 those pertaining to autonomous weapons 8:40 surveillance and fracking driverless 8:42 cars fake data virtual reality and 8:45 augmented reality with ethical 8:47 considerations in mind and a 8:49 well-thought-out implementation strategy 8:50 in place AI will certainly be an 8:52 integral technology to propel us into 8:55 the future 8:56 if you enjoyed this video don't forget 8:58 to hit the like And subscribe buttons 9:00 and the notification Bell icon to get 9:02 notified with new videos are uploaded 9:03 from this Channel please share your

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