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討論了五種潛在的可再生能源。 潮汐能、核廢料、太陽能窗、天基太陽能和氫氣罐都是提供可持續能源的可能性。 還提到了地熱能和人力。 潮汐能仍處於起步階段,但韓國擁有最大的設施,美國、俄羅斯、加拿大、法國、英國和中國都有潛在的地點。 核廢料分為低、中、高放射性,高放射性廢物佔總廢物的比例很小,但佔放射性的大部分。廢核燃料可以回收以生產新燃料。 太陽能電池板可以是透明的並且可以模仿玻璃,從而可以收集不可見的光譜。 天基太陽能的生產是在軌道上收集太陽能,以克服地面可再生能源不穩定的特性。水電解產生的氫氣可以以不同的方式用作燃料,包括用於為車輛提供動力的燃料電池。 地熱能可以從加熱的岩石和地下含水層中產生。 最後,人力可以通過體熱和肌肉力量提供能量。

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天基太陽能有可能提供清潔的基本負荷能源,這種能源可以連續使用,並且比傳統的可再生能源佔用更少的土地。 它旨在收集軌道上的太陽能並將其發射到地球,這可以克服陸地可再生能源不穩定的特性。 。

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核廢料是核反應的副產品,例如發生在核電站中的反應。 這種廢物具有放射性,這意味著它會發出電離輻射,這可能對人類健康和環境有害。 不同類型的核廢料根據其放射性水平分為:低、中和高放射性廢物。 高放廢物佔產生的廢物總量的一小部分,卻產生了大部分放射性。 當不能再用於發電的廢核燃料從核反應堆中移除時,就會產生這種情況。 這種乏燃料含有鈾和其他放射性元素,它們會持續衰變並發出輻射數千年。 高放核廢料的處置是一個具有挑戰性和爭議性的問題,因為它需要安全可靠地儲存極長時間,以避免對人或環境造成傷害。

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太陽能窗是特殊種類的太陽玻璃,能夠讓可見光進入房間,同時轉換不可見光譜(如紫外線和紅外線)為可持續的電能。 它們運作的原理和普通太陽板相似,利用太陽能發電。當太陽光照在太陽能窗上時,光被吸收並轉換為電能。 這些窗戶可以被用於建築物的任何部分, 例如牆壁、屋頂或天花板。 這些窗戶可以直接鏈接到電網,並向建築物供應電能,同時減少建築物的能源消耗,實現節能的效果。 值得一提的是,2014年,密歇根州立大學的科學家創造出第一個完全透明的太陽能窗,因此未來太陽能窗的應用前景非常廣闊。

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尚未有大面積使用太陽能窗的區域,因為太陽能窗技術仍在發展中。 不過,全球許多建築都已經開始安裝太陽能薄膜,這些薄膜在房屋的玻璃上工作,可以為建築物提供多種好處。 其中,太陽能薄膜最廣泛的應用是防護太陽和節約能源。 一些城市的市政府或其他政府機構已經採用了太陽能薄膜,以減少能源消耗和碳排放。

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明或半透明的塑料薄膜。這種膜可以在玻璃窗上使用,以最大限度地利用自然光線,同時還可以降低室內溫度。 太陽能薄膜比太陽能窗更容易安裝和更便宜,因為這些膜可以貼在現有的窗戶上。這種薄膜適合用於商業建築,辦公室,學校和家庭等多種應用場景中。

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- 外觀美觀,與普通玻璃窗相似。

- 可以提供良好的視野,並減少室內溫度。 - 由於嵌入式太陽能電池,因此可以生成更多的電力。br> - 適合高端商業建築和奢華住宅等高端建築。 太陽能窗的缺點包括:
- 造價較貴,因為要嵌入太陽能電池。
- 由於其較厚的玻璃,所以重量也較大。
- 安裝較為困難,需要專業技術。

- 成本較低,相比太陽能窗更加具有經濟實用性。
- 易於安裝,可以貼在現有的窗戶上。
- 可以降低室內溫度,也可以提供保護隱私的功能。
- 適合用於商業建築,辦公室,學校和家庭等多種應用場景。
- 其薄膜的效率較低,因此無法生成更多的電能。
- 相對而言其耐用性較差,因為薄膜容易被刮傷和磨損,需要經常更換。

0:00 number 10 tidal power tidal energy is a 0:04 renewable source of power generated by 0:07 the tidal movements and ocean currents 0:09 that occur naturally these Technologies 0:11 include paddles and turbines among 0:14 others the rush of ocean waters during 0:16 the tide changes is what generates tidal 0:19 energy production of tidal energy is 0:21 still in its infancy thus yet not much 0:24 power has been generated there aren't 0:27 many commercial scale tidal power 0:29 facilities in operation worldwide the 0:32 first was Francis Lawrence the siwa lake 0:35 title power plant in South Korea is the 0:38 largest facility there are a few places 0:40 in the United States where tidal energy 0:43 could be produced at a competitive price 0:45 and no tidal plants Russia Canada France 0:49 England and China have the most 0:51 potential for using this kind of energy 0:54 nevertheless it is still a good 0:56 candidate for a renewable source of 0:59 energy 1:00 number nine nuclear waste the 1:02 utilization of nuclear energy generates 1:05 waste products like all other Industries 1:08 and energy generating Technologies 1:10 radioactivity levels are used to 1:13 categorize nuclear waste into three 1:15 categories low intermediate and high 1:18 level vary lightly contaminated objects 1:21 such tools and workloads make up the 1:24 vast majority of the waste ninety 1:27 percent of the entire volume which only 1:29 has one percent of the overall 1:31 radioactivity high level waste which is 1:34 primarily made up of used nuclear fuel 1:37 also known as spent fuel that has been 1:39 classified as waste from nuclear 1:42 reactions makes up just three percent of 1:44 the overall volume of garbage but 1:46 includes 95 percent of the radioactivity 1:49 it is possible to recycle used nuclear 1:53 fuel to produce fresh Fuel and 1:55 byproducts even after five years of 1:57 operation in a reactor the fuel still 2:00 contains more than 90 percent of its 2:02 potential energy the United States 2:04 currently does not recycle spent nuclear 2:07 fuel while other nations like France do 2:10 number eight solar Windows solar panels 2:14 that are transparent mimic clear glass 2:16 and let light in like ordinary Windows 2:19 yet they are made of a special kind of 2:21 solar glass that converts invisible to 2:24 the human eye light like ultraviolet and 2:27 infrared into sustainable electricity in 2:30 2014 scientists at Michigan State 2:33 University created the first solar panel 2:36 that is completely transparent while 2:39 functioning like solar panels and 2:40 producing electricity from the Sun solar 2:43 Windows have the appearance of 2:45 conventional glass windows the MSU team 2:48 predicts that solar windows and 2:50 Associated transparent Solar 2:52 Technologies will be able to meet about 2:54 40 percent of the country's energy needs 2:57 this might increase to nearly 100 3:00 percent when combined with rooftop solar 3:02 panels number seven 3:04 space-based solar power the idea behind 3:08 space-based solar power is to collect 3:11 solar energy in orbit and beam it to 3:13 Earth overcoming the erratic nature of 3:15 terrestrial renewable energy it provides 3:18 clean base load energy that is available 3:21 continuously and uses a lot less land 3:24 than traditional Renewables as a 3:26 component of a variety of Energy 3:28 Technologies it might Supply a sizable 3:31 portion of the UK's future energy 3:33 requirements many countries have 3:35 advanced solar power satellite Concepts 3:37 and an independent assessment conducted 3:40 by the UK government has proven the 3:42 concept's engineering viability number 3:44 six hydrogen tank another type of 3:47 chemical energy storage involves the 3:49 conversion of electrical power into 3:52 hydrogen the gas can then be used as 3:55 fuel in a combustion engine or a fuel 3:58 cell to release this energy g once more 4:00 the electrolysis of water is a 4:03 straightforward procedure that may be 4:05 carried out with relatively high 4:07 efficiency provided affordable power is 4:09 available to make hydrogen from energy 4:12 hydrogen may be utilized to heat our 4:15 homes and places of business in addition 4:17 to powering vehicles and producing 4:20 electricity to reach Net Zero it will be 4:22 crucial to reduce our carbon emissions 4:25 significantly number five geothermal 4:28 heat from lava the heat generated at the 4:31 earth's core is known as geothermal 4:34 energy geothermal energy can be used to 4:37 generate heat and electricity it is a 4:40 clean renewable resource it is a 4:42 resource that may be gathered for human 4:44 use and is renewable nearby rocks and 4:47 subsurface aquifers are heated by magma 4:50 geysers Hot Springs steam vents undersea 4:54 hydrothermal vents are among ways that 4:56 hot water can be released all of these 4:59 can be a geothermal energy source the 5:02 steam can be used to produce power or 5:04 their heat can be caught and used 5:06 directly for heating geothermal energy 5:09 can be utilized to warm up surfaces like 5:12 sidewalks parking lots and buildings 5:14 number four human power a universal 5:18 source of power is human power humans 5:21 provide body heat particularly during 5:23 activity muscle strength which can be 5:26 transformed into mechanical energy or 5:28 electricity and human waste which can be 5:31 converted to biogas and fertilizer on a 5:34 sunny day a person can produce at least 5:36 as much energy as a 1m2 solar panel 5:40 human power is always available 5:42 regardless of the Season or time of day 5:45 unlike solar and wind energy energy 5:47 storage is not really needed human power 5:50 can be a clean energy source in contrast 5:54 to fossil fuels human power in contrast 5:57 to all other power sources grows as the 6:00 human population does if we produce our 6:03 own energy we will first determine how 6:06 much energy we truly require 6:08 number three flying wind farms high 6:12 altitude winds are predicted to be able 6:15 to supply 100 times more energy than is 6:18 currently required to power the entire 6:20 planet the only issue is knowing just 6:23 how to access that renewable resource 6:26 Engineers are coming up with some pretty 6:28 inventive ways to use high altitude wind 6:31 power from kite mounted to floating wind 6:34 turbines because of the higher wind 6:36 speeds that can be captured at higher 6:39 altitudes harnessing wind energy is 6:41 appealing the jet streams which are 6:43 located 4 to 10 miles above the surface 6:46 are home to the strongest winds in the 6:49 globe at this altitude the wind 6:51 frequently blows at 100 miles per hour 6:54 number two biofuels one of the best 6:57 energy sources out there is biofuels 7:00 liquid fuels and blending ingredients 7:03 made from biomass resources known as 7:05 feedstocks are referred to as biofuels 7:08 the majority of biofuels are used as 7:11 motor fuels they can also be utilized to 7:14 generate heat and power government 7:16 programs that encourage or mandate the 7:19 use of biofuels May accept the use of 7:22 gaseous fuels made from biomass that are 7:25 utilized directly as a gas or 7:27 transformed into liquid fuels the 7:30 government policies and programs that 7:32 encourage and or mandate the use of 7:34 biofuels are mostly to blame for the 7:37 rise these policies and programs aim to 7:40 decrease the use of fossil fuel-based 7:43 Transportation fuels number one nuclear 7:47 fusion and at the top of our list is 7:50 nuclear fusion what makes it so great in 7:53 nuclear fusion Light Elements like 7:55 hydrogen are fused together to create 7:57 heavier Elements which results in a 8:00 massive release of energy the process 8:02 which creates the heat and light of the 8:04 Sun and other stars has been praised for 8:07 its enormous potential as a clean 8:09 renewable energy source the process 8:11 which creates the heat and light of the 8:14 Sun and other stars has been praised for 8:17 its enormous potential as a clean 8:19 renewable energy source nuclear fusion 8:22 is anticipated to be a far more 8:24 advantageous energy source than fission 8:27 they include adequate fuel supply 8:29 improved safety and lower operational 8:32 radioactivity and high-level nuclear 8:34 waste however it has shown to be 8:37 challenging to achieve the required mix 8:39 of temperature pressure and duration in 8:42 an efficient and practical way and 8:45 that's it for the video which of these 8:47 do you think will dominate the energy 8:49 industry in the future let us know what 8:51 you think in the comments below if you 8:53 enjoyed this video make sure you give it 8:55 a big Thumbs Up And subscribe to the 8:57 channel for more content thanks for 8:59 watching and I'll see you in the next 9:01 one

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